Americans Are Finding Out They Got Royally Screwed By The Republican Tax Scam


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
They could have used that power to fundamentally improve the lives of ordinary Americans. They could have passed all kinds of incentives to keep corporations from “outsourcing” jobs and hiding and parking their profits overseas. They could have routed vast sums of money to rebuild deteriorating highways and bridges that Americans rely on every day. They could have bolstered up Medicare and Social Security, ensuring that millions of citizens enjoyed a dignified and prosperous retirement. They could have helped families pay for their kids’ college educations. They could have funded all kinds of services that would improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

Instead, they chose to do the exact opposite.

Americans are finally finding out they got royally screwed by the Republican tax scam

Checked your 401K or IRA lately? I lost $3000 in 2018, and that was in a safe targeted retirement fund. Which has now been pulled out of the market, and will remain so as long as Trump is President. I can only imagine how my tax return is going to look.
The people who complain that taxes aren't high enough are now complaining about taxes?

From ass to an even bigger ass indeed.


MAGA @ Did my taxes today. Ran my income through previous tax schedule and BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
My refund is about the same as last year.
I think that the complainers are from high tax blue states that got some of their deductions removed?
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?
My refund is about the same as last year.
I think that the complainers are from high tax blue states that got some of their deductions removed?

Riiigghht. People in red states got different witholding rates and deductions than everyone else.

And this is just the first year. It only gets worse every year after, right up until year five when the tax cuts go away for everyone except the upper income earners, trust fund babies and corporations.

I'm sure it will be just fine for Trump and Republicans running for reelection.
They could have used that power to fundamentally improve the lives of ordinary Americans. They could have passed all kinds of incentives to keep corporations from “outsourcing” jobs and hiding and parking their profits overseas. They could have routed vast sums of money to rebuild deteriorating highways and bridges that Americans rely on every day. They could have bolstered up Medicare and Social Security, ensuring that millions of citizens enjoyed a dignified and prosperous retirement. They could have helped families pay for their kids’ college educations. They could have funded all kinds of services that would improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

Instead, they chose to do the exact opposite.

Americans are finally finding out they got royally screwed by the Republican tax scam

Checked your 401K or IRA lately? I lost $3000 in 2018, and that was in a safe targeted retirement fund. Which has now been pulled out of the market, and will remain so as long as Trump is President. I can only imagine how my tax return is going to look.

Tired of not-winning? ... Average Tax Refunds Down 8.4 Percent As Angry Taxpayers Vent On Twitter
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?

Chances are most of those 13k people do not understand the tax system. They equate a smaller refund with paying more taxes, though that is not often the case.

An example, if every month the government held out 100 dollars less from your check than the year before but your tax refund was 500 dollars less, you still came out 700 dollars ahead.

But most people do not pay attention to how much they pay each paycheck, just the size of their refund.
Two reasons for this. First these people paid less tax to start with so of course they got a smaller tax refund. Secondly if you are in a blue state with high taxes there's a limit on how much of that state tax you can write off on your federal tax. No longer will the citizens of red stated be forced to subsidize citizens of blue states. If you don't like that either move or get your blue state tax burden reduced.
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?

Chances are most of those 13k people do not understand the tax system. They equate a smaller refund with paying more taxes, though that is not often the case.

An example, if every month the government held out 100 dollars less from your check than the year before but your tax refund was 500 dollars less, you still came out 700 dollars ahead.

But most people do not pay attention to how much they pay each paycheck, just the size of their refund.

And you should know that perception is everything in politics. Obama ended the Republican tax scam brought on by Bush, and the next Democratic President will end this one. In case you haven't noticed, the younger generations are becoming much more in tune with these issues, and do not favor tax cuts for the "Job Creators".

I predict a big increase in government revenues in the years to come, to pay for the things those "Job Creators" would like to see go away.
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?

Chances are most of those 13k people do not understand the tax system. They equate a smaller refund with paying more taxes, though that is not often the case.

An example, if every month the government held out 100 dollars less from your check than the year before but your tax refund was 500 dollars less, you still came out 700 dollars ahead.

But most people do not pay attention to how much they pay each paycheck, just the size of their refund.
So how are they ahead if they pay less and get less refund? What's the 'great benefit'?
My refund is about the same as last year.
I think that the complainers are from high tax blue states that got some of their deductions removed?

Riiigghht. People in red states got different witholding rates and deductions than everyone else.

And this is just the first year. It only gets worse every year after, right up until year five when the tax cuts go away for everyone except the upper income earners, trust fund babies and corporations.

