American Patriot Ted Nugent Exposes The Jews Behind Gun Control........ And They Are Pissed


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The ADL is pissed!


I can't remember the last time an American patriot sat in his own shit for weeks to avoiding going to war.
When everyone pictured is all hell bent for leather for gun control and their statements, opinions and actions are out there. How can they be offended by someone pointing out how they are leading the charge?

None of these people have hidden jack shit. So why the upset. Bloomberg is a truly bad actor in the midst of this battle. A battle that should not be waged. The Second and the Fourteenth are written in stone.
I can't remember the last time an American patriot sat in his own shit for weeks to avoiding going to war.
uh thats being smart and being a patriot not going to fight some bankers war that they are always starting.
I seriously doubt that is what was on his mind back when he was that young. He was ignorant and didn't know shit.

Ted was just a yellow draft dodging liberal sob. :laugh:

He came from huntin' country, he saw what guns can do. . . .
My heavens they do hate us!
Not all Jews hate us Christians, but consider three FACTS:
1. They have a completely different concept about who Satan is and what his role is than Christians do. To them Satan is just a tempter and accuser, sort of a District Attorney who likes to use entrapment, while Christians view Satan as evil by nature, applying the Isaiah description of the King of Tyre as being made about Satan instead.

2. They have an entirely tribal based moral values system, and accept the idea of the 'clever play' that victimizes the innocent as long as a Jew benefits from it and only a Gentile suffers. If you would like an example of prominent Jews who do that you need look no further than Goldman Sachs which is mostly run by Jewish people, or so I am told. No matter how badly the Goldman execs defraud their customers, aka 'muppets', it is all still considered 'Gods work'. They look to the example of their ancestor Joseph who defrauded the people of Egypt during good times and advised Pharoah on how to reduce them all to slavery.

3. The Jews hate Jesus Christ with a passion that goes beyond mere theological disagreement. They will accept almost any Jew into their synagogue, even open atheists and homosexuals, but not anyone who believes that Jesus was the Messiah. They will not break bread with any Messianic Jews and if they find them out they will kick them out of the synagogue, just like they did back in the First Century.

Despite the vast number of Christians killed by warfare and government genocidal programs since 1890, Jews get angry if anyone tries to 'horn in' on their claim to be victims of genocide. If they start a discussion of the Holocaust, bringing up the Amerindians or Armenians is considered a provocation directed straight at them.

All in all, most Jews do seem to hate Christians very much for a great many reasons, from Hitlers genocide to the discrimination common against Jews in the USA up until the early 60's and it still goes on. They seem unable to trust and cooperate with Christians to any degree, even if the Christians in question believe that the Jews are the Chosen people of God like the Pentecostals and Evangelicals do and many other Christians. Personally, I have lived and worked in the Washington DC area where there are a great many Jews and their hatred for Christians is on a sliding scale that depends on how much importance the Christian places on the Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian that likes gay marriage and hasnt read your Bible in years, dont pray much and think anti-Christian humor is funny, then the Jews have less of a problem with you for the most part. But if you do love Jesus and consider Him to be the Lord of your life, then you are against the Tribe, and that is about as evil as it gets for them and they hate you. Of course, there are exceptions, I am sure, but I have not met any of them.

For Christians though, we have to recognize the example that King David set when he was avoiding the power of the King Saul. David would not harm Saul because he was God's anointed, and so we too must not ever engage in discrimination and violence toward Jews, as they are still God's Chosen people.

If what happened to the Assyrians and the Nazis is not convincing enough then there is no remedy.
I can't remember the last time an American patriot sat in his own shit for weeks to avoiding going to war.
uh thats being smart and being a patriot not going to fight some bankers war that they are always starting.
I seriously doubt that is what was on his mind back when he was that young. He was ignorant and didn't know shit.

Ted was just a yellow draft dodging liberal sob. :laugh:

He came from huntin' country, he saw what guns can do. . . .

I talked my son out of enlisting to fight in Bush and Obama's wars for the corporations. There is not reason to be over there any more. Fuck each and every Shitanistani in the Middle East. They are not worth a single drop of American blood not now not 50 years go either..
My heavens they do hate us!
Not all Jews hate us Christians, but consider three FACTS:
1. They have a completely different concept about who Satan is and what his role is than Christians do. To them Satan is just a tempter and accuser, sort of a District Attorney who likes to use entrapment, while Christians view Satan as evil by nature, applying the Isaiah description of the King of Tyre as being made about Satan instead.

2. They have an entirely tribal based moral values system, and accept the idea of the 'clever play' that victimizes the innocent as long as a Jew benefits from it and only a Gentile suffers. If you would like an example of prominent Jews who do that you need look no further than Goldman Sachs which is mostly run by Jewish people, or so I am told. No matter how badly the Goldman execs defraud their customers, aka 'muppets', it is all still considered 'Gods work'. They look to the example of their ancestor Joseph who defrauded the people of Egypt during good times and advised Pharoah on how to reduce them all to slavery.

3. The Jews hate Jesus Christ with a passion that goes beyond mere theological disagreement. They will accept almost any Jew into their synagogue, even open atheists and homosexuals, but not anyone who believes that Jesus was the Messiah. They will not break bread with any Messianic Jews and if they find them out they will kick them out of the synagogue, just like they did back in the First Century.

Despite the vast number of Christians killed by warfare and government genocidal programs since 1890, Jews get angry if anyone tries to 'horn in' on their claim to be victims of genocide. If they start a discussion of the Holocaust, bringing up the Amerindians or Armenians is considered a provocation directed straight at them.

