American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
A couple that have earned the Darwin Award.

A thread that has earned the illiteracy award.

Once AGAIN Tajikistan is not "ISIS territory". The OP lied. The title of his link doesn't even say that.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

I think it's safe to say that there's certain places in Tajikistan you dont want to ride your bike, and theres certain places in the US you probably dont want to ride your bike either.

Actually, I can tell you where one of those areas in the USA is. In the summer of 1994, I decided to ride a bicycle from Jacksonville FL, all the way up the east coast to Newport RI. Took me about 12 days to do.

Anyway, coming through Atlantic City NJ, I rode up the boardwalk and kept riding north, not realizing that Atlantic City was on an island. Well, the further north I went, the worse the buildings got until I ended up at a dead end with a bus stop. Now, this was about 1500 in the afternoon when I was riding, and there were groups of people on streetcorners looking at me like a pride of lions looks at a gazelle. I saw a bus stopped at the bus stop and asked the driver how the hell I got off the island so I could keep going north. He told me that I had to backtrack about a mile to a bridge, cross over, and I would be back on the mainland.

He then told me that I should ride out of there as fast as I could, and shouldn't stop for any stop signs or lights unless I absolutely had to because the area I was in was a really dangerous one. Even in the middle of the afternoon with the sun up.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

I think it's safe to say that there's certain places in Tajikistan you dont want to ride your bike, and theres certain places in the US you probably dont want to ride your bike either.

Actually, I can tell you where one of those areas in the USA is. In the summer of 1994, I decided to ride a bicycle from Jacksonville FL, all the way up the east coast to Newport RI. Took me about 12 days to do.

Anyway, coming through Atlantic City NJ, I rode up the boardwalk and kept riding north, not realizing that Atlantic City was on an island. Well, the further north I went, the worse the buildings got until I ended up at a dead end with a bus stop. Now, this was about 1500 in the afternoon when I was riding, and there were groups of people on streetcorners looking at me like a pride of lions looks at a gazelle. I saw a bus stopped at the bus stop and asked the driver how the hell I got off the island so I could keep going north. He told me that I had to backtrack about a mile to a bridge, cross over, and I would be back on the mainland.

He then told me that I should ride out of there as fast as I could, and shouldn't stop for any stop signs or lights unless I absolutely had to because the area I was in was a really dangerous one. Even in the middle of the afternoon with the sun up.

Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole. We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.

I seem to recall somebody else went there too, built some casinos and lost his shirt.... wonder why the same message board wags aren't wagging on him... :eusa_think:
Actually, I can tell you where one of those areas in the USA is. In the summer of 1994, I decided to ride a bicycle from Jacksonville FL, all the way up the east coast to Newport RI. Took me about 12 days to do.
A. That is a cool story (and no - I’m not being sarcastic)

B. What in the world possessed you to do something that insane? I literally wouldn’t attempt to bicycle to the next closest city. I can’t even imagine attempting to bicycle through half a dozen states.
Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole.
Snowflake, every city run by the left is a 3rd world shit-hole. Hilarious that you’re dumb enough to still support that failed ideology.
We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.
Here’s the thing sparky...had ABS arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode his bike into that area of Atlantic City to prove it, those people of Tajikistan in your hypothetical scenario would be spot on. But that’s not what happened. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the heart of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic ideology.
Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole.
Snowflake, every city run by the left is a 3rd world shit-hole. Hilarious that you’re dumb enough to still support that failed ideology.

Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right". There ain't a damn thing "left" or "right" about deciding which neighborhood gets its garbage collected on Tuesday or when it's time to run the snowplows. That's just everyday mundane management. For most of the time there have been cities, and in many still, people ran/run for those elections without any political party at all. Because it's not relevant at that level.


We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.

Here’s the thing sparky...had ABS arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode his bike into that area of Atlantic City to prove it, those people of Tajikistan in your hypothetical scenario would be spot on. But that’s not what happened. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the heart of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic ideology.

Here's the thing turdball.... had the couple in this story arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode their bike into "ISIS territory" to prove it, there might have been a legitimate thread here. But that's not at all what happened. The OP blatantly lied about that and you bought it hook like and stinker because you're a DUMBASS. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the truth of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic fake-news fetish. Because you're a DUMBASS.
Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole.
Snowflake, every city run by the left is a 3rd world shit-hole. Hilarious that you’re dumb enough to still support that failed ideology.

Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right". There ain't a damn thing "left" or "right" about deciding which neighborhood gets its garbage collected on Tuesday or when it's time to run the snowplows. That's just everyday mundane management. For most of the time there have been cities, and in many still, people ran/run for those elections without any political party at all. Because it's not relevant at that level.


We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.

Here’s the thing sparky...had ABS arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode his bike into that area of Atlantic City to prove it, those people of Tajikistan in your hypothetical scenario would be spot on. But that’s not what happened. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the heart of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic ideology.

