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American Jews on the Brink of Civil War: The "Jexodus" is happening and long may it thrive!

Y'all fighting over little ol' me?

I’m just looking forward to the day when all Jews return to Israel and Yahweh utterly annihilates Islam in the battle of Gog & Magog leaving Israel free to build the third temple!
A fellow four temple theology fan? the third temple of the anti-Christ and the fourth the temple of Jesus and the millennial kingdom?
You don't have to want the end of the world to happen to support Israel.

I support Israel because I believe Jews need a safe haven, after what happened to them during World War II.
You don't have to want the end of the world to happen to support Israel.

I support Israel because I believe Jews need a safe haven, after what happened to them during World War II.

Super wealthy jewish influencers were already drawing up the plans for zionism long before hitler came to power.
You don't have to want the end of the world to happen to support Israel.

I support Israel because I believe Jews need a safe haven, after what happened to them during World War II.

But you don't take land from the Palestinians, who have lived there over 8,000 years, by force, and give it to European Jewish immigrants.
Jews were welcome to immigrant to Palestine, and they started doing that as early as 1895.
But even at their peak of 6 million, they are still only about a third of the population, with 12 million Arab Muslims, who actually paid for and own almost all the land.
When you try to steal land, like Israel did, you will eventually be defeated.

And even according to Judaism that is wrong.
Jews are supposed to be waiting for the Messiah to come in order to have the Messiah create Zion for them.
They are not supposed to do it by force.

It is immoral and illegal to support those who would take from the Palestinians by force.
The Jews were integral in the creation of the conditions which created the problem they now face. Jews push mass immigration of non-white cultures into predominantly white nations then cry out in pain when these cultures to do not accept them with open arms. Stupid is as stupid does...or is it?
I feel no sympathy for Jews...77% of Jews vote Democrat. Nearly every ultra liberal and socialist organization has been founded by and headed by Jews.
Their hatred of Europeans as a diaspora will be their undoing.

This right here. The truth might be unpalatable to many American conservatives but these people are not our friends. The last thing they want is assertive white men. They want us demoralized and humiliated, backed into a corner staring at porn on a smartphone while muslims invade our lands and rape our women like what is happening in the UK and Germany.

That is silly because Islam tells Arabs to stay on the land the bones of their ancestors are buried under.
Arabs are the most tradition and least likely to ever move. It is only the Bedouins who are nomadic, and they tend to be more Berber than Arab.
Muslims would not come to the US, UK, or Germany, if the US had not turned the Mideast into a deadly war zone.
Muslims would not come to the US, UK, or Germany, if the US had not turned the Mideast into a deadly war zone.

On who's behalf?

We certainly did not kill half a million innocent Iraqis for anyone in the Mideast's behalf, unless you mean we deliberately wanted to give Iraq to the Iranians?
And murdering innocent Afghans is only going to help the Russians.
So about the only thing I can see as our motivations were to increase arms maker's profits, or temporarily gain control over Iraqi oil?
The rest makes no sense at all.
Taking out Qaddafi only put al Qaeda in power in Libya.
Egypt is now a horrific military dictatorship after we put Sisi in power.
Fighting Assad in Syria just murdered people, because it is obvious the people prefer Assad by an overwhelming majority.
You don't have to want the end of the world to happen to support Israel.

I support Israel because I believe Jews need a safe haven, after what happened to them during World War II.

Super wealthy jewish influencers were already drawing up the plans for zionism long before hitler came to power.

That is true.
The 2 main causes for Germany turning against Jews was Chaim Weissman giving the formula for synthetic acetone to England for the production of cordite, and for stealing the Zimmerman letter from Berlin and giving to the US to get us into the war on the side of the terrorists.
Both criminal deeds were done in exchange for the Balfour Declaration, which was also illegal since England had already promised Palestine its own independence.
So it was Zionism in WWI that caused the bad treatment of Jews in Germany after WWI.
It was Zionists who made Germany lose WWI, with massive starvation, deprivation, and unfair treatment.
Gee.. Thanks for warning me.. Better stock up on bagels and smoked salmon and cream cheese... It's gonna be a long war...

Seems like Dems have developed a knack for pissing off the constituencies that they've divided and depend on.. Polling on this is more bad news for the party with the bigger problems at the moment. The jews, the blacks, the labor vote, the SANE (LOL)...

