American hero: Joe Horn

come on, ravi.. YOU insist that STORMFRONT posted that video so lets see your proof!

listen, ravi, if you can't navigate sources from that wiki page then it's no wonder you are so dumb.
There's nothing in there that says Horn was charged fact, it sounds like the burglars were cutting through his yard to escape. I know that justifies murder in your mind.
listen, ravi, if you can't navigate sources from that wiki page then it's no wonder you are so dumb.

I DID navigate YOUR source and found this, and i see you have chosen to IGNORE the detective's statement that WAS on the scene:

Officer stayed in car
"The first time I saw the white male (Horn) he had a shotgun shouldered and was about to confront the two black males," Williams wrote. "He pointed the shotgun in the direction of the two males and he called out some sort of verbal command. I assumed his vocalization was directed at the black males."

Williams said the two men separated and ran in different directions, and then Horn fired.

The officer said he stayed inside his vehicle, where he advised the dispatcher that shots had been fired.

"I did not want the male shooting to think I was with the males involved in the burglary," he reported.

Williams said one of the men ran to the east, dropping a bag he was carrying.

"I did not know he had been shot and was thinking I was going to be involved in a foot pursuit with this suspect," he wrote.


yeah, you are a reallllll honest broker!!!! NOT!

This PROVES my point, goofy. COPS saw them run a different direction AFTER they were in his yard, or the bodies would not have been there.

heres another quote from your source.. FUNNY how you left this out..

A woman who knew one of the burglars gunned down by Pasadena homeowner Joe Horn told police she had warned her friend that his habit of breaking into homes would cost him his life, according to recently released police records.

"Morgan stated that she told Ortiz three days ago that he was going to end up dead for the things that he was doing," police detective M.E. Bruegger wrote in the report. "Morgan stated that Ortiz would target foreigners and undocumented individuals and then rob them."


sooooo, what does her statement have to do with Mr Horn shooting people cowardly in the back as they were fleeing.....?

Ortiz is the father of her child, you neglected to post that....

neither mean anything, when refering to this case.
indeed, it means everything given this CRIMINALS eventual manner of death.

now go crai because Joe is off the hook scott free.



I DID navigate YOUR source and found this, and i see you have chosen to IGNORE the detective's statement that WAS on the scene:
Officer stayed in car
"The first time I saw the white male (Horn) he had a shotgun shouldered and was about to confront the two black males," Williams wrote. "He pointed the shotgun in the direction of the two males and he called out some sort of verbal command. I assumed his vocalization was directed at the black males."
Williams said the two men separated and ran in different directions, and then Horn fired.
The officer said he stayed inside his vehicle, where he advised the dispatcher that shots had been fired.
"I did not want the male shooting to think I was with the males involved in the burglary," he reported.
Williams said one of the men ran to the east, dropping a bag he was carrying.
"I did not know he had been shot and was thinking I was going to be involved in a foot pursuit with this suspect," he wrote.
yeah, you are a reallllll honest broker!!!! NOT!

Running in different directions does not indicate that they were 1) not a threat to Joe and 2) not in his yard and 3) rightfully killed in a criminal action

sorry. You still lose.


I did NOT say what you are implying....but go ahead and twist and turn it to where you can justify what mr horn did, killing two people by shooting them in the BACK, with NO THREAT to it being justified....
I would say thieves in my neighborhood is a serious threat.
My home could be next and I may be there when they break in.
The results will be the same, I will shoot first and ask questions later.
I will not be punished for it.

Americans are taking back their country!
I clicked the link you originally posted and stormfront was listed. Don't be ashamed, it's not illegal to be a white supremist.

prove it. I posted the link and know damn well that the info of the person who DID post it has nothing to do with stormfront.

Dont be ashamed, ravi.. it's not illegal to be ignorant as hell!

Running in different directions does not indicate that they were 1) not a threat to Joe and 2) not in his yard and 3) rightfully killed in a criminal action

sorry. You still lose.


sorry bitch:), YOU LOSE....

you said mr horn was charged by the perps, HE WASN'T....

and just because they were crossing his yard is not PROOF that they tried to harm mr horn and he needed to defend himself from their harm.

you can't shoot people JUST BECAUSE they are crossing your lawn....they must be a threat to you....according to the law.

Mr horn was not burglarized, was not robbed, was not kidnapped, was not assaulted was not being raped or victimized in any fashion.

HE KILLED 2 black men, by shooting them in the BACK, that were of no physical threat to him....

he lost his mind!!!!
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There's nothing in there that says Horn was charged fact, it sounds like the burglars were cutting through his yard to escape. I know that justifies murder in your mind.

What "sounds like" in your goofy fucking brain mean little

enjoy knowing that.
sorry bitch:), YOU LOSE....

you said mr horn was charged by the perps, HE WASN'T....

and just because they were crossing his yard is not PROOF that they tried to harm mr horn and he needed to defend himself from their harm.

you can't shoot people JUST BECAUSE they are crossing your lawn....they must be a threat to you....according to the law.

Mr horn was not burglarized, was not robbed, was not kidnapped, was not assaulted was not being raped or victimized in any fashion.

HE KILLED 2 black men, by shooting them in the BACK, that were of no physical threat to him....

he lost his mind!!!!

YOU dont know that he wasn't. YOU have nothing to base this opinon on besides ignorant fucking opinons. They were in his yard. Theydidn't magically get there. And yes, if burglars are charging you because you are a witness, and die in your yard as evidence of their intent, then Joe had every right to kill these men.

poor guy. stomping your widdle foot some more will probably change reality like the magic you assume puts these two dead serial criminals in his yard.

too bad, so sad.

ah, and How Could I Lose when Joe is still not being charged?

lick my nuts, BITCH.
Where did I say that? I'm actually just laughing over you and shog teaming up with a white supremist group.:badgrin:

You have yet to prove your claim. Go ahead, can not be to hard, you made it, provide us the evidence. Or admit you are making shit up as usual cause you haven't a case or a leg to stand on.
You have yet to prove your claim. Go ahead, can not be to hard, you made it, provide us the evidence. Or admit you are making shit up as usual cause you haven't a case or a leg to stand on.
I can't prove it. When I clicked on the youtube it said stormfront posted it, now it says pure politics did.
I can't prove it. When I clicked on the youtube it said stormfront posted it, now it says pure politics did.

Sure thing, I suggest you stop making claims that are patently false. Why shouldn't we now call you a liar? You have made a claim that you can not support, that is contradicted by every fact available. You may have wanted it to say Storm Front but it does not and never did.

I have an idea, admit your wrong and we will move on.
Sure thing, I suggest you stop making claims that are patently false. Why shouldn't we now call you a liar? You have made a claim that you can not support, that is contradicted by every fact available. You may have wanted it to say Storm Front but it does not and never did.

I have an idea, admit your wrong and we will move on.
I can't help it if youtube got updated or changed. Next time I take a screen shot.
I can't prove it. When I clicked on the youtube it said stormfront posted it, now it says pure politics did.

you are a fucking liar. plain and simple. You want to accuse someone of racism because you have no other arrow left in your quiver.

But, im sure, it's just some vast conspiracy against you, rav. Me and Youtube are out to spear your lil net rep on this forum.


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