Here's the thing turdball.... had the couple in this story arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode their bike into "ISIS territory" to prove it, there might have been a legitimate thread here. But that's not at all what happened. The OP blatantly lied about that and you bought it hook like and stinker because you're a DUMBASS. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the truth of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic fake-news fetish. Because you're a DUMBASS.
Hey Einstein, feel free to pedal through Tajikistan. You. You do it and post about your experience.
Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right".
Bwahahaha!!!!! :lmao:

Here he goes again, folks. Homo is going to try to deny that politics and ideology don’t exist beneath the federal level (because looking at individual cities proves that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology).

Guess what, homo? Every city has a city council. And every member of that council runs on a platform (the overwhelming of which as the traditional Republican or Dumbocrat). There isn’t a single city in America that isn’t run by “the left” or “the right”.
There ain't a damn thing "left" or "right" about deciding which neighborhood gets its garbage collected on Tuesday or when it's time to run the snowplows. That's just everyday mundane management.
And none of those items impact success or failure. Poverty or prosperity. But you know what does?

The property taxes imposed on the citizens of said city. The salaries and pensions of those running the snowplows of said city. The left-wing tolerance (and in some cases - outright support) for serious crime. That’s why left-wing cities like Detroit were run into the ground and forced to declare bankruptcy. That was after 60 years of a Dumbocrat Mayor and 60 years of a Dumbocrat-controlled city council.

I knew you were ignorant - but I didn’t realize it was this bad. You actually think a city just plows and “collects garbage” (which is extra hilarious as that hasn’t been the case in most cities since the 1970’s - garbage collection is largely privatized now).
Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right".
Bwahahaha!!!!! :lmao:

Here he goes again, folks. Homo is going to try to deny that politics and ideology don’t exist beneath the federal level (because looking at individual cities proves that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology).

Guess what, homo? Every city has a city council. And every member of that council runs on a platform (the overwhelming of which as the traditional Republican or Dumbocrat). There isn’t a single city in America that isn’t run by “the left” or “the right”.

Whelp, since you're too stupid to look it up for yourself, these cities have nonpartisan elections for their administrations (ranked by population):
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Phoenix
  • San Antonio
  • Dallas
  • San Diego
  • San José
  • Detroit
  • San Francisco
  • Jacksonville
  • Austin
  • Columbus
  • Fort Worth
  • Memphis
  • Boston
  • El Paso
  • Milwaukee
  • Denver
  • Seattle
  • Nashville
  • Lost Wages
  • Portland (OR)
Stop me when you've heard of one of these, DUMBASS.

Look, I know it taxes your pea-sized brain to work outside of juvenile Composition Fallacies where you get to play with your childish little dichotomy dolls and blame everything on the bad man in the black hat but life just doesn't fucking work that way.


(/completely off the topic to humor a fucking DUMBASS)
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Really? We on the left know full well that evil, despicable evil, exists in this world and even in this nation. We just saw our President incarcerate little children to be used as a bargaining chip for his wall. An evil man doing evil things at the head of our nation. Time to remove that evil.
Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right".
Bwahahaha!!!!! :lmao:

Here he goes again, folks. Homo is going to try to deny that politics and ideology don’t exist beneath the federal level (because looking at individual cities proves that the left-wing ideology is a failed ideology).

Guess what, homo? Every city has a city council. And every member of that council runs on a platform (the overwhelming of which as the traditional Republican or Dumbocrat). There isn’t a single city in America that isn’t run by “the left” or “the right”.

Whelp, since you're too stupid to look it up for yourself, these cities have nonpartisan elections for their administrations (ranked by population):
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago
  • Phoenix
  • San Antonio
  • Dallas
  • San Diego
  • San José
  • Detroit
  • San Francisco
  • Jacksonville
  • Austin
  • Columbus
  • Fort Worth
  • Memphis
  • Boston
  • El Paso
  • Milwaukee
  • Denver
  • Seattle
  • Nashville
  • Lost Wages
  • Portland (OR)
Stop me when you've heard of one of these, DUMBASS.

Look, I know it taxes your pea-sized brain to work outside of juvenile Composition Fallacies where you get to play with your childish little dichotomy dolls and blame everything on the bad man in the black hat but life just doesn't fucking work that way.


Nice purse swing cupcake.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Really? We on the left know full well that evil, despicable evil, exists in this world and even in this nation. We just saw our President incarcerate little children to be used as a bargaining chip for his wall. An evil man doing evil things at the head of our nation. Time to remove that evil.
DACA is his hole card.

We'll see how much the Losers really care about illegals.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.