All in all, most Jews do seem to hate Christians very much for a great many reasons, from Hitlers genocide to the discrimination common against Jews in the USA up until the early 60's and it still goes on. They seem unable to trust and cooperate with Christians to any degree, even if the Christians in question believe that the Jews are the Chosen people of God like the Pentecostals and Evangelicals do and many other Christians. Personally, I have lived and worked in the Washington DC area where there are a great many Jews and their hatred for Christians is on a sliding scale that depends on how much importance the Christian places on the Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian that likes gay marriage and hasnt read your Bible in years, dont pray much and think anti-Christian humor is funny, then the Jews have less of a problem with you for the most part. But if you do love Jesus and consider Him to be the Lord of your life, then you are against the Tribe, and that is about as evil as it gets for them and they hate you. Of course, there are exceptions, I am sure, but I have not met any of them.

For Christians though, we have to recognize the example that King David set when he was avoiding the power of the King Saul. David would not harm Saul because he was God's anointed, and so we too must not ever engage in discrimination and violence toward Jews, as they are still God's Chosen people.

If what happened to the Assyrians and the Nazis is not convincing enough then there is no remedy.
Do you actually believe that crap?
My heavens they do hate us!
Not all Jews hate us Christians, but consider three FACTS:
1. They have a completely different concept about who Satan is and what his role is than Christians do. To them Satan is just a tempter and accuser, sort of a District Attorney who likes to use entrapment, while Christians view Satan as evil by nature, applying the Isaiah description of the King of Tyre as being made about Satan instead.

2. They have an entirely tribal based moral values system, and accept the idea of the 'clever play' that victimizes the innocent as long as a Jew benefits from it and only a Gentile suffers. If you would like an example of prominent Jews who do that you need look no further than Goldman Sachs which is mostly run by Jewish people, or so I am told. No matter how badly the Goldman execs defraud their customers, aka 'muppets', it is all still considered 'Gods work'. They look to the example of their ancestor Joseph who defrauded the people of Egypt during good times and advised Pharoah on how to reduce them all to slavery.

3. The Jews hate Jesus Christ with a passion that goes beyond mere theological disagreement. They will accept almost any Jew into their synagogue, even open atheists and homosexuals, but not anyone who believes that Jesus was the Messiah. They will not break bread with any Messianic Jews and if they find them out they will kick them out of the synagogue, just like they did back in the First Century.

Despite the vast number of Christians killed by warfare and government genocidal programs since 1890, Jews get angry if anyone tries to 'horn in' on their claim to be victims of genocide. If they start a discussion of the Holocaust, bringing up the Amerindians or Armenians is considered a provocation directed straight at them.

All in all, most Jews do seem to hate Christians very much for a great many reasons, from Hitlers genocide to the discrimination common against Jews in the USA up until the early 60's and it still goes on. They seem unable to trust and cooperate with Christians to any degree, even if the Christians in question believe that the Jews are the Chosen people of God like the Pentecostals and Evangelicals do and many other Christians. Personally, I have lived and worked in the Washington DC area where there are a great many Jews and their hatred for Christians is on a sliding scale that depends on how much importance the Christian places on the Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian that likes gay marriage and hasnt read your Bible in years, dont pray much and think anti-Christian humor is funny, then the Jews have less of a problem with you for the most part. But if you do love Jesus and consider Him to be the Lord of your life, then you are against the Tribe, and that is about as evil as it gets for them and they hate you. Of course, there are exceptions, I am sure, but I have not met any of them.

For Christians though, we have to recognize the example that King David set when he was avoiding the power of the King Saul. David would not harm Saul because he was God's anointed, and so we too must not ever engage in discrimination and violence toward Jews, as they are still God's Chosen people.

If what happened to the Assyrians and the Nazis is not convincing enough then there is no remedy.
Do you actually believe that crap?

Points 1 through 3 are simply facts, and the rest is the result of what I learned in working for the government in various capacities from 1993 to the August of 2013. I saw how Jewish government employees reacted to people other than myself when they got to know Christians more personally and it never failed; if the person was a Biblical Christian the Jewish government folks would spread rumors, give them bad reviews and sink them. IF the Christian was not serious about his faith, he generally did fine.

I was a contractor and generally kept my opinions to myself up to my last job, where I worked as a contractor for almost 10 years.

What specifically do you find to be crap and why? My guess is that it just flies against what you have been told growing up. How many Jews have you gotten to know personally in your life? I have become familiar with at least 40, WAG, from 20 years of working in DC as an IT specialist and meeting tones of different people in different jobs.

As a former evangelical from Dallas I was shocked at the pattern as I began to see it. Occasionally I would over hear more angry rhetoric against Christians, sometimes it was overt. Once for instance, I worked for a short time in a small business owned by a Jewish guy, and half his employees were Jewish or very secular, so I kept my religion largely to myself. We went to lunch one day and some ass holes were doing a Swastika adorned demonstration about a block from our building and we walked by them on the way to lunch. One of the demonstrators had a big sign with a pic with an Isreali flag over the white House. I was surprised to see that, being new to DC, and the owner said something along the lines of 'OF course these Christians think Jews control the White House because they cant resume killing us all.' I decided to find a new job and was transfered about a month later.

There are Christians that hate Jews and we all know that from the vast TV coverage that brow-beat it into us from the time I was a child.

What they never told us is that most Jews have a similar hatred for us and it is surprising when you see it for the first time.

This site is full of Jews that hate Christians, Guno for example. Just read his shit when he talks about Christians. He is not atypical in my experience of Jews around Washington DC and I hear for the East Coast north of the Potomac River.
It is not rational for a Jew to oppose the Second Amendment. They need it more than others.
It is not rational for a Jew to oppose the Second Amendment. They need it more than others.
I agree, and they should vote GOP more than other groups too, but they dont. They have a tribal loyalty to the Democrats that the majority will never shake unless the Democrats become openly anti-semitic.

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