American Couple Believing 'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead

I just knew you'd wimp out back to your "borders" deflection.

Wassamatta WIMP? Can't defend your own "those men that murdered them"?
Can't put balls on "you want the opposite"?

Go get a hamburger, Wimpy. Then come back here and pay me back with any post from any thread anywhere any time that even VAGUELY HINTED at what you just accused here, dishonest HACK.

You asked me specifically about "borders" and now you are attacking me for responding about "borders"?

Are you insane?

BULLSHIT. ***YOU*** brought up "borders", Sprinkles, not me. I challenged you on your accusation that I "want" these murderers here. And you can't handle that so you start crying about "borders" and posts of mine you can't find because they don't exist. You pulled all of that out of your ass and you don't have the cojones to man up to it.

You're a fraud. Get out.

The Left is the side that wants open borders and supports Muslim Immigration.

IF you are not a brainless sheep who supports the policy of your side without question, like the vast majority of your side, tell me now, and I will try to remember that as we move forward.

Otherwise, admit that you support it, and let's move on.

Once AGAIN for the braindead I am an individual; I am not a "left", "right" or "center".
Once AGAIN for the braindead **YOUR** ass-sertion was that I "want" these people here.
Once AGAIN for the braindead when **YOU** make the ass-sertion YOURS is the burden of proof.
Once AGAIN for the braindead you cannot back your ass-sertion, because you serted it out of your ASS.

That makes you a liar. PERIOD.

I made some assumptions about you, you being a lefty.

YOu are upset about that, but I notice you have not actually DENIED ANY of the policies positions I assumed.

So, get back to me when you are prepared to demonstrate some individuality.

That's because I don't *NEED* to Mildred.

I dunno what kind of Stupid Weed you have to smoke to not get this but this is all YOUR ass-sertion. That leaves YOU as the party that has to back it up..... not the fuck me. Until you do that you have established NOTHING. Ergo I have nothing to "deny" as there is nothing on the table. And there won't be until you find a way to put it there. Which I already know you can't. And that makes you a liar.

I could sit here and CLAIM you're a caterpillar with three heads from Planet Douky. Doesn't mean a damn thing unless I demonstrate that that's the case.

But then I didn't make that claim. DID I.
Not likely since I've never posted on such a topic.

Prove me wrong. And when you can't do that ------------ admit it.
You aren't even good at it.

Haha, you spelled "I couldn't find anything" wrong.
Still poorly played.

Maybe if you use a different account. Try that.

Like you did when you changed your name?

Admit it. I challenged you to find anything on the topic above and you FAILED. I know damn well what I've posted and what I haven't. You obviously do not and are willing to just wing it. That's why you lose.
Prove I tried to look anything up, Xena.

I challenge you. :)

I don't need to "prove" jack shit. YOU DO. Whether you "tried" or not is immaterial; both would end in the same result. And that makes you a liar too.
Fun fact: More Americans get struck by lightning, than get killed by ISIS.

How do you stop lightning cupcake?

Not sure what a "lightning cupcake" is (made with rum?) but here's a nice lightning rod:


That used to be the transmitting tower for a "soverign citizen" pirate radio station broadcasting Alex John Brinkley Jones. Now it's just a lightning rod.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

England is full of terrorists and there are no go zones...…..
Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

Ah, but most of you frauds avoid those 'bad neighborhoods' and stick to the all white areas. The 'No Go' places are easy to avoid, and you can bet Pogo made very sure he didn't end up around a lot of 'darkies' or Arabs in his 'Big Adventure'.

Actually I hung out with Arabs all the time. My best friend was Sudanese (and -- hope you're sitting down for this --- black). Learned some Arabic, acquired many invitations to their homes. Again, experiences I did not know going out would be in play, which was (again) the whole point, and (again) ones that you'll never have curled up in your fetal bubble position, which is why I pity you.
Why would you need to mention the color of your friends skin? Seems you have been indoctrinated in thinking that anyone who doesn't have your ideals is a racist.
That thought lacks any common sense.

Have you seen Pogo's website? Here you go ...

Black People Love Us!

Welcome to our website:
Black People Love Us!

We are well-liked by Black people so we're psyched (since lots of Black people don't like lots of White people)!! We thought it'd be cool to honor our exceptional status with a ROCKIN' domain name and a killer website!!

Johnny always plays up his (Italian, Irish, Jewish, etc.) ethnicity to me—as an entree into friendship!

Johnny always says: "I'm not racist; one of my best friends is Black!" I think he might mean me!

Our White friends just don't get it!!

It's crazy—Black people really do seem to love them!!

And we know he never went near any of the Muslim enclaves in France or England; he's just full of shit as usual. He also never goes into black neighborhoods, either. He wets himself a lot after dark if he has to use public transportation.

Thanks Picaro…

That explains a lot…..