I imagine if they ever posted here on U.S.messageboard, they would be the ones telling us we don't need guns because they had never been a victim of violent crime.....
Dumb ass, this liberal has used a gun in self defense, and would use one again under the same circumstances. The difference between you and me, is that I did not and would not get a thrill out of such a necessary action. Yes, there are circumstances under which one has to defend oneself. But you don't need a weapon of war to do that. A hunting rifle or shotgun is adequate for that.
Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole.
Snowflake, every city run by the left is a 3rd world shit-hole. Hilarious that you’re dumb enough to still support that failed ideology.

Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right". There ain't a damn thing "left" or "right" about deciding which neighborhood gets its garbage collected on Tuesday or when it's time to run the snowplows. That's just everyday mundane management. For most of the time there have been cities, and in many still, people ran/run for those elections without any political party at all. Because it's not relevant at that level.


We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.

Here’s the thing sparky...had ABS arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode his bike into that area of Atlantic City to prove it, those people of Tajikistan in your hypothetical scenario would be spot on. But that’s not what happened. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the heart of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic ideology.

Here's the thing turdball.... had the couple in this story arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode their bike into "ISIS territory" to prove it, there might have been a legitimate thread here. But that's not at all what happened. The OP blatantly lied about that and you bought it hook like and stinker because you're a DUMBASS. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the truth of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic fake-news fetish. Because you're a DUMBASS.
Hey Einstein, feel free to pedal through Tajikistan. You. You do it and post about your experience.

Don't need to. I've got the oldest mountains in the world all around me and I just got back from hiking them. But if you'd like to bike through the 'rooftop of the world' in Tajikistan there's an agency coordinating all that, referred to in my link in post 417. They're still doing so, seeing no reason not to.

You have to accept the fact that the OP deliberately lied setting up this thread --- matter of fact he just opened another lying thread unrelated, five minutes ago --- and you bought it without checking its veracity. Whelp --- this is where his bike path goes.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Really? We on the left know full well that evil, despicable evil, exists in this world and even in this nation. We just saw our President incarcerate little children to be used as a bargaining chip for his wall. An evil man doing evil things at the head of our nation. Time to remove that evil.
DACA is his hole card.

We'll see how much the Losers really care about illegals.
Better do that quick. Jan19, Democratic Congress, Democratic Senate. President Pence, a toothless President until his overwhelming defeat in 2020.
Yeah Atlantic City's a shithole.
Snowflake, every city run by the left is a 3rd world shit-hole. Hilarious that you’re dumb enough to still support that failed ideology.

Here's old news for the zombified, Buttsoiler --- cities are not run by "the left" or "the right". There ain't a damn thing "left" or "right" about deciding which neighborhood gets its garbage collected on Tuesday or when it's time to run the snowplows. That's just everyday mundane management. For most of the time there have been cities, and in many still, people ran/run for those elections without any political party at all. Because it's not relevant at that level.


We call it Atlantic Shitty. But just think, if you'd met with ill fate there could have been uninformed wags on message boards in Tajikistan musing about how you had it coming because of your poor judgment going there.

Here’s the thing sparky...had ABS arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode his bike into that area of Atlantic City to prove it, those people of Tajikistan in your hypothetical scenario would be spot on. But that’s not what happened. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the heart of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic ideology.

Here's the thing turdball.... had the couple in this story arrogantly declared “evil doesn’t exist” and then intentionally rode their bike into "ISIS territory" to prove it, there might have been a legitimate thread here. But that's not at all what happened. The OP blatantly lied about that and you bought it hook like and stinker because you're a DUMBASS. As usual, you disingenuously avoid the truth of the matter in a desperate and pathetic attempt to support your idiotic fake-news fetish. Because you're a DUMBASS.
Hey Einstein, feel free to pedal through Tajikistan. You. You do it and post about your experience.

Don't need to. I've got the oldest mountains in the world all around me and I just got back from hiking them. But if you'd like to bike through the 'rooftop of the world' in Tajikistan there's an agency coordinating all that, referred to in my link in post 417. They're still doing so, seeing no reason not to.

You have to accept the fact that the OP deliberately lied setting up this thread --- matter of fact he just opened another lying thread unrelated --- and you bought it without checking its veracity. Whelp --- this is where his bike path goes.
I see you recommending others do it, that it's perfectly safe for them. I hear those Tajis love them some fat Jewish women.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Really? We on the left know full well that evil, despicable evil, exists in this world and even in this nation. We just saw our President incarcerate little children to be used as a bargaining chip for his wall. An evil man doing evil things at the head of our nation. Time to remove that evil.
DACA is his hole card.

We'll see how much the Losers really care about illegals.
Better do that quick. Jan19, Democratic Congress, Democratic Senate. President Pence, a toothless President until his overwhelming defeat in 2020.
Well, you've been right with your predictions so far.
Yes, there are circumstances under which one has to defend oneself. But you don't need a weapon of war to do that. A hunting rifle or shotgun is adequate for that.
Bwahahaha! Yeah...a hunting rifle is just perfect for CQC. :lmao:

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