American servicemember reportedly shoots, kills Afghan civilians ...

How many states is Jefferson Davis Paul going to win?

Ah. I like to field these difficult questions. :)

It appears that Dr. Paul will win exactly zero states before he Convention and that he has exactly no chance whatsoever of the becoming the GOP standard bearer.

And even though he professes to hate all manner of anti-Constitutional behavior, he is nevertheless so full of shit that there is a chance he will go 3P even at the COST of insuring that the worst offender, the incumbent, gets re-elected.

Ron Paul is a bad joke.

And the ones who are butthurt (perpetually) about that assclown are the ones who cannot tolerate hearing the truth about him.

Neverthenonethfuckingless, here it is. Truth! Ron Paul has zero chance.
It's a damn shame but maybe it will give us an excuse to get the hell out of that God forsaken country. Barry doesn't seem to want to fight so what the hell are we doing there? Count on the world (and the Obama administration) to make a gigantic issue out of it while they forget about the Jihad Major who opened fire on his own Troops.
How can YOU put yourself in our Soldier's shoes for a minute. When did you wear our BOOTS, Paulie.

Still waiting for your answer. If you have answered, my apologies. If you have not answered yet, why not?
Sorry to invade the questions; WHAT is the best course in Afghanistan? Leave sooner than planned, or stay, despite lives lost? I know what L. Graham, McCain and Gingrich think.

Honestly, we need to divide Afganistan into grids on a it to their authorities...and point out "See these hundred of grids? Everytime we find out we got a shipment of drugs from you or some kind of terrorism from you, we will come in and bomb one (or ) more of these grids into oblivion. And you won't know which one." Then pull everyone out within a few weeks of now. Oh, and never, ever give them any kind of aid ever again.

[ame=]Faces of the Other - YouTube[/ame]
Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.

No. You politicized it. You are a scumbag and a traitor to boot.

Means dick coming from you fucktard.
Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.

No. You politicized it. You are a scumbag and a traitor to boot.

Means dick coming from you fucktard.

Ah. Another Jefferson Davis Paul supporter. Oddball must love having you two cum dumpsters on his team.:doubt:
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impressive, cumstain

Means dick coming from you fucktard.
Some thoughts on this issue.

We are in this mess because we've lost sight of our goal.

Why did we go into Afghanistan. 1) To get Osama Bin Laden. 2) To break up the Al Qaeda training camps.

Okay, we did those things.

The reasoning behind why we are still there is because we are trying to "build a democracy" so that the Taliban won't come back.

But the reality is, if there was a fair and open election, and the Taliban were allowed to run candidates, they'd probably win.

Obama decided to double down on Afghanistan because during the campaign, he called Iraq the "War of Choice" while Afghanistan was the "War of Necessity". It was his way of sounding like a hawk while still pandering to the Code Pink anti-war types.

But the idea that we could turn Afghanistan into a democracy should have gotten a rude wakeup call when Karzai stole the 2009 election. He probably could have won in the runoff, but he insisted on stuffing the ballot boxes. And then we forced him to reconsider, but by that point, everyone knew it was a farce. He was a puppet president stealing an election, so why bother going through the motions.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is playing a double game here. They are the ones who are created the Taliban to start with and are funding them now.

The Cold, Pragmatic thing to do would be to withdraw, but then put Pakistan on notice that we will hold them accountable for the Taliban's behavior when they take over again. We should also forge closer ties with India, a country that actually shares a lot of our values.
It's a damn shame but maybe it will give us an excuse to get the hell out of that God forsaken country. Barry doesn't seem to want to fight so what the hell are we doing there? Count on the world (and the Obama administration) to make a gigantic issue out of it while they forget about the Jihad Major who opened fire on his own Troops.

'The Longest War' is now over. This horrifying debacle sealed the deal on that. They've already been in talks to hand half the country over to the Taliban anyway. The big sell-out has been well underway for some time. No more Soldiers need to die over there. They really would be dying for nothing.
If the military finds him guilty he should be turned over to the Afghans for punishment.
Or do we not respect their sovernty as a nation with an elected government?

No its not a good idea to turn him over to the Afghans.
Why would we turn a US soldier over to another country? We try him, find him guilty and kill him. Good order and discipline. Not slowly torture then cut his stomach open and hang him afterwards drag his body through the streets. See the difference?
Why would we turn a US soldier over to another country? We try him, find him guilty and kill him. Good order and discipline. Not slowly torture then cut his stomach open and hang him afterwards drag his body through the streets. See the difference?

The man was on his 4th deployment and had mental issues, he should have never been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.
Why would we turn a US soldier over to another country? We try him, find him guilty and kill him. Good order and discipline. Not slowly torture then cut his stomach open and hang him afterwards drag his body through the streets. See the difference?
Yes, trial under the USMJ, as deemed proper. Trial held in Afghanistan is the question.
The man was on his 4th deployment and had mental issues, he should have never been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.

We could make that argument. Indeed he may have needed help long ago. But in that environment and with the consequences of your actions being placed on your brothers I think you have to at the end of the day soldier up.
The man was on his 4th deployment and had mental issues, he should have never been sent to Afghanistan in the first place.

We could make that argument. Indeed he may have needed help long ago. But in that environment and with the consequences of your actions being placed on your brothers I think you have to at the end of the day soldier up.

I definently don't agree with what the man did however anyone who does something like this deserves to have their mental health questioned, I don't a human being can go through 4 deployments without taking a hit to their mental health.
Have you noticed that the Afghans are pretty much shrugging it off. Not nearly the interest as in the koran burning.

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