American guy dug out of Turkish cave after 15 days.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Good news for him and his family I suppose. He got into trouble half a mile underground. It took around 150 resscue workers over 2 weeks to dig him out.

He shows no shame. Its been a "crazy adventure" he told the world media.

I cant help but think that he knew what he was doing and the risks involved. At a time when both Morocco and Libya are dealing with crises is this the best use of specialist people ?

Every year in Wales we get selfish twats climbing Snowdon in a snowstorm. Rescue teams then put themselves at risk going out to find them.
Maybe these idiots should be denied entry until at least they have the insurance to cover dragging their sorry arses to safety ? Taxpayers should not pay for their stupidity.

Or leave them there. Thats a real "crazy adventure."

Good news for him and his family I suppose. He got into trouble half a mile underground. It took around 150 resscue workers over 2 weeks to dig him out.

He shows no shame. Its been a "crazy adventure" he told the world media.

I cant help but think that he knew what he was doing and the risks involved. At a time when both Morocco and Libya are dealing with crises is this the best use of specialist people ?

Every year in Wales we get selfish twats climbing Snowdon in a snowstorm. Rescue teams then put themselves at risk going out to find them.
Maybe these idiots should be denied entry until at least they have the insurance to cover dragging their sorry arses to safety ? Taxpayers should not pay for their stupidity.

Or leave them there. Thats a real "crazy adventure."

Says the lover of unfettered illegal immigration. Go figure...
I dont see the link between the two .
Then you are an idiot...

"Maybe these idiots should be denied entry until at least they have the insurance to cover dragging their sorry arses to safety ? Taxpayers should not pay for their stupidity."
Good news for him and his family I suppose. He got into trouble half a mile underground. It took around 150 resscue workers over 2 weeks to dig him out.

He shows no shame. Its been a "crazy adventure" he told the world media.

I cant help but think that he knew what he was doing and the risks involved. At a time when both Morocco and Libya are dealing with crises is this the best use of specialist people ?

Every year in Wales we get selfish twats climbing Snowdon in a snowstorm. Rescue teams then put themselves at risk going out to find them.
Maybe these idiots should be denied entry until at least they have the insurance to cover dragging their sorry arses to safety ? Taxpayers should not pay for their stupidity.

Or leave them there. Thats a real "crazy adventure."

If you deny the rescue of a person exploring a cave, what about those at sea?

Leave them there.
So no one should be rescued for anything? Everyone should stay at home? So if you have an accident at home, fuck ya, not wasting resources to send paramedics/fire fighters etc.. to your house.

Or are you wanting emergency services, mountain rescue etc.. to have a database of 73 billion activities so when you phone in, "Hang on, just checking our list to see if your activity is acceptable - Caves, nope. Boat, nope. Cut from kitchen knife, yup. Baseball off head, nope. Run over on Zebra crossing, yup. Base jumping, nope"

You live in a little strange world.
So no one should be rescued for anything? Everyone should stay at home? So if you have an accident at home, fuck ya, not wasting resources to send paramedics/fire fighters etc.. to your house.

Or are you wanting emergency services, mountain rescue etc.. to have a database of 73 billion activities so when you phone in, "Hang on, just checking our list to see if your activity is acceptable - Caves, nope. Boat, nope. Cut from kitchen knife, yup. Baseball off head, nope. Run over on Zebra crossing, yup. Base jumping, nope"

You live in a little strange world.
Calm down old fella. Let them take out insurrance.

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