American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

Well they sure weren't the sharpest knives in anyone's drawer.

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

What a couple of dead idiots.

Once AGAIN they never espoused any such thing. You got snookered by a bait-click headline.
Who da "idiot' now?
That's exactly what they espoused.

See if you can find a way to catch up before embarrassing yourself. We did this several days ago. It's click bait, and the Gullibles lined up to buy the bait because they're morons and they think it will score them "points" to crow over dead bodies. Gullibles like BlindWars, who got it from "Conservative Tribune". Gullibles like Buttsoiler who linked the fucking Blaze. That kind of baitmongers.

Now here you come after it's already been exposed as such. Isn't that special.
mdk said:
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article said Tajikistan has a "known terrorist presence" and that the couple biked through "ISIS territory." It is more accurate to say that Tajikistan faces a threat of terrorism and is near to northern Afghanistan, which has a significant terrorist presence.
Thank Gawd They Fixed That Nuance
Made All The Difference

The Problem Is Americans Leave America
And Think They're Still In America

Yep. Evul White Men have made America, so safe and civilized that the many have forgotten why that was needed.
The Left is the side that wants open borders and supports Muslim Immigration.

IF you are not a brainless sheep who supports the policy of your side without question, like the vast majority of your side, tell me now, and I will try to remember that as we move forward.

Otherwise, admit that you support it, and let's move on.

Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?
Well they sure weren't the sharpest knives in anyone's drawer.

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

What a couple of dead idiots.

Once AGAIN they never espoused any such thing. You got snookered by a bait-click headline.
Who da "idiot' now?
That's exactly what they espoused.

See if you can find a way to catch up before embarrassing yourself. We did this several days ago. It's click bait, and the Gullibles lined up to buy the bait because they're morons and they think it will score them "points" to crow over dead bodies. Gullibles like BlindWars, who got it from "Conservative Tribune". Gullibles like Buttsoiler who linked the fucking Blaze. That kind of baitmongers.

Now here you come after it's already been exposed as such. Isn't that special.
You are such a liar, lol.

Do you deny the holocaust as well?

Of course you do.
Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.
---------------- WHERE does it say anything about "Liberals"
Moron extraordinaire.
Homo specializes in desperation arguments. He simply cannot (and will not) accept that the ideology he was so easily duped into believing is a failed ideology. Pretending like these two crunchy-granola-nitwits “weren’t” liberals is the ultimate in desperation. Those two were as left-wing as of gets. Everyone knows it. Even homo obsessed Pogo. But you’ll never see him just accept the truth.

You should have seen him humiliated in another thread when he claimed that progressivism was an “era” (and not an ideology) and that it doesn’t exist anymore. Then thanatos144 bent him over his knee by posting a video of Hitlery Clinton proudly proclaiming herself a progressive. And that point, homo still couldn’t accept that I had owned his ass in the entire thread and declared Hitlery as a “liar” per the right-wing view. Priceless. Absolutely priceless.
---------------- WHERE does it say anything about "Liberals"
Moron extraordinaire.
Homo specializes in desperation arguments. He simply cannot (and will not) accept that the ideology he was so easily duped into believing is a failed ideology. Pretending like these two crunchy-granola-nitwits “weren’t” liberals is the ultimate in desperation. Those two were as left-wing as of gets. Everyone knows it. Even homo obsessed Pogo. But you’ll never see him just accept the truth.

"Truth" you want for the first time in your life?

Find me a LINK, Buttsoiler. Find me a QUOTE from the article. Find a screenshot. Find anything.

Oh what's that? You can't do it?
Ask your proctologist. That is, if you can get an appointment. He's got a lot of traffic to keep up with in there.

You should have seen him humiliated in another thread when he claimed that progressivism was an “era” (and not an ideology) and that it doesn’t exist anymore.

Want to see it again? The Progressive Era 1890-1920
Nope, guess the established history of 100 years ago still hasn't changed, Dumbass.

What's that Buttsoiler?

No you don't get to "rewrite the history books". Why would we let a moron do that?
I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.

I made some assumptions, that we both know are true.

That is why you won't say now, what you actually want.

Because you support Third World Immigration in general, and mulsim "refugees" specifically, and are against any attempts by Trump to get serious about border security.

YOu know it. I know it. The people reading this thread know it.

And they are laughing at your hysterical attempts to pretend otherwise.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

See that? I whupped your ass and there's nothing you can do about it except click "funny". Pathetic.

This thread is basically a herd of dystopian jackalopes all butthurt that they can't pull everybody into your dank hole of horror-movie-land where they live so you have to make up bullshit characterizations for which there's no evidence (the same couple's same trip took them through east Africa, Morocco and Turkey) because you just can't stand the fact that somebody out there doesn't share in your wallowing. So then you waddle in here to mock victims, which tells us volumes about your character.

Dishonesty is de rigeur for Dystopians.
That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.

I made some assumptions, that we both know are true.

On the contrary, while you did make some ass-sumptions, and you're finally admitting that for the first time, I already know you pulled them out of your ass, which is why I immediately challenged you to find one, which I already know you CAN'T DO.

I know what the fuck I've posted and what I haven't.

Go ahead LIAR ------ just TRY to prove me wrong.

You can't do it AND you can't admit that you can't do it. That makes you a WIMP.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

See that? I whupped your ass and there's nothing you can do about it except click "funny". Pathetic.

