American Culture Destroyed by Liberals...Who Wants to Raise a Child in this Country


May 23, 2014
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
I will be happy to contribute to your moving out of the country fund.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

This my point. Thank you. I remember in 1969 we put a man on the moon. How have we deteriorated to this?
I'd argue that consumerism and media voyeurism is a problem, but at this point I don't see it as a political one, so much as a generational one.

Anyone who's primary source of information comes from the dreck on TV or mass media will have their brain turned into mush.

I'm skeptical of the claims that "everything was great" just a generation ago, I think every generation had its problems. But honestly I can't imagine a more consumerist generation than the current one.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

now go to the "conservatives are HAPPIER than liberals" thread and tell us how much HAPPIER you are than liberals.....
I am raising one (17) and have a 24 year old I raised in this country.

The 24 year old is an RN that after 1 year in the normal ER got a job in a pediatric ER, which is unheard of for someone with that little experience. We helped her with her school but she worked the whole time, took her boards 9 days after graduation and had a job waiting the day they were official. She is a productive contributing member of society. I have every expectation her younger sibling will do just as well.
Democrats are like Christmas lights...half of them dont work and the ones who do arent very bright!
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

now go to the "conservatives are HAPPIER than liberals" thread and tell us how much HAPPIER you are than liberals.....
What prompted my thread is that for two days a boy visiting rom out of state, was walking the neighborhood wearing a cowboy hat and shooting his cap pistols. My lesbian neighbors (I call them ugly and uglier) that still refuse to take their Clinton 2016 sticker off their Ford Focus, came out and criticized the boy and got into it with their mother over gun violence. I went to the store and bought him a Red Rider BB gun. Wanted to tell him to shoot the fucking lights out of the lesbian neighbors car...but not my kid. If it was my grandson...would have happened. Don’t know those good people but they were happy with the young man having a BB gun. Get a firearm in the hands of a child as soon as you can. American way.
I hate to interrupt this conversation, but I'm afraid there's some very bad news.

The Marine Corps National Heritage Library burned down today.

They lost both comic books.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
Hi 92!. Put some oil on your wheel chair. Then, go outside and let the wind blow the stink off your old crusty Ass. Just, sayin...
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative
Hi 92!. Put some oil on your wheel chair. Then, go outside and let the wind blow the stink off your old crusty Ass. Just, sayin...
I am old, handsome, and in shape. Fighting for this country despite liberals like you.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

You have a thuggish, conman/grifter elected President under a Republican banner. A man who has publically cheated on all three of his wives, whose best friend was a pedophile, and who has said that Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd be dating her.
And you're worried about the nation's morals because a Christian gay man who is married and in a monogamous marriage, is running for President.

The gay man would be a HUGE moral step upward from the amoral piece of shit sitting in the White House now.

As for hating law enforcement officers, Trump is having them all investigated for treason. Nobody has worked harder to discredit the security services and armed forces of the United States, and to undermine their authority than Donald Trump.
Pathetic. Sick. No honor, no dignity...everything in this country has been destroyed since the 1960’s. Young men are cowards or faggots. Girls have no moral compass. Democrats have infiltrated our society and our campuses. We are diseased beyond recovery. Who wants to raise a child in our sick, disgusting American society. Watch CNN, or MTV for 10 minutes (if you can stand it) and see what we teach our children. We have a queer running for President of the United States. The nation that fought and won World War Two with our allies has a guy that ...with another guy...disgraceful. Our nation is sick...very sick. Look at the drugs and crime in our country. Democrats want more of it. They want to teach our children to hate law enforcement officers. They want to teach our kids that a badge is equal to the KKK. Pathetic.
Underestimating American Collapse | The American Conservative

You have a thuggish, conman/grifter elected President under a Republican banner. A man who has publically cheated on all three of his wives, whose best friend was a pedophile, and who has said that Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd be dating her.
And you're worried about the nation's morals because a Christian gay man who is married and in a monogamous marriage, is running for President.

The gay man would be a HUGE moral step upward from the amoral piece of shit sitting in the White House now.

As for hating law enforcement officers, Trump is having them all investigated for treason. Nobody has worked harder to discredit the security services and armed forces of the United States, and to undermine their authority than Donald Trump.
So you hate guys with testicular fortitude? You want the United States defeated from within don’t you?

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