Dumb Ass White libtards ate up with White Guilt

to the point of where they make complete Ass Holes of themselves….
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

England is full of terrorists and there are no go zones...…..

America has more 'no go zones' than any western nation.......they are called Black Neighborhoods

. Unfortunately, there are no warning signs and many people wander into these areas and suffer the consequences which usually are covered up.

How many people know that blacks kill more whites every year than whites kill blacks even though they are a minority even though of that minority there is one particular group that comitts the great majority of the violence...young black males who only compose 2.5 percent ot the total pop. commit over half of all violent crimes in America.

Florida teenager accused of killing two British tourists goes on trial
Last edited:
I have no doubt these two were good decent

people who would have given you the shirts off their backs.

But the fact is liberals for some unexplainable reason

lack common sense street smarts……

I hate the fact that they were killed by these animals.
These idiots deserve a Darwin Award. 4cereal


Liberalism kills and evil is real.

Via Daily Wire:

A young American couple who took a year-long bike trip around the world, believing that evil was a make-believe concept, took a fatal route through ISIS territory in Tajikistan, where alleged ISIS terrorists stabbed them to death.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, 29, quit their jobs last year in order to make their trip. Austin was a vegan who worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office.


Look who they work for. They were both surrounded by idiots at work and probably at home. Nobody to talk some sense into them.

H/T Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the fuck does this story have to do with "Liberalism"?

They were liberals opposed to Trump...….

For the *FIFTH* time now.......

----------------------- link?
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

What did you eat?


Typical libtard…...

"Handouts"? :lol:

There were lots of baguettes and gruyère; there were indescribable multi-course French country meals assembled by the farmer's wife where I worked; there was the occasional boulangerie fare, there was hummus and couscous at invitations, there was the occasional restaurant and I want to say there was even some pizza. And once I got to England there was curry. That's right, I found a way to eat well, in England. Happily I never had to stoop to a fast food joint.

I'd have to give it up to the farmer's wife as the best of the lot. We'd come in from the fields about noon and she would have a massive table set out with about everything imaginable. Some hard liquor was passed around at the end; I don't know what it was but it tasted like tequila to me so I just gulped it, which seemed to impress them. :dunno: And of course we drank wine all day.

We'd lunch for two hours and go back to work until sunset, then we'd come back, wash up and she'd have prepared an even bigger meal (this would be about 20-30 workers). Then there'd be socializing and music until we all retired.

Sooooooo that's what I ate. Gettin' fat just thinking about it.
no, what people are trying to do is uphold our BASIC constitutional principles.

the trumptard rabble's reaction to these earnest efforts is FAKE NEWS.


The vast majority of FAKE NEWS comes from the left……..

Well, the fact that you've just made this, make it seem like "did you know that 85.3% of facts are made up on the spot?"

I know not to believe anything from a libtard source......
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

England is full of terrorists and there are no go zones...…..

Izzat right.

When were you there last?
These idiots deserve a Darwin Award. 4cereal


Liberalism kills and evil is real.

Via Daily Wire:

A young American couple who took a year-long bike trip around the world, believing that evil was a make-believe concept, took a fatal route through ISIS territory in Tajikistan, where alleged ISIS terrorists stabbed them to death.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, 29, quit their jobs last year in order to make their trip. Austin was a vegan who worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office.


Look who they work for. They were both surrounded by idiots at work and probably at home. Nobody to talk some sense into them.

H/T Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the fuck does this story have to do with "Liberalism"?

They were liberals opposed to Trump...….

For the *FIFTH* time now.......

----------------------- link?

Would you care to make a wager Dip Shit?

I don't need no stinking link....

I know they were not Trump supporters...….
'Evil Is A Make-Believe Concept' Bike Through ISIS Territory. End up Dead
Libbies And Their Social Constructs
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

What did you eat?


Typical libtard…...

"Handouts"? :lol:

There were lots of baguettes and gruyère; there were indescribable multi-course French country meals assembled by the farmer's wife where I worked; there was the occasional boulangerie fare, there was hummus and couscous at invitations, there was the occasional restaurant and I want to say there was even some pizza. And once I got to England there was curry. That's right, I found a way to eat well, in England. Happily I never had to stoop to a fast food joint.

I'd have to give it up to the farmer's wife as the best of the lot. We'd come in from the fields about noon and she would have a massive table set out with about everything imaginable. Some hard liquor was passed around at the end; I don't know what it was but it tasted like tequila to me so I just gulped it, which seemed to impress them. :dunno: And of course we drank wine all day.

We'd lunch for two hours and go back to work until sunset, then we'd come back, wash up and she'd have prepared an even bigger meal (this would be about 20-30 workers). Then there'd be socializing and music until we all retired.

Sooooooo that's what I ate. Gettin' fat just thinking about it.

