Americans are idiots

To to a certain extent, dependancy on the US holds Canada back. Having such a huge economy right next door makes finding potential markets a lot easier.
CSM said:
So sayeth a Canadien official:

Parrish sticks by 'idiot' comment
Last Updated Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:23:56 EDT

OTTAWA - A day after calling Americans a "coalition of idiots," Ontario member of Parliament Carolyn Parrish said a request from the prime minister hasn't persuaded her to withdraw the controversial comment.

PM runs Canada, but kind of nanny boy can't smack the taste out of her mouth but instead runs to MP and tattles:

Carolyn Parrish
Speaking after a cabinet meeting on Thursday, Prime Minister Paul Martin said he told the MP on Wednesday that her comments, made in reference to the U.S. missile defense system, were not welcome.

So Nyah nyah! What is this, Kindergarden?

Why can't anyone smack the taste out of her mouth?

"I told her her statements were not acceptable, they should be withdrawn, and she has colleagues who feel strongly about this issue on both sides," Martin said.

Apparently there are more crazy bastards who agree that American's are idiots, which is frightening. But look at Martin whining like a girly boy.

Parrish said although she has incredible respect for the prime minister, she will let her comments stand.

Incredible respect except he's still a pathetic weenie. :funnyface

"I gave it a lot of thought, but I won't be withdrawing," Parrish said.

She's patronizing, asinine, arrogant, and condescending bitch, but she's got principles!

She said she's sticking by the dictionary definition of the word 'idiot,' meaning ignorance and lack of knowledge.

Well sure, cover that ass. But it's actually defined as a "foolish person or someone who is behaving in a stupid way." Ring a bell?

However, two cabinet ministers weighed in on the issue, saying Parrish was wrong.

Why not put it through parliament for a vote, too, ya wankers? :wank:

Defense Minister Bill Graham said he would prefer the missile defense debate be kept to a civilized discussion.

Well it's simple, Bill.

You either come to the US with a plan for our joint protection or freak out about Bush and act like this whole thing is a bad idea.

And when "American's as idiots" becomes a national policy instead of a recurring theme, like all fucknard Canadians seem to enjoy these days... it's a matter of one simple word to China that America doesn't squirt one chub for Canada anymore... and more than likely ensure Taiwan is free in return... and we lockdown our borders, and our idiot missile shield doesn't activate at all when some few urban places are wiped out... well Canadians can blame us for that what do we care? Deal with it. Okay, well, it's just a thought, but America is too good for that. As the fucking idiots Carolyn Parrish says we are, we'll not let that happen. But thanks anyway.

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Judy Sgro said, "I think she should have kept her mouth shut."

Oooh.... BURN! She really told her!

Parrish said she doesn't agree with Sgro's advice.

Yeah BeeeYATCH! Tell her.

"Keep my mouth shut? That's not what 28,000 people in my riding elected me to do," said Parrish.


For 28,000 people?

Riding For 28,000 people who expect her mouth to be open for them.

So is that lewd. Crude? Fuck her, I'm an idiot American. Slut.

Parrish told reporters on Wednesday that she does not believe Canada should participate in U.S. President George W. Bush's missile defense program.

What a struggle of conscience for her!

It's the same kind of choice we'll face when Canada roasts in nuclear flames... shall we weep, or break out the weenies and marshmallows?

"We are not joining a coalition of the idiots," she said. "We are joining a coalition of the wise."

Yeah, idiots with a missile defense program, thank you.

So basicaly a coalition wise-asses will despise what we build until they face attack and then join the coalition of "DEAR GOD PLEASE FUCKING SAVE US, AMERICA!!!”

And then join the coalition of toasty warm, steaming splatters of radioactive goo! :blowup:

And how stupid is that, gooey dumbass Canadians? My advice is to vote the dumb bitch out.

made me laugh though. I guess that's what us idiots do!