It's now an internal pissing match about "scoring" the social credit points for potential Dem candidates. I'm a bigger loser than the fake Indian or the fake Hispanic that's already running.. Because I'm male, and white and Jewish.. My score wouldn't let me be a page for a freshman Dem congress-critter... :badgrin:

Watching them fight over what "groups" they represent is entertaining, but sad. It's also confusing. Because you have to decide if pointing out that men can't get pregnant or have periods is actually trannyphobic...

I agree, the freakshow is in full force now. in 2020 I would live to go to the DNC just to mock those sickos
What the hell is a "jexodus"? Is that supposed to be some kind of Jewish exodus? As opposed to the original?

It's just like the original Exodus.. An escape from bondage and neglect.. But I prefer the term Jexit... LOL...

SERIOUSLY -- I don't think the Muslims in Congress or anti-Zionist choir have breached any anti-semitism boundaries YET... But they will...

My bigger concern is the hypocrisy of having those same Muslim representatives whoring for the Muslim Brotherhood and conflict areas in the Middle East -- while complaining about lobbying for Israel..

That show of force from CAIR outside Omar's office last week from the big burly CAIR folks protecting her is a much more cogent "special interest" connection....

There is a huge difference.
The Muslim Brotherhood is an independence movement against western colonialism and imperialism, while Israel IS western colonialism and imperialism.
The Mideast has an inherent right to be free of imperialism and colonialism.
Everyone does.
I’m just looking forward to the day when all Jews return to Israel and Yahweh utterly annihilates Islam in the battle of Gog & Magog leaving Israel free to build the third temple!

That is the Apocalypse. And it is insane for anyone to want that to come true.
According to Judaism, Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah and let the Messiah create Zion.
They are not supposed to go to Jerusalem at all.
Jews are the "canary in the coal mine" -- an old saying that has importance today.

The canary in the coal mine refers to the practice of miners taking a canary into the mine to test for poisonous gas. The canary will die before the human miners are affected, saving their lives.

Jews are like that in the political world. When a group of people, like a political party, become toxic to freedom, the Jews will be impacted first. They will be the first victims of the new toxic atmosphere.

The Democrats have now become toxic. Abortion long ago defined them, but now they've expanded to infanticide and now Jew hatred.

Jews who are paying attention know that the Democrats are no longer friends who can be counted on. They know that they are in danger from the party they have been voting for since the beginning of the Republic.
"When a group of people, like a political party, become toxic to freedom, the Jews will be impacted first."
You should put that on a T-shirt just for the richly-deserved beatings you'd catch. What the fuck does "toxic to freedom" mean? Who would even say something like that (other than George W. Bush)? Toxic to freedom means killing freedom, right? Is that what it means? Like when a cop arrests a wife-beater and puts him in jail, he has "killed" the guy's freedom. So the cop is toxic to freedom, right? Or were you talking about like when Facebook or Google ban speech they disagree with, they are really, I guess, "killing" that speech, if you want to look at it that way, and speech is part of free speech, and free is part of freedom, so what you are trying to say is something like Google and Facebook are toxic to freedom? OK, I'm with you, but I don't get how if Google shuts down my youtube channel, it impacts Jews first.
The Jews were integral in the creation of the conditions which created the problem they now face. Jews push mass immigration of non-white cultures into predominantly white nations then cry out in pain when these cultures to do not accept them with open arms. Stupid is as stupid does...or is it?
I feel no sympathy for Jews...77% of Jews vote Democrat. Nearly every ultra liberal and socialist organization has been founded by and headed by Jews.
Their hatred of Europeans as a diaspora will be their undoing.

This right here. The truth might be unpalatable to many American conservatives but these people are not our friends. The last thing they want is assertive white men. They want us demoralized and humiliated, backed into a corner staring at porn on a smartphone while muslims invade our lands and rape our women like what is happening in the UK and Germany.

That is silly because Islam tells Arabs to stay on the land the bones of their ancestors are buried under.
Arabs are the most tradition and least likely to ever move. It is only the Bedouins who are nomadic, and they tend to be more Berber than Arab.
Muslims would not come to the US, UK, or Germany, if the US had not turned the Mideast into a deadly war zone.
The Turkish communities in Europe number in the millions (Germany, Belgium). This began in the 1970's.
The Algerian and Morocco communities are giant in France as well. Those countries have been at peace for decades.
Indian and Pakistani Muslims have been pouring into the UK since shortly after WW2.
This has nothing to do with war.

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