American servicemember reportedly shoots, kills Afghan civilians ...

I agree Geaux, HELL NO. No "turnover" to Afghani authorities.

So other countries should not turn over people who commit crimes against the USA to us either?

Remember now this is IF WE find them guilty first.
If they are guilty of this why should we protect them?
Our servicement need to realize that if they do such things that they are on their own.
Afghanistan is not yet a stable nation; Karzai says one thing, the news sources report another, more heinous version of the story. WHICH authorities should US troops be "turned over" to?

Ahh like our stories of how the girl went down shooting with a rifle that had not been fired at all? Or how Tillman died? Or we know where the WMD's are?
Or Abugrabass?

Governments and politicians lie.
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I agree Geaux, HELL NO. No "turnover" to Afghani authorities.

So other countries should not turn over people who commit crimes against the USA to us either?

Remember now this is IF WE find them guilty first.
If they are guilty of this why should we protect them?
Our servicement need to realize that if they do such things that they are on their own.
Afghanistan is not yet a stable nation; Karzai says one thing, the news sources report another, more heinous version of the story. WHICH authorities should US troops be "turned over" to?

They are US Military. They should be turned over to US Military Command.
The Brits failed. The Russians failed. We failed. It is a shithole. Time to leave and let the jackels have it back.
I know loyal Obama supporters wont like to hear this, but i think our Soldiers no longer have any faith in their Commander in Chief. His constant apologies really have worn them down. I'm not surprised at all that this happened. Time to bring em all home.

I know Jefferson Davis Paul supporters won't like this. But you are a despicable traitorous little shit.
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The truth is, many of our Soldiers feel completely abandoned by their Commander in Chief. His constant apologizing really has taken its toll on them. They watch six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, meanwhile their Commander in Chief goes on apologizing. They see it as a No-Win situation now. Their own Commander in Chief doesn't even have their backs at this point. It's a real cluster fuck over there. Time to bring our kids home. That's the only logical solution.

You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.
The truth is, many of our Soldiers feel completely abandoned by their Commander in Chief. His constant apologizing really has taken its toll on them. They watch six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, meanwhile their Commander in Chief goes on apologizing. They see it as a No-Win situation now. Their own Commander in Chief doesn't even have their backs at this point. It's a real cluster fuck over there. Time to bring our kids home. That's the only logical solution.

You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.

I am wondering if Jefferson Davis Paul will do the same.
I know loyal Obama supporters wont like to hear this, but i think our Soldiers no longer have any faith in their Commander in Chief. His constant apologies really have worn them down. I'm not surprised at all that this happened. Time to bring em all home.

I know Jefferson Davis Paul supporters won't like this. But you are a despicable traitorous little shit.

I know loyal Obama supporters wont like to hear this, but i think our Soldiers no longer have any faith in their Commander in Chief. His constant apologies really have worn them down. I'm not surprised at all that this happened. Time to bring em all home.

I know Jefferson Davis Paul supporters won't like this. But you are a despicable traitorous little shit.


No. You are a traitor. You stand for the dissolution of America. Traitor. And you're a classless scumbag for politicizing this tragedy.
I know loyal Obama supporters wont like to hear this, but i think our Soldiers no longer have any faith in their Commander in Chief. His constant apologies really have worn them down. I'm not surprised at all that this happened. Time to bring em all home.

I know Jefferson Davis Paul supporters won't like this. But you are a despicable traitorous little shit.


On top of the above, you are about one degree above a "conspiracy theory" forum regular.

In other words, you have three neurons rubbing together (as opposed to two).
The truth is, many of our Soldiers feel completely abandoned by their Commander in Chief. His constant apologizing really has taken its toll on them. They watch six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, meanwhile their Commander in Chief goes on apologizing. They see it as a No-Win situation now. Their own Commander in Chief doesn't even have their backs at this point. It's a real cluster fuck over there. Time to bring our kids home. That's the only logical solution.

You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.
Still, the question leave sooner than the "timetable" or await more US deaths? And if we just LEAVE, who will watch the backs of the the last troops leaving? Karzai does not seem to have control over the country.
The truth is, many of our Soldiers feel completely abandoned by their Commander in Chief. His constant apologizing really has taken its toll on them. They watch six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, meanwhile their Commander in Chief goes on apologizing. They see it as a No-Win situation now. Their own Commander in Chief doesn't even have their backs at this point. It's a real cluster fuck over there. Time to bring our kids home. That's the only logical solution.

You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.

Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.
The truth is, many of our Soldiers feel completely abandoned by their Commander in Chief. His constant apologizing really has taken its toll on them. They watch six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, meanwhile their Commander in Chief goes on apologizing. They see it as a No-Win situation now. Their own Commander in Chief doesn't even have their backs at this point. It's a real cluster fuck over there. Time to bring our kids home. That's the only logical solution.

You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.

Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.

No. You politicized it. You are a scumbag and a traitor to boot.
Conservative Republicans who have challenged Obama's steps toward ending the Afghanistan mission said on Sunday talk shows that justice must be done, but the goal of preventing Afghanistan from again becoming a terrorist haven remained the focus.

"This is tragic and will be investigated, and that soldier will be held accountable for his actions under the military justice system," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said on the ABC program "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." "Unfortunately, these things happen in war."

Instead of hastening a U.S. departure, the proper response is to continue preparing Afghan security forces to assume a greater role while negotiating a strategic partnership with the government that would include some U.S. resources staying on past 2014 in order to "stop this narrative that we're leaving," Graham said.

"We can win this thing. We can get it right," Graham said. "I will support the president when he does the right thing."

Another conservative, Arizona Sen. John McCain, called the shootings "a terrible situation."

"It is one of those things that you cannot explain except to extend your deepest sympathy to those victims and see that justice is done," McCain said on "Fox News Sunday."

At the same time, he cited recent progress in talks on a strategic partnership with Afghanistan as a step in the right direction while noting other challenges facing the country, including government corruption and safe haven in Pakistan for insurgents.

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, called for condolences to the families and possible compensation for their losses in an effort to make clear a moral distinction between the U.S. forces and their enemies, described by Gingrich as terrorists "in the business worldwide of killing the innocent."

Asked if was time for the United States to leave Afghanistan, Gingrich told the CBS program "Face the Nation" that "I think it is."

Condolences, questions over Afghan shootings -
I know Jefferson Davis Paul supporters won't like this. But you are a despicable traitorous little shit.


On top of the above, you are about one degree above a "conspiracy theory" forum regular.

In other words, you have three neurons rubbing together (as opposed to two).

Liar. And are you saying there are no Conspiracies? Because if you are, that just seems very crazy to me. Conspiracies do exist. Some Conspiracy Theories are Bullshit, but others are not. But to believe there are no Conspiracies, would be as ignorant & loony as it gets.
You don't know what the truth is slappy and your sorry ass certainly doesn't speak for the troops. Blaming a murderous rampage on any President only reveals you as the total fucktard that you are.

Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.

No. You politicized it. You are a scumbag and a traitor to boot.

Thus, my questions.
This is tragic and will be investigated, and that soldier will be held accountable for his actions under the military justice system," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said on the ABC program "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." "Unfortunately, these things happen in war."

Instead of hastening a U.S. departure, the proper response is to continue preparing Afghan security forces to assume a greater role while negotiating a strategic partnership with the government that would include some U.S. resources staying on past 2014 in order to "stop this narrative that we're leaving," Graham said.

"We can win this thing. We can get it right," Graham said. "I will support the president when he does the right thing."

Another conservative, Arizona Sen. John McCain, called the shootings "a terrible situation."

"It is one of those things that you cannot explain except to extend your deepest sympathy to those victims and see that justice is done," McCain said on "Fox News Sunday."

At the same time, he cited recent progress in talks on a strategic partnership with Afghanistan as a step in the right direction while noting other challenges facing the country, including government corruption and safe haven in Pakistan for insurgents.

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, called for condolences to the families and possible compensation for their losses in an effort to make clear a moral distinction between the U.S. forces and their enemies, described by Gingrich as terrorists "in the business worldwide of killing the innocent."

Asked if was time for the United States to leave Afghanistan, Gingrich told the CBS program "Face the Nation" that "I think it is."
Didn't blame it on him. I just said many Soldiers have lost faith in him as their Commander in Chief. They just watched six of their fellow Soldiers get slaughtered for nothing, and all they got in repsonse from their Commander in Chief, was a feeble apology to the Afghan Government. That has to be very disheartening for our Soldiers. It's like, what are they fighting and dying for at this point? It's time to bring em all home. Period, end of story.

No. You politicized it. You are a scumbag and a traitor to boot.


Put yourself in our Soldiers' shoes for a minute. They see their fellow Soldiers massacred by savages yet their Commander in Chief's only response is to apologize to the Afghan Government. It's like those Soldiers never even existed. And what did they die for? It's just such a mess. Lets get the hell out of there.

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