American Patriot Ted Nugent Exposes The Jews Behind Gun Control........ And They Are Pissed

When did USMess and Storm Front merge?
More than six months back now.

Lol, Bulldog thinks that any speaking of the Jewish community that isnt lauditory = Stormfront.

roflmao...and that is how it is with these guys.

Dont get me wrong. Every Jewish person that I ever worked with was polite, worked hard and very smart.

But they were totally tribal in their outlook on things and my three points are spot on regarding their religion.
Jews are for gun control, especially the ones in political, academic and media power. Does anyone actually deny that? :p
When everyone pictured is all hell bent for leather for gun control and their statements, opinions and actions are out there. How can they be offended by someone pointing out how they are leading the charge?

None of these people have hidden jack shit. So why the upset. Bloomberg is a truly bad actor in the midst of this battle. A battle that should not be waged. The Second and the Fourteenth are written in stone.
Tiny dancer, please forgive me in advance for going apes*it over hearing people wring their hands over 'defending' the Constitution (ala 2A and whatever the 14th is) when the supported the Patriot Act that literally struck 4A into oblivion. Evidently that part was NOT written in stone to some folks and a majority of Congress. And all those Constitutional defenders arming to the teeth didn't even blink when 4A was stricken. As for this article, it is not unusual for gun control advocates come under attack and rile emotions, but it is usually for their convictions, not their religion. How about the Christian advocates of control? Do they get a cross on their picture?
My heavens they do hate us!
Not all Jews hate us Christians, but consider three FACTS:
1. They have a completely different concept about who Satan is and what his role is than Christians do. To them Satan is just a tempter and accuser, sort of a District Attorney who likes to use entrapment, while Christians view Satan as evil by nature, applying the Isaiah description of the King of Tyre as being made about Satan instead.

2. They have an entirely tribal based moral values system, and accept the idea of the 'clever play' that victimizes the innocent as long as a Jew benefits from it and only a Gentile suffers. If you would like an example of prominent Jews who do that you need look no further than Goldman Sachs which is mostly run by Jewish people, or so I am told. No matter how badly the Goldman execs defraud their customers, aka 'muppets', it is all still considered 'Gods work'. They look to the example of their ancestor Joseph who defrauded the people of Egypt during good times and advised Pharoah on how to reduce them all to slavery.

3. The Jews hate Jesus Christ with a passion that goes beyond mere theological disagreement. They will accept almost any Jew into their synagogue, even open atheists and homosexuals, but not anyone who believes that Jesus was the Messiah. They will not break bread with any Messianic Jews and if they find them out they will kick them out of the synagogue, just like they did back in the First Century.

Despite the vast number of Christians killed by warfare and government genocidal programs since 1890, Jews get angry if anyone tries to 'horn in' on their claim to be victims of genocide. If they start a discussion of the Holocaust, bringing up the Amerindians or Armenians is considered a provocation directed straight at them.

All in all, most Jews do seem to hate Christians very much for a great many reasons, from Hitlers genocide to the discrimination common against Jews in the USA up until the early 60's and it still goes on. They seem unable to trust and cooperate with Christians to any degree, even if the Christians in question believe that the Jews are the Chosen people of God like the Pentecostals and Evangelicals do and many other Christians. Personally, I have lived and worked in the Washington DC area where there are a great many Jews and their hatred for Christians is on a sliding scale that depends on how much importance the Christian places on the Bible and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian that likes gay marriage and hasnt read your Bible in years, dont pray much and think anti-Christian humor is funny, then the Jews have less of a problem with you for the most part. But if you do love Jesus and consider Him to be the Lord of your life, then you are against the Tribe, and that is about as evil as it gets for them and they hate you. Of course, there are exceptions, I am sure, but I have not met any of them.

For Christians though, we have to recognize the example that King David set when he was avoiding the power of the King Saul. David would not harm Saul because he was God's anointed, and so we too must not ever engage in discrimination and violence toward Jews, as they are still God's Chosen people.

If what happened to the Assyrians and the Nazis is not convincing enough then there is no remedy.
Jim, on the whole, I reject your thesis posted in 1,2,3 and the accompanying comments. I think you are speaking of a minority, a miniscule minority. And I totally reject the idea that the posted pictured group of advocates are for gun control because they are Jews. I believe they do it because they are Americans who care about our current murder madness. Also, EVERYONE who accepts God's divinity is Chosen. Do you remember the ancient Hebrew myth that when the Red Sea closed over the Egyptian army chasing the escaping Jews, that the angels cheered, but God shushed them with a reminder that the Egyptians are God's children too!
When everyone pictured is all hell bent for leather for gun control and their statements, opinions and actions are out there. How can they be offended by someone pointing out how they are leading the charge?

None of these people have hidden jack shit. So why the upset. Bloomberg is a truly bad actor in the midst of this battle. A battle that should not be waged. The Second and the Fourteenth are written in stone.
Tiny dancer, please forgive me in advance for going apes*it over hearing people wring their hands over 'defending' the Constitution (ala 2A and whatever the 14th is) when the supported the Patriot Act that literally struck 4A into oblivion. Evidently that part was NOT written in stone to some folks and a majority of Congress. And all those Constitutional defenders arming to the teeth didn't even blink when 4A was stricken. As for this article, it is not unusual for gun control advocates come under attack and rile emotions, but it is usually for their convictions, not their religion. How about the Christian advocates of control? Do they get a cross on their picture?

Lol, the Constitutionalists objected to the Patriot Act and following legislation, but got steam rolled by a Congress and President intent on turning the President into an Emperor. Part of the blow back from that is the current outside dominance int he GOP today.

But please do show me all the Jewish office holders who are in favor of expanding gun carry rights and you might have the point. There are Christian leaders on both sides of the issue, but all the prominent Jews seem to be totally on the gun grabbers side. Where are the Jews in office trying to promote gun rights?

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