Americans Fall In Love With Obamacare As New Poll Shows Growing ACA Support


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Americans Fall In Love With Obamacare As New Poll Shows Growing ACA Support


According to the latest PPP Poll, more Americans support Obamacare than oppose it as Democrats have become unified in their support of the ACA.

PPP discussed the results, “Evidence continues to mount that the Affordable Care Act is just not a liability for Democrats anymore. Nationally we find that 42% of voters support it to 40% who are opposed. Those numbers are in line with what we’ve found in most swing states where we’ve polled on it over the course of this year. It’s a far cry from when we used to consistently find voters opposed to it by a 10-15 point margin nationally and in key states. One big reason for the change is that Democrats (73%) are more unified in their support of it than Republicans (70%) are in their opposition to it.”

It turns out that as more Americans have gained first-hand experience with the health care law, they have liked the results. Obamacare as a term has been demonized by years of Republican lies and smears, but the law itself is not the political anchor that Republicans had hoped it would be.

The worse news for Republicans is that approval of the law has been steady since people started experiencing the benefits of the ACA. Obamacare is closer to becoming a political asset than it is to being a liability for Democrats.

As more people gain coverage, it is going to be difficult to impossible for Republicans to be able to repeal the law. What makes 2016 so urgent for Obamacare critics is that if they fail to win the White House, it is likely that the ACA will be the law of the land for a very long time.

Read more: Americans Fall In Love With Obamacare As New Poll Shows Growing ACA Support

Of course, the republicans hate it....It helps the little guy!!! Can't be doing that!!!! Pray for a democratic victory in 2016!

The republicans attack SSI and Minimum wage that is supported by 60%+ of this country. They're nutz and will never give a single damn about the will of the majority...The poor and old be damned.
You condemn the entire party, and you are wrong. SSI and minimum wage are protected by the mainstream GOP. Only the far right filth attack those principles.
And just wait until the crazies on this board go into their "IT'S THE WORST THING SINCE HITLER!111!" routine and post their little YouTube vids because they're incapable of anything else.

I'll go make popcorn...
That's another trick they have. "I'm too lazy or stupid to refute the data in the article, so I'll post a screencap with the word 'liberal' in it."
... did I interrupt you? Pray continue...

See Post 10.

Why is it you people never have current information? Some of you have been posting "important stuff that says what I want it to say" from as far back as 2008.

That link is 2 months old. The OP is posting current polling.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.
Knee-jerk reaction, with emphasis on the jerk, has undone you again.

Had you had read it, you would know that that is all the current polling...why this poll hasn't been added yet, I do not know. But you can perform simple mathematical calculations like averaging I assume...let me know if I'm wrong, and I'll be happy to do it for you.

Better luck next time.

That link is 2 months old. The OP is posting current polling.

Try and keep up with the rest of the class.
Knee-jerk reaction, with emphasis on the jerk, has undone you again.

Had you had read it, you would know that that is all the current polling...why this poll hasn't been added yet, I do not know. But you can perform simple mathematical calculations like averaging I assume...let me know if I'm wrong, and I'll be happy to do it for you.

Better luck next time.
So it's August on your planet?
Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.
Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.
Of course it makes yours out of date and this one right at this time
Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.

Actually it is only 8 points and this poll will significantly reduce that.

But what is even more significant in the RCP are the TRENDS. This latest polling proves that the trends are towards support for Obamacare and away from opposition.

Either way you own link proves that you are losing on this one.

Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.
Of course it makes yours out of date and this one right at this time

Not at all, this one looks exactly like the USA Today numbers. Either they were wrong before, or the other polls were wrong after...and either way it discredits the veracity of any stand alone poll.

I get that you guys WANT these numbers to be taken at face value, but logic dictates that they should not be. And the same would be true if the numbers were the other way around...except these other posters would be arguing my side if that were indeed the case.
Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.
Of course it makes yours out of date and this one right at this time

Not at all, this one looks exactly like the USA Today numbers. Either they were wrong before, or the other polls were wrong after...and either way it discredits the veracity of any stand alone poll.

I get that you guys WANT these numbers to be taken at face value, but logic dictates that they should not be. And the same would be true if the numbers were the other way around...except these other posters would be arguing my side if that were indeed the case.

If you are taking the stand that only trends give a true indication of actual voter sentiments then the RCP trends point exactly to where the OP poll is today.

Why are you surprised that the trends are going this way? It was inevitable that they would cross at some point and the OP poll indicates that we have reached that point.
Missourian, our poll is three to four months out of date, yes?

Yes, but that doesn't make it wrong, or this one right. That's why an average of polls is the best way to smooth outliers. There are also -10 points of difference between the USA Today poll that was earlier and the Quinnipiac Poll.

Add this one to the average.
Of course it makes yours out of date and this one right at this time

Not at all, this one looks exactly like the USA Today numbers. Either they were wrong before, or the other polls were wrong after...and either way it discredits the veracity of any stand alone poll.

I get that you guys WANT these numbers to be taken at face value, but logic dictates that they should not be. And the same would be true if the numbers were the other way around...except these other posters would be arguing my side if that were indeed the case.

If you are taking the stand that only trends give a true indication of actual voter sentiments then the RCP trends point exactly to where the OP poll is today.

Why are you surprised that the trends are going this way? It was inevitable that they would cross at some point and the OP poll indicates that we have reached that point.

If you look at all the data, the trend has actually been relatively flat. Roughly 40% for and 50% against.

Let's wait for the next two or three polls...if they stay in the positive, then you'll have a trend.

Right now, this is an outlier. That doesn't mean it won't become mainstream...but for the moment, it is not.
Policousa is a commie website folks.

don't you love how they claim PEOPLE are IN LOVE with the new government entitlement? I guess they would be when they aren't paying anything for it and being subsidized by taxpayers.

how sick is that propaganda. now you be LOVING that government

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