American education and culture

Ghettos are ugly and gross! I want Americans to live in nice housing.

That is fine. Who do you propose to have pay for all those nice houses? And who will maintain them so they stay nice?

And what if someone doesn't want a house, but prefers an apartment? Are they to be fined?

It has to be a nice apartment. I can't stand seeing gross ghetto buildings. I want everything to look nice.

So no mention of who pays for it?

And, while your need for everything to look nice is all well and good, you don't get to choose what others do with their property.

While you like the look of row upon row of similar suburban houses, I find it disturbing and prefer more realistic homes.
Ghettos are ugly and gross! I want Americans to live in nice housing.

That is fine. Who do you propose to have pay for all those nice houses? And who will maintain them so they stay nice?

And what if someone doesn't want a house, but prefers an apartment? Are they to be fined?

It has to be a nice apartment. I can't stand seeing gross ghetto buildings. I want everything to look nice.

So no mention of who pays for it?

And, while your need for everything to look nice is all well and good, you don't get to choose what others do with their property.

While you like the look of row upon row of similar suburban houses, I find it disturbing and prefer more realistic homes.

Either the American taxpayer or the money that funds welfare payers for the house. We can develop programs that help the lower class people get better jobs.
American schools are more segregated today then the 1960s. Whose fault is this? What can be done? I think this is an outrage! I think for America to survive there should be one culture that dominates America. And I think that culture should be civilized consumerist middle class culture. No room for ghetto or thug culture! The America I envision is a middle class suburban utopia with little to no violence.
Putting the boob in booboisie.
I meant violent thug culture not black culture. We need less violence in America.
Ghettos are ugly and gross! I want Americans to live in nice housing.

That is fine. Who do you propose to have pay for all those nice houses? And who will maintain them so they stay nice?

And what if someone doesn't want a house, but prefers an apartment? Are they to be fined?

It has to be a nice apartment. I can't stand seeing gross ghetto buildings. I want everything to look nice.

So no mention of who pays for it?

And, while your need for everything to look nice is all well and good, you don't get to choose what others do with their property.

While you like the look of row upon row of similar suburban houses, I find it disturbing and prefer more realistic homes.

Either the American taxpayer or the money that funds welfare payers for the house. We can develop programs that help the lower class people get better jobs.

So we soak the tax payer for even more? I lose almost 1/3 of my income to taxes now. You want to increase that so things will be pretty? lol No thanks.
Ghetto culture should be outlawed! The only cultures that should be allowed in America are the upper class and capitalist consumerist suburban middle class culture.
Outlaw the Democrat slave plantation? Take away all those Democrat votes? Are you nuts?
Ghettos are ugly and gross! I want Americans to live in nice housing.

That is fine. Who do you propose to have pay for all those nice houses? And who will maintain them so they stay nice?

And what if someone doesn't want a house, but prefers an apartment? Are they to be fined?

What you haven't figured out yet is that Democrat polices CREATED ghettos. Those PROJECTS that house the drive-by shooters are paid for by taxpayer dollars. Those bullets that kill nine year olds in crossfires are the result of Democrat Party GREAT SOCIETY money.

Here's an original idea: STOP BUILDING THE FUCKING GHETTOS. Quit funding these criminals. Give them only ONE alternative: Get a fucking job or starve. No more food stamps to fat welfare queens. (black OR white). No more tax dollars to maintain a criminal ghetto lifestyle. Tell a high school welfare slut that she gets no more tax dollars to download babies and lose the fathers.

There are plenty of houses in decent neighborhoods, thanks to Obama ACORN's sub prime mortgage clusterfuck. A former thug can easily hike up his pants, get a real job and a mortgage like anyone else.

Yes there may be some poor neighborhoods still, but THE GOVERMENT SHOULD QUIT BUILDING THEM AND QUIT SUBSIDIZING THEM.
Ghettos are ugly and gross! I want Americans to live in nice housing.

That is fine. Who do you propose to have pay for all those nice houses? And who will maintain them so they stay nice?

And what if someone doesn't want a house, but prefers an apartment? Are they to be fined?

It has to be a nice apartment. I can't stand seeing gross ghetto buildings. I want everything to look nice.

So no mention of who pays for it?

And, while your need for everything to look nice is all well and good, you don't get to choose what others do with their property.

While you like the look of row upon row of similar suburban houses, I find it disturbing and prefer more realistic homes.

Either the American taxpayer or the money that funds welfare payers for the house. We can develop programs that help the lower class people get better jobs.
Another twit commandeering other peoples money to fund the whim of the moment.
American society must fit YOUR definition of "looking nice????"

About as unAmerican a thing as I have ever heard.

Violent behavior is the target, not landscaping and home maintenance.
The Abrasion Iconography

It seems like a trading card from the Garbage Pail Kids franchise (which markets imaginarium-eccentricity images of unusual children caricatured as doing odd things in the name of subversive comedy) reveals a close American culture connection between education (or philosophy) and attitude (or capitalism).

Why are water-guns so popular and found on the shelves of the major American toy company Toys R Us?


Garbage Pail Kids


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