I'm sure it will be just fine for Trump and Republicans running for reelection.
I know the Progressive Socialists are going to rush in and give the working stiffs a massive tax cut! Am I right? Nothing has ever stopped them from doing that. And they have not. Instead its the rich and spouts of crumbs because they do not give a ph uk about the working class as they want them to be subservient to the gaia god of socialism/communism. Nancy should have added we will cut your taxes to expand those crumbs. The swamp will probably expand the tax cuts we have gotten mainly because inflation will eat up some of it by the time the current law expires. But the progressive socialists will at this point never cut taxes fro the peasant. They need his/her money.
Two reasons for this. First these people paid less tax to start with so of course they got a smaller tax refund. Secondly if you are in a blue state with high taxes there's a limit on how much of that state tax you can write off on your federal tax. No longer will the citizens of red stated be forced to subsidize citizens of blue states. If you don't like that either move or get your blue state tax burden reduced.
I think you are laboring under an incorrect illusion. I think you got the states that subsidize other states backwards.
They could have used that power to fundamentally improve the lives of ordinary Americans. They could have passed all kinds of incentives to keep corporations from “outsourcing” jobs and hiding and parking their profits overseas. They could have routed vast sums of money to rebuild deteriorating highways and bridges that Americans rely on every day. They could have bolstered up Medicare and Social Security, ensuring that millions of citizens enjoyed a dignified and prosperous retirement. They could have helped families pay for their kids’ college educations. They could have funded all kinds of services that would improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

Instead, they chose to do the exact opposite.

Americans are finally finding out they got royally screwed by the Republican tax scam

Checked your 401K or IRA lately? I lost $3000 in 2018, and that was in a safe targeted retirement fund. Which has now been pulled out of the market, and will remain so as long as Trump is President. I can only imagine how my tax return is going to look.

Are you suggesting Trump is responsible for your IRA losing money because of how the guy you entrusted your money with gambled / invested your money?

You do know there is 'm sure thing's / '100% 'Safe'' investment, right?!
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?

Chances are most of those 13k people do not understand the tax system. They equate a smaller refund with paying more taxes, though that is not often the case.

An example, if every month the government held out 100 dollars less from your check than the year before but your tax refund was 500 dollars less, you still came out 700 dollars ahead.

But most people do not pay attention to how much they pay each paycheck, just the size of their refund.
So how are they ahead if they pay less and get less refund? What's the 'great benefit'?

I see you suck at math...i will try and keep this simple for you...

Let’s use this example:

Under the old tax rules Bob got a refund of $2000.

Then, with the new rules Bob has 100 dollars less held out of his check each month, meaning he is now getting paid an extra $1200 at the end of the year.

Bob files his taxes and his refund this year is only $1500. So he gained $1200 and “lost” $500...thus he came out $700 ahead for the year.

Sent from my iPhone using
They could have used that power to fundamentally improve the lives of ordinary Americans. They could have passed all kinds of incentives to keep corporations from “outsourcing” jobs and hiding and parking their profits overseas. They could have routed vast sums of money to rebuild deteriorating highways and bridges that Americans rely on every day. They could have bolstered up Medicare and Social Security, ensuring that millions of citizens enjoyed a dignified and prosperous retirement. They could have helped families pay for their kids’ college educations. They could have funded all kinds of services that would improve the quality of Americans’ lives.

Instead, they chose to do the exact opposite.

Americans are finally finding out they got royally screwed by the Republican tax scam

Checked your 401K or IRA lately? I lost $3000 in 2018, and that was in a safe targeted retirement fund. Which has now been pulled out of the market, and will remain so as long as Trump is President. I can only imagine how my tax return is going to look.

And yet, here you are, a YUGE supporter of SOCIALIST OSCASIO...who's ultimate goal is to empower a hand full of elites at the expense of the peasant class.....(example? Venezuela for starters)

Shouldn't there be an IQ test before snowflakes are allowed to post on forums?
I mean, it should least be a two digit number or higher, right?
Two reasons for this. First these people paid less tax to start with so of course they got a smaller tax refund. Secondly if you are in a blue state with high taxes there's a limit on how much of that state tax you can write off on your federal tax. No longer will the citizens of red stated be forced to subsidize citizens of blue states. If you don't like that either move or get your blue state tax burden reduced.
I think you are laboring under an incorrect illusion. I think you got the states that subsidize other states backwards.
When blue state citizens can write off state taxes to avoid paying federal taxes they are forcing those of us in red stated to shoulder more of the burden.
My income was up 18%, I did not have any deduction, I claimed 9 on the W-4 form and I still got almost $5K from the government. It isn't a "return" it's a hand out. Typical bed wetter agitprop.

Thanks Trump.
It’s true, those that live in blue states that they have allowed their legislators to rape them and red states to cover their butts in that raping with extraordinarily high taxes, is now no longer allowed. They are finding out it’s time to reel in their own states high taxes.
BOOM, found GEOTUS saved my middle class family $3000 bucks. Thanks Mr President! : The_Donald
Hey, longknife, can you explain how that happened? What extra breaks did you get? I ask because yesterday I read a piece that had over 13K comments complaining about their taxes this year where they either had to pay instead of getting a refund as in the past, or got a significantly reduced refund. Many complained that this is the first year they ever..ever..had to pay instead of getting a refund. I do not doubt that some, like yourself, get the gold mine instead of the shaft, but how? Why? Is there a secret process?
Two reasons for this. First these people paid less tax to start with so of course they got a smaller tax refund. Secondly if you are in a blue state with high taxes there's a limit on how much of that state tax you can write off on your federal tax. No longer will the citizens of red stated be forced to subsidize citizens of blue states. If you don't like that either move or get your blue state tax burden reduced.

Show us how that works.


Tax Reform - Which States Pay The Most Federal Taxes

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