American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Seek help man... two people died
Just admit it progressives are fucked in the head
I don’t agree with many progressive efforts but the ideology is certainly not fucked in the head. Without any government programs our elderly and poor would be screwed. Anybody that would support that is fucked in the head
So it's all or nothing???
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Seek help man... two people died
Just admit it progressives are fucked in the head
I don’t agree with many progressive efforts but the ideology is certainly not fucked in the head. Without any government programs our elderly and poor would be screwed. Anybody that would support that is fucked in the head
So it's all or nothing???
If it were up to rustic it would be nothing but military, police and fire. My views are that there needs to be a healthy balance
You asked me specifically about "borders" and now you are attacking me for responding about "borders"?

Are you insane?

BULLSHIT. ***YOU*** brought up "borders", Sprinkles, not me. I challenged you on your accusation that I "want" these murderers here. And you can't handle that so you start crying about "borders" and posts of mine you can't find because they don't exist. You pulled all of that out of your ass and you don't have the cojones to man up to it.

You're a fraud. Get out.

The Left is the side that wants open borders and supports Muslim Immigration.

IF you are not a brainless sheep who supports the policy of your side without question, like the vast majority of your side, tell me now, and I will try to remember that as we move forward.

Otherwise, admit that you support it, and let's move on.

Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?
I have no doubt these two were good decent

people who would have given you the shirts off their backs.

But the fact is liberals for some unexplainable reason

lack common sense street smarts……

I hate the fact that they were killed by these animals.

Liberalism goes much is in fact evidence of a severe mental illness that is way too prevalent for the good of America.

PROOF Liberalism is a mental illness

Liberalism created America. So --- there's that.

Check the poster's wacko link. It doesn't even examine Liberalism. It's a whine list of cherrypicked personality traits. Basically a gossip page.
But Democrats today are not liberal. Youre LEFTISTS.

JFK was a liberal. You know, lower taxes, ask not what your country can do for you, America will do anything and everything to promote liberty in the world.....

JFK would be a Republican today.
Last edited:
You asked me specifically about "borders" and now you are attacking me for responding about "borders"?

Are you insane?

BULLSHIT. ***YOU*** brought up "borders", Sprinkles, not me. I challenged you on your accusation that I "want" these murderers here. And you can't handle that so you start crying about "borders" and posts of mine you can't find because they don't exist. You pulled all of that out of your ass and you don't have the cojones to man up to it.

You're a fraud. Get out.

The Left is the side that wants open borders and supports Muslim Immigration.

IF you are not a brainless sheep who supports the policy of your side without question, like the vast majority of your side, tell me now, and I will try to remember that as we move forward.

Otherwise, admit that you support it, and let's move on.

Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.
I wonder if CBS Reporter Lara Logan felt evil exists after Muslims gang raped her.
BULLSHIT. ***YOU*** brought up "borders", Sprinkles, not me. I challenged you on your accusation that I "want" these murderers here. And you can't handle that so you start crying about "borders" and posts of mine you can't find because they don't exist. You pulled all of that out of your ass and you don't have the cojones to man up to it.

You're a fraud. Get out.

The Left is the side that wants open borders and supports Muslim Immigration.

IF you are not a brainless sheep who supports the policy of your side without question, like the vast majority of your side, tell me now, and I will try to remember that as we move forward.

Otherwise, admit that you support it, and let's move on.

Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.

These bikers wanted to disprove the idea that the world is a big and scary place and that people can be evil.

Instead they proved that the world is a big and scary place and that some people are evil.

My answer to such evil and dangerous people is to build a wall and keep them the fuck out.

What is your answer, mr not a sheep?

Still waiting pogo. What innovative and not standard dem talking point answers do you hold as a way to deal with vast numbers of murderous and evil assholes out there in the big and scary world?
mdk said:
CORRECTION: A previous version of this article said Tajikistan has a "known terrorist presence" and that the couple biked through "ISIS territory." It is more accurate to say that Tajikistan faces a threat of terrorism and is near to northern Afghanistan, which has a significant terrorist presence.
Thank Gawd They Fixed That Nuance
Made All The Difference

The Problem Is Americans Leave America
And Think They're Still In America
martybegan said:
I think this got more attention for the statement they made about evil being a construct than for the actual act.

Evil is not a construct, evil is an actual concept, and unfortunately they got to see it first hand.

It sucks they are ending up as a lesson in the hatred that can exist in people, and the causal nature some people have when it comes to dealing death.
They Could Have Just Read The Headlines
Of What Happens In Our Own Cities
Pogo said:
What the fuck does this story have to do with "Liberalism"?
Lucy Hamilton said:
Because NOBODY on the RIGHT is a VEGAN and would do something like DELIBERATELY cycle into ISIS territory probably to tell the Radical Mooselimbs how much they LOVE them ONLY mentally ill SJWs do that type of thing.
It Happens In 'Migrant' Camps In Europe From Time To Time Too
Until It Happens To Them Personally
No Warning Is Enough

Are They Suffering From Some Kind Of Solipsism ??
I am finding that being a progressive (leftist) one must suppress common sense.
First Daniel Pearl then these two. Just what were they thinking?
Anyone with common sense would never voluntarily go into the den of a lion.
Daniel Peal Was A Journalist
They Do Get Away With Quite A Bit

Too Bad Danny Was A JEW
Well they sure weren't the sharpest knives in anyone's drawer.

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

What a couple of dead idiots.
How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.
The Zombie apocalypse is coming, we keep seeing who the brain dead idiots are and how much they want to destroy the rest of US.
Well they sure weren't the sharpest knives in anyone's drawer.

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

What a couple of dead idiots.

Once AGAIN they never espoused any such thing. You got snookered by a bait-click headline.
Who da "idiot' now?
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Why would you celebrate that?

It's the "pro-choice" crowd, come to celebrate "life" :eek:
Equating infants having their limbs ripped off with adults making personal choices, how leftist of you.
American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. ISIS Stabs Them To Death.

Once again the Left outdo The Onion.
Why would you celebrate that?

It's the "pro-choice" crowd, come to celebrate "life" :eek:
Equating infants having their limbs ripped off with adults making personal choices, how leftist of you.

Hey, can't tell the players without a scorecard.

Let me know when it's time to post "Having it both ways --- Priceless".
Well they sure weren't the sharpest knives in anyone's drawer.

How anyone could even remotely think that ISIS would want to be friends is brain dead.

What a couple of dead idiots.

Once AGAIN they never espoused any such thing. You got snookered by a bait-click headline.
Who da "idiot' now?
That's exactly what they espoused.

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