So you worked your way through this trip?
These idiots deserve a Darwin Award. 4cereal


Liberalism kills and evil is real.

Via Daily Wire:

A young American couple who took a year-long bike trip around the world, believing that evil was a make-believe concept, took a fatal route through ISIS territory in Tajikistan, where alleged ISIS terrorists stabbed them to death.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, 29, quit their jobs last year in order to make their trip. Austin was a vegan who worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office.


Look who they work for. They were both surrounded by idiots at work and probably at home. Nobody to talk some sense into them.

H/T Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the fuck does this story have to do with "Liberalism"?

They were liberals opposed to Trump...….

For the *FIFTH* time now.......

----------------------- link?

Would you care to make a wager Dip Shit?

I don't need no stinking link....

I know they were not Trump supporters...….

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo no link.

See your proctologist. He might be able to dig one up.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

England is full of terrorists and there are no go zones...…..

Izzat right.

When were you there last?

Never been there but I have seen interviews with law enforcement from there.
Hey, when I was younger I rode a bicycle damn near everywhere I went. Started cycling back in '86 and still going strong at 54. People in my various commands thought that I was totally nuts for not having a car. They thought I was even crazier when I cycled from one duty station to another.

Rode from Memphis TN to Jacksonville FL in 7 days.

Rode from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI in 12 days.

Rode from Newport RI to Norfolk VA in 5 days.

And, my average daily distance was anywhere from 50 to 100 miles/day, depending on whether or not it was an off day.

I don't fault these people for trying to do something noteworthy, but I do think that maybe they could have picked a better route.

I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

What did you eat?


Typical libtard…...

"Handouts"? :lol:

There were lots of baguettes and gruyère; there were indescribable multi-course French country meals assembled by the farmer's wife where I worked; there was the occasional boulangerie fare, there was hummus and couscous at invitations, there was the occasional restaurant and I want to say there was even some pizza. And once I got to England there was curry. That's right, I found a way to eat well, in England. Happily I never had to stoop to a fast food joint.

I'd have to give it up to the farmer's wife as the best of the lot. We'd come in from the fields about noon and she would have a massive table set out with about everything imaginable. Some hard liquor was passed around at the end; I don't know what it was but it tasted like tequila to me so I just gulped it, which seemed to impress them. :dunno: And of course we drank wine all day.

We'd lunch for two hours and go back to work until sunset, then we'd come back, wash up and she'd have prepared an even bigger meal (this would be about 20-30 workers). Then there'd be socializing and music until we all retired.

Sooooooo that's what I ate. Gettin' fat just thinking about it.

So you worked your way through this trip?

Yep, that was the whole point of going there.

I was an "undocumented worker". And since my passport never got stamped I could stay indefinitely.
I trekked all over France and England with no resources, though not by bike. Lotta walking. Overall it was the most enriching experience I've ever had.

Why not South Africa or India or Indonesia??? These 'progressive' racists always pick white countries with histories of Christianity to run around playing 'Hipster Road Doggz' in, never embracing 'Diversity' in their travels. Their anti-Trumpster Hollywood Hystericals also nearly all picked the same demographic countries they were all going to move to when they left America if Trump won, like New Zealand or Europe, as well. Then they whine about DA Evul Raycss whatevers, which is anybody who laughs that their silly hypocritical .asses. At least the idiots in the OP story actually went somewhere 'diverse', stupid as it was they at least had more honesty than these phonies here.
According to Right Wing narrative England is full of terrorists and Muslim 'No-Go Cities'...or something.
That being the case I think Pogo was very brave.

England is full of terrorists and there are no go zones...…..

Izzat right.

When were you there last?

Never been there but I have seen interviews with law enforcement from there.

Well there were terrorists when I was there too, so I can verify half of that from personal experience.

The weird thing is ---- nobody anywhere referred to those terrorists by their religion. They were just "The IRA". Wonder what changed.
These idiots deserve a Darwin Award. 4cereal


Liberalism kills and evil is real.

Via Daily Wire:

A young American couple who took a year-long bike trip around the world, believing that evil was a make-believe concept, took a fatal route through ISIS territory in Tajikistan, where alleged ISIS terrorists stabbed them to death.

Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, 29, quit their jobs last year in order to make their trip. Austin was a vegan who worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Geoghegan, a vegetarian who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office.


Look who they work for. They were both surrounded by idiots at work and probably at home. Nobody to talk some sense into them.

H/T Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

What the fuck does this story have to do with "Liberalism"?

They were liberals opposed to Trump...….

For the *FIFTH* time now.......

----------------------- link?

Would you care to make a wager Dip Shit?

I don't need no stinking link....

I know they were not Trump supporters...….

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo no link.

See your proctologist. He might be able to dig one up.

You won't put your money where your mouth is at

because you know yourself to be FULL OF SHIT...


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