This thread is basically a herd of dystopian jackalopes all butthurt that they can't pull everybody into your dank hole of horror-movie-land where they live so you have to make up bullshit characterizations for which there's no evidence (the same couple's same trip took them through east Africa, Morocco and Turkey) because you just can't stand the fact that somebody out there doesn't share in your wallowing. So then you waddle in here to mock victims, which tells us volumes about your character.

Dishonesty is de rigeur for Dystopians.
You already had your ass handed to you with the LIE the biker never claimed evil does not exist. You a masochist?
These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.

I made some assumptions, that we both know are true.

On the contrary, while you did make some ass-sumptions, and you're finally admitting that for the first time, I already know you pulled them out of your ass, which is why I immediately challenged you to find one, which I already know you CAN'T DO.

I know what the fuck I've posted and what I haven't.

Go ahead LIAR ------ just TRY to prove me wrong.

You can't do it AND you can't admit that you can't do it. That makes you a WIMP.

Asking me to document that you said something that I clearly and happily state was an assumption,

is silly and dishonest of you.

DIshonest because it is clearly merely an evasion tactic, to avoid admitting that my assumption was spot on.
Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.

I made some assumptions, that we both know are true.

On the contrary, while you did make some ass-sumptions, and you're finally admitting that for the first time, I already know you pulled them out of your ass, which is why I immediately challenged you to find one, which I already know you CAN'T DO.

I know what the fuck I've posted and what I haven't.

Go ahead LIAR ------ just TRY to prove me wrong.

You can't do it AND you can't admit that you can't do it. That makes you a WIMP.

Asking me to document that you said something that I clearly and happily state was an assumption,

is silly and dishonest of you.

DIshonest because it is clearly merely an evasion tactic, to avoid admitting that my assumption was spot on.

Fuck you. Don't bother to post again until you can back up your bullshit. Until then go fuck yourself.
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

See that? I whupped your ass and there's nothing you can do about it except click "funny". Pathetic.

This thread is basically a herd of dystopian jackalopes all butthurt that they can't pull everybody into your dank hole of horror-movie-land where they live so you have to make up bullshit characterizations for which there's no evidence (the same couple's same trip took them through east Africa, Morocco and Turkey) because you just can't stand the fact that somebody out there doesn't share in your wallowing. So then you waddle in here to mock victims, which tells us volumes about your character.

Dishonesty is de rigeur for Dystopians.
You already had your ass handed to you with the LIE the biker never claimed evil does not exist. You a masochist?

I didn't say that.

Go ahead --- try to quote me.

Do none of you motherfuckers know how to read or what?
Pogo is a liar. But we all know that: "...Despite what the news would have you believe, the world is a really wonderful, caring place, and stories of kidnapped travelers or mauled cyclists are the rare exception"....Questions and answers about our trip

Another dishonest HACK --- apparently they travel in pairs --- running away from her own post.

Let's run those words again, since she cut them out:

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

---- where the fuck does your link even mention "ISIS" at all, let alone "want to be friends"?

Exactly. They never even brought it up; you pulled it out of your ass. Here in fact is the only place "ISIS" is mentioned on the page at all, and it's from a commenter after their deaths:

  1. Tajikistan is not ISIS held territory
  2. There is little in this blog that would allow someone to target them effectively (their posts were made AFTER they left a destination), and there is nothing I can see in their blog to show that they were out to prove anything (see quote below, along with link to their blog). Apparently they just wanted to travel the world on bicycles.
  3. They were just two of about a half a million international tourists who visit Tajikistan each year.
May their families and friends find strength and peace, I am truly sorry for their loss. <<​

That's it.

So you're a liar too. But don't let that stop you from dancing on their graves to make political points on a message board if that's all your pathetic excuse for a life can come up with.

See that? I whupped your ass and there's nothing you can do about it except click "funny". Pathetic.

This thread is basically a herd of dystopian jackalopes all butthurt that they can't pull everybody into your dank hole of horror-movie-land where they live so you have to make up bullshit characterizations for which there's no evidence (the same couple's same trip took them through east Africa, Morocco and Turkey) because you just can't stand the fact that somebody out there doesn't share in your wallowing. So then you waddle in here to mock victims, which tells us volumes about your character.

Dishonesty is de rigeur for Dystopians.
You already had your ass handed to you with the LIE the biker never claimed evil does not exist. You a masochist?

I didn't say that.

Go ahead --- try to quote me.

Do none of you motherfuckers know how to read or what?
Quit squealing.
Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?

You can "wait" all you want Bagnuts. I'm waiting myself for you to come up with some meat to put on the bones of what you laid out above. We both know you can't do it as you're a fucking WIMP.

Once AGAIN ---- YOUR ass-sertion = YOUR burden of proof. Not mine ... YOURS. Get the fuck up off your ass and finish your job instead of "waiting" for somebody else to do it for you. WIMP.

I made some assumptions, that we both know are true.

On the contrary, while you did make some ass-sumptions, and you're finally admitting that for the first time, I already know you pulled them out of your ass, which is why I immediately challenged you to find one, which I already know you CAN'T DO.

I know what the fuck I've posted and what I haven't.

Go ahead LIAR ------ just TRY to prove me wrong.

You can't do it AND you can't admit that you can't do it. That makes you a WIMP.

Asking me to document that you said something that I clearly and happily state was an assumption,

is silly and dishonest of you.

DIshonest because it is clearly merely an evasion tactic, to avoid admitting that my assumption was spot on.

Fuck you. Don't bother to post again until you can back up your bullshit. Until then go fuck yourself.

Dude. You are not fooling anyone. NOt even yourself.

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