Me too! :teeth:

That was like... way too Fiskable. The Canadian cabinet is dwelling on how American’s are either idiots or not. So while that's debated I wonder who among the entire cabinent really want to join and contribute now. The longer our missile defence is left our own project the little I care of Canada and it's future. Some are great people, but when these various leaders remain in office, who the hell vote for them? Ontario is OFF the shield list until they vote the ninny out of office.
Comrade said:
Ontario is OFF the shield list until they vote the ninny out of office.

If you suddenly don't hear from me, you'll know why. :D
Said1 said:
If you suddenly don't hear from me, you'll know why. :D

Oh dear... well like I said idiots we are we're also suckers for cute blonds, too, did I mention that?

Whatever happens we're obviously going to get mightly pissed about anyone messing with Canada because we own the rights to mess with ya.

And we got lots of guns. TONS, and me I'm less than 2 hours from the border. Who would dare?
drac said:
That is human nature, imho. We think we are saving them and they think we hold them back. It is always the other guy.

A lot of the times, Canada gets lumped in with the US on stuff we do not want to be a part of. Like the missle shield. We are going to be a part of it, must of us don't want to be. Thats why our gov't is clearly waiting for your election to happen before making a decsion.
MrMarbles said:
A lot of the times, Canada gets lumped in with the US on stuff we do not want to be a part of. Like the missle shield. We are going to be a part of it, must of us don't want to be. Thats why our gov't is clearly waiting for your election to happen before making a decsion.

Maybe if you're lucky, we'll leave a hole in the defenses so you can nuked off the face of the earth. Merry Christmas!
MrMarbles said:
A lot of the times, Canada gets lumped in with the US on stuff we do not want to be a part of. Like the missle shield. We are going to be a part of it, must of us don't want to be. Thats why our gov't is clearly waiting for your election to happen before making a decsion.

waiting for us? whatever for?? Can't you make your own decisions?
Comrad said:
Whatever happens we're obviously going to get mightly pissed about anyone messing with Canada because we own the rights to mess with ya.

And we got lots of guns. TONS, and me I'm less than 2 hours from the border. Who would dare?


dilloduck said:
waiting for us? whatever for?? Can't you make your own decisions?

You really need us to answer that??
MrMarbles said:
A lot of the times, Canada gets lumped in with the US on stuff we do not want to be a part of. Like the missle shield. We are going to be a part of it, must of us don't want to be. Thats why our gov't is clearly waiting for your election to happen before making a decsion.
That is kind of fun. On one hand you do not want to be lumped in with the US, on the other you are waiting for US to make a desicion. Am i missing something here?
drac said:
That is kind of fun. On one hand you do not want to be lumped in with the US, on the other you are waiting for US to make a desicion. Am i missing something here?

You know what's missing. Cash!!! If the Canucks want the shield they can pay into it. If they want to wait until we deploy it and prove it's effective they should pay a premium with interest.

Or else we'll let China run them into Hudson Bay, the cheapskates. They'll think Bush was neat after Mao moves in.
Comrade said:
You know what's missing. Cash!!! If the Canucks want the shield they can pay into it. If they want to wait until we deploy it and prove it's effective they should pay a premium with interest.

Or else we'll let China run them into Hudson Bay, the cheapskates. They'll think Bush was neat after Mao moves in.

No, we'll wait and see who (duh) wins the election.

I thought Mao's was kinda cute, in that bloated dictator sorta way, although I heard Chinese is a hard language to learn. :D
CSM said:
So sayeth a Canadien official:

Parrish sticks by 'idiot' comment
Last Updated Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:23:56 EDT
OTTAWA - A day after calling Americans a "coalition of idiots," Ontario member of Parliament Carolyn Parrish said a request from the prime minister hasn't persuaded her to withdraw the controversial comment.

Carolyn Parrish
Speaking after a cabinet meeting on Thursday, Prime Minister Paul Martin said he told the MP on Wednesday that her comments, made in reference to the U.S. missile defence system, were not welcome.

"I told her her statements were not acceptable, they should be withdrawn, and she has colleagues who feel strongly about this issue on both sides," Martin said.

made me laugh though. I guess that's what us idiots do!

