American Jews Have Found Our Voice


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
The Democrat Party has enjoyed near-total support from American Jewry for many decades. That same party is now openly supporting anti-Semites of the worst kind. Ilhan Omar, Tlaib, and AOC, among others, openly express their desire to hold Israel accountable for having the audacity to defend themselves from those who would kill their children. I am a Christian who believes the descendants of Jacob have an unending right to possess and live in the land God gave their Fathers. That doesn't mean that I support every action taken by the secular government of the modern state of Israel. Ultimately, American Jews will relearn the age-old lesson of the consequences of that ancient hate for Jews. They will be faced with fleeing their homes here to find safety elsewhere. If their refusal to support Israel leaves that nation in jeopardy, why would they think they should be allowed Aliyah in their time of need?
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice

read and learn.

The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.
The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.

Both Left and Right have their members who vehemently hate The Jews. Both sides fail to disavow them. Both sides argue over which side hates Jews the most and both sides just as vigorously pander our votes.

Both sides need to leave The Jews alone.
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
View attachment 511729

read and learn.

Nothing makes me more blindly angry than to see the Confederate flag being used by neo-nazi alt right pieces of dogshit. That's my second National Flag, it ought not be used by them.
The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.

Both Left and Right have their members who vehemently hate The Jews. Both sides fail to disavow them. Both sides argue over which side hates Jews the most and both sides just as vigorously pander our votes.

Both sides need to leave The Jews alone.

I cannot agree more that everybody needs to leave the Jews alone. I was raised Christian, but these "Christian" monkeys who run around trying to convert Jews and act like Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism make me sick. Judaism is its own unique stand-alone faith. Jews should not be bothered or persecuted by people of other faiths. No one should be.

I used to think that religion was good, involved the sacred, allowed people to explore their spirituality, taught ethics. Now I am beginnning to believe that it is not very beneficial and many times is an evil influence. Just yesterday, I read on the BBC about some crazy Hindus in India having an online "auction" of prominent, professional Muslim women. Then there is the matter of some Jewish men in Israel trying to keep Jewish women from praying at the Wailing Wall.

None of this could ever possibly represent the Devine. My doubts about religion increase with each passing day.
The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.
the islamo-nazi literature is replete with antisemitism no matter how you define
"left" and "right" -----in fact lots of the very widely disseminated stuff in the 1950s
was actually written by escapees from the Nuremburg trials who found love and affection
in places like Egypt and Syria------and a really nice living
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice

Zionist Jews are fascists - albert Einstein 1948

The CIA/Mossad does 95% of terror - Putin

The official USS Liberty transcript

Israeli pilot - but sir, it is an American ship, i can see the flag

IDF - you have your orders, hit it (before it documents our concentration camps)

Zionist Jews are America's #1 enemy and problem....
Palestinians have never done anything against American citizens.

Except murder Robert Kennedy, Leon Klinghoffer, and over 100 other American citizens.

RFK corpse has 14 bullet holes.

Gun planted on Siran Siran held 8 rounds.

Only pure Zionist traitors still push the vullshit you just did...

Israel did

The USS Liberty
The marines in Lebanon 1983, a false flag attempt to start a us war with Hezbollah
The steal

Israel did

The USS Liberty
The marines in Lebanon 1983, a false flag attempt to start a us war with Hezbollah
The steal

You forgot the Extinction of the Dinosaurs, Global Warming, and New Coke.
The global warming fraud....

Dr Michael Mann - Jew
James Hansen - Jew

Those pushing it in the media - all or overwhelmingly Jew

Traitor Joe - Jew
The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.
the islamo-nazi literature is replete with antisemitism no matter how you define
"left" and "right" -----in fact lots of the very widely disseminated stuff in the 1950s
was actually written by escapees from the Nuremburg trials who found love and affection
in places like Egypt and Syria------and a really nice living

Egypt, Syria, and some lovely picturesque countries in South America, to which some wonderful Catholic bigwigs helped them escape. The Israelis got him in Argentina. Other notorious nazis went to Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil. Not all anti-Semitism comes from Muslims. Christians have purveyed more than their fair share, like Henry Ford.

My first real job was working on NSF international fellowships. Some of the applicants had Spanish first names and German-sounding last names, like "Juan Schmidt." We used to joke "what did you do in the war, Daddy?"
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
View attachment 511729

read and learn.

Nothing makes me more blindly angry than to see the Confederate flag being used by neo-nazi alt right pieces of dogshit. That's my second National Flag, it ought not be used by them.
The confederate flag should be in a museum only, like the union flags belong in a museum only.
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
View attachment 511729

read and learn.

Nothing makes me more blindly angry than to see the Confederate flag being used by neo-nazi alt right pieces of dogshit. That's my second National Flag, it ought not be used by them.
The confederate flag should be in a museum only, like the union flags belong in a museum only.

That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. I'm a Civil War collector, restorer and relic hunter, so I'm a bit infatuated with flags and symbolisms of that era. I used to have flags from the 20th Maine, 3rd Arkansas, 50th Pennsylvania and 1st Virginia regiments flying in my yard until they got faded. I like flying Confederate and Union flags, makes me feel nostalgic.
The white cracker mob that marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us" were not "leftists" (whoever "leftists" actually are). They were nazis.
the islamo-nazi literature is replete with antisemitism no matter how you define
"left" and "right" -----in fact lots of the very widely disseminated stuff in the 1950s
was actually written by escapees from the Nuremburg trials who found love and affection
in places like Egypt and Syria------and a really nice living

Egypt, Syria, and some lovely picturesque countries in South America, to which some wonderful Catholic bigwigs helped them escape. The Israelis got him in Argentina. Other notorious nazis went to Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil. Not all anti-Semitism comes from Muslims. Christians have purveyed more than their fair share, like Henry Ford.

My first real job was working on NSF international fellowships. Some of the applicants had Spanish first names and German-sounding last names, like "Juan Schmidt." We used to joke "what did you do in the war, Daddy?"
the islamo nazi literaturer that I read as a child in the 50s -----was not AUTHORED
by muslims------just nazis. Lots of it was sponsored via islam and it was CERTAINLY
taught in muslim countries------chapter and verse. In the late 60s I came into contact
with lots of educated muslims---seeking further education in the USA including the hospitals
in which I did little jobs. Young muslim medical school graduates not only KNEW the
stuff-------they quoted it verbatim. Muslim indians knew it------Hindu Indians somehow
The great majority of Americans do not hate Jews.......unfortunately many leftwingers in this modern era do....this should not be must end.

Many if not most leftwingers stand up for black and palestinian victimhood which is sheer hypocrisy....blacks committ more hate crimes and violent crimes than any other ethnicity....Palestinians are terrorists.

American Jews Have Found Our Voice
View attachment 511729

read and learn.

Nothing makes me more blindly angry than to see the Confederate flag being used by neo-nazi alt right pieces of dogshit. That's my second National Flag, it ought not be used by them.
The confederate flag should be in a museum only, like the union flags belong in a museum only.

That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. I'm a Civil War collector, restorer and relic hunter, so I'm a bit infatuated with flags and symbolisms of that era. I used to have flags from the 20th Maine, 3rd Arkansas, 50th Pennsylvania and 1st Virginia regiments flying in my yard until they got faded. I like flying Confederate and Union flags, makes me feel nostalgic.
Probably better for NOW----that you do not display your flag artifacts publically

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