American Culture - Godless With No Moral Principles


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles
didn't click link but as my DAD told me about 60 years ago , He said that some people are like whores and that they will do anything for Money . ------------- just a comment .
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles
Al salam alaykum?
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles
Al salam alaykum?
See what happens when the richest preacher in the US dies?
When you come across the 48th 'the sky is falling' thread on any website...

Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles

I do not think that it is yet true of a majority of Americans, but it is true enough of a very noisy minority to have a significant adverse effect on our culture and society.
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles

I do not think that it is yet true of a majority of Americans, but it is true enough of a very noisy minority to have a significant adverse effect on our culture and society.
^ ironic
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles

I do not think that it is yet true of a majority of Americans, but it is true enough of a very noisy minority to have a significant adverse effect on our culture and society.
yea screw those kolobian nut cases
they said the same in the 1st century and every century since, the same people that keep their lights on at night fearing whats under their bed ... and vote for the same people that protect them by taking everything they have and everything everyone else has as well. repeating themselves over and over again, time immemorial.
When you come across the 48th 'the sky is falling' thread on any website...


lol...ever notice that the people who lament the decline of morals in society are wholly immoral themselves, pretending to be experts on the moral law without having any understanding about the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic?

How the hell does anyone who worships a human being and lies in the name of God as an expression of religious devotion have the audacity to moralize about right and wrong or good and evil or anything at all??
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Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles
God's morality is not absolute, it is a refection of the culture at the time. As cultures change, morality changes so there is always a shared knowledge of right and wrong, it just evolves. A generation ago, being gay in this country was a crime, now it is generally accepted.

Gay marriage:

God's morality is not absolute, it is a refection [sic] of the culture at the time. As cultures change, morality changes so there is always a shared knowledge of right and wrong, it just evolves. A generation ago, being gay in this country was a crime, now it is generally accepted.

That's not “God's morality” changing. That is society degenerating, rejecting God's wisdom in favor of Man's folly. Homosexual behavior always has been immoral, and always will be immoral. God's morality has not changed, and there is no reason to expect that it will. Those who rebel against it will one day stand before Him, and be held to answer for it.
'There's no sense in making a moral case against nazism. Nazism is morality itself. How to make yourself a nazi: burn Freud.'
(Nick Land, Making it With Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production, British Journal of the Society for Phenomenology)
Is this true? We no longer believe in right versus wrong. Or good versus evil?


Is it the lack of unified families? Of fathers and mothers raising their children with shared values? Is it the tirade of atheist propaganda overwhelming our classrooms and media?

This articles says a lot but I can't really put a finger on where it is going or what it wants to report. Check it our for yourselves @ American culture has been transformed into a godless culture with no moral principles
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership. Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

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