Even I (3 red squares and all) couldn't condone such statements. Thinking it is one thing, but saying it! That women has the political brain of a flea. What a faux pas -as a Canadian might say.
rtwngAvngr said:
Maybe if you're lucky, we'll leave a hole in the defenses so you can nuked off the face of the earth. Merry Christmas!

Whos going to nuke Canada, seriously? And if we do, it will be because of our support for America.

waiting for us? whatever for?? Can't you make your own decisions?

We are waiting for your election. Why make a decision when everything may change in a month or so. Plus, with Bush there is a lot of pressure to conform, but if Kerry wins, that pressure will be relieved and we won't have to worry about appeasing America so much. Which is ironic because America appearnetly hates appeasers.
MrMarbles said:
Whos going to nuke Canada, seriously? And if we do, it will be because of our support for America.

We are waiting for your election. Why make a decision when everything may change in a month or so. Plus, with Bush there is a lot of pressure to conform, but if Kerry wins, that pressure will be relieved and we won't have to worry about appeasing America so much. Which is ironic because America appearnetly hates appeasers.

Conform??? Conform to what??
MrMarbles said:
Whos going to nuke Canada, seriously? And if we do, it will be because of our support for America. We are waiting for your election. Why make a decision when everything may change in a month or so. Plus, with Bush there is a lot of pressure to conform, but if Kerry wins, that pressure will be relieved and we won't have to worry about appeasing America so much. Which is ironic because America appearnetly hates appeasers.
LOL, why wait for an "idiot", make your descision based on the needs of the country, no?
dilloduck said:
Conform??? Conform to what??

"Conformist" noun or adj. - term applied to conservatives who think alike

"Free Thinker" noun - term applied to liberals who think alike

"Idiot" noun - term applied to people who hold conservative viewpoints in spite of the fact that they hold advanced degrees from prestigious universities

"Enlightened" adj. - term applied to people who parrot the latest liberal clap trap in spite of the fact that they didn't even complete their freshmen year of college.


"Nazi" adj. - term applied by liberals to conservatives who believe in freedom of thought, the right to freedom of political speech, the freedom to worship God and in liberating oppressed people from tyranny

"Patriot" noun - self congratulatory term applied by American liberals to themselves for being apologists for Middle Eastern tyrants, slowly destroying First Amendment liberties through the American court system and for being in favor of turning American sovereignty to the UN


"Bigot" noun - term applied to conservatives who are willing to accept people of different races and creeds in their Administrations and fight to get billions of dollars allocated to combat AIDS in developing nations

"Inclusive" adj. - liberals who are willing to accept people of different races, sexual orientations and genders on the condition that they totally agree with the Democratic Party Line.


"Murderer/Baby Killer" noun - terms applied to presidents who, despite great cost to their political popularity, liberated over 50 million people from the Taliban and Saddam Hussein. Can also be applied to presidents who attempt to ban the murder of newborn infants by having their brains sucked out of their heads with a vacuum cleaner (without anesthesia).

"Pro-Choice" adj- term applied to individuals who favor terminating the lives of newborn infants in the manner just described in order to prevent the mother from being inconvenienced.


"Spin" - adverb - term applied to conclusions based on logical thought and analysis or based on values of right and wrong. Usually applied to conservative viewpoints

"Eloquent" - adj - term applied to liberals who make accusations of conservatives based on lies or flimsy evidence, usually while becoming overly emotional and hysterical.
MrMarbles said:
Whos going to nuke Canada, seriously? And if we do, it will be because of our support for America.

I bet Iran or North Korea would take a free shot if we let them.

We are waiting for your election. Why make a decision when everything may change in a month or so. Plus, with Bush there is a lot of pressure to conform, but if Kerry wins, that pressure will be relieved and we won't have to worry about appeasing America so much. Which is ironic because America appearnetly hates appeasers.

But Canada can't appease us, they can only kiss our ass.

In breaking news, some ditzy Ontario official refuses to retract the claim that "Americans are idiots", which apparently put the PM and MP into spin control, and provoked a round of condemnations from all manner of top officials. But that's just funny how serious they all get about what is simply healthy release of tension from the little nutcase. Let it out Canada!

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