“American’s First” and “Make America Great Again”....How powerful are these phrases?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.
These phrases are powerful enough to make liberal traitors show their true colors by having violent, psychotic, convulsing meltdowns over it.

It shows how delusional liberalfilth are; an American president's SWORN DUTY is to put American interests first! ALL COUNTRIES PUT THEIR OWN INTERESTS FIRST! Yet liberal treasonous pigs love to caterwaul and ululate that it's sooooo WAAAAYCIST if the United States does the same thing. These reprobate, liberal Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking.
Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.

They're empty slogans. Empty like the space in between the ears of Cult45.
The word America is already more than enough to trigger the snowflakes and traitors. Why should it be called America, when it's supposed to be for everyone? For America to be for Americans is a racist notion.
Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.

They're empty slogans. Empty like the space in between the ears of Cult45.

And what the FUCK do you liberal traitors have to offer? Nothing but American self-hatred and enabling of the worst of all human savagery. Nothing but pure malice against hard-working, well-meaning, working-class white Americans, you rotting urinal-cake-traitor! Thank you for proving both our points: any time someone has ambitious optimism for America, you liberal fuckbags spread your insectile dozens of legs and shit all over it. You pig.
Political chants for brainless sheep. A high sounding populist fog that does not seem to influence any actual policy.
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Do you really think you're going to "get your country back"?
Combined with "LOCK HER UP" and "BUILD DA WALL" synergistically they are powerful enough to reduced a Trumpublicans IQ by up to 25%
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Do you really think you're going to "get your country back"?

I absolutely do...I see it happening more and more everyday. You don’t?
you liberal traitors ....American self-hatred ... the worst of all human savagery....pure malice .... you rotting urinal-cake-traitor... you liberal fuckbags spread your insectile dozens of legs and shit all over it. You pig.

You should find an outlet for all your pent up rage. I think you're still holding back...don't hold it in, just let it all out!
These phrases are powerful enough to make liberal traitors show their true colors by having violent, psychotic, convulsing meltdowns over it.

It shows how delusional liberalfilth are; an American president's SWORN DUTY is to put American interests first! ALL COUNTRIES PUT THEIR OWN INTERESTS FIRST! Yet liberal treasonous pigs love to caterwaul and ululate that it's sooooo WAAAAYCIST if the United States does the same thing. These reprobate, liberal Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking.

Well these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President. Obama who was a filthy Globalist and had no real cultural ties to the US and gave away the store whenever he could. What were these Moon Bats thinking?

It is great to now have a President that puts America's interest first. MAGA Baby!
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Do you really think you're going to "get your country back"?

I absolutely do...I see it happening more and more everyday. You don’t?
No, I suspect this is a last gasp. The country is changing.
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Do you really think you're going to "get your country back"?

I absolutely do...I see it happening more and more everyday. You don’t?
No, I suspect this is a last gasp. The country is changing.

The country has always been “changing”...generally changing for the better.
Even the most retarded among us can see that the course we are on is one catastrophic in nature.
The writing is on the wall...A third grader can draw a straight line between mass degradation, poverty, despair, criminality and brown people.
I don’t make this shit up...the data is all around us...more and more retarded Feel Gooders are getting in touch with reality a little more each day.
these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President.

Twice. Haha. Even after the Tea Party Insurrection, or the attempted Overthrow of the duly elected American President. (I want to thank the Trumpublicans for making it clear what that was really all about in 2009 and 2010.)

Now the only way you traitors can win in America is through subversive means, like the most recent Shakedown, and/or aid from nations hostile to the West.

Trumpybears legacy.
Make America Great Again is a pretty good slogan in that it allows for the each individual to picture for him/her/itself what is great and thus has been used across the political spectrum from Reagan to Bill Clinton.

I don't care for America First, in our Judeo-Christian culture we should put God first.

I don't care for America First, in our Judeo-Christian culture we should put God first.
I have little doubt that many who run around screaming AMERICA FIRST and MAGA are neither sincere Christians nor practicing Christians.
Why is it so difficult for Trumpsters to understand that many people are going to vote against him because they don't like him, his behaviors or his policies?

Are they so emotionally attached to this man that something that obvious doesn't invade their thoughts, on any level, for even a microsecond?

I've never seen anything like this. This is religious in its intensity.

“Americans First”
“Make America Great Again”
“No more beaners”
Powerful, powerful shit Mac...it’s actually quite sad that real Americans get so giddy over an American President expressing such sentiments. Kinda tells the tale...they’re pissed off, fed up and they want their country back.
Do you really think you're going to "get your country back"?

I absolutely do...I see it happening more and more everyday. You don’t?
No, I suspect this is a last gasp. The country is changing.

The country has always been “changing”...generally changing for the better.
Even the most retarded among us can see that the course we are on is one catastrophic in nature.
The writing is on the wall...A third grader can draw a straight line between mass degradation, poverty, despair, criminality and brown people.
I don’t make this shit up...the data is all around us...more and more retarded Feel Gooders are getting in touch with reality a little more each day.
Do you have any empirical evidence of this?
Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.

You Republicans are such idiots. You're just as broke as you were in 2015 and if you elect Republicans again you'll be poor the rest of your lives. Because Republicans are slowly chipping away at your social security and slowly raising prices on your medicare. Most of you can't save enough that you can retire at 67. This is the new America. So don't say you are making America great again when so many people are struggling.

The New Realities Of Work And Retirement

About 1 in 4 adults age 65 and older is now in the workforce. That number is expected to increase, making it the fastest-growing group of workers in the country.

The days of working for one company that would take care of you after you retire are long gone. Few private sector workers now have traditional, defined benefit pensions, where you're paid a fixed stipend for life depending on your salary and years of service.

Most retirement funds now are 401(k) types, where the employer and employee contribute a fixed amount and the money is invested in the stock market. During the worst of the last recession, 401(k) accounts lost almost one-third of their value. That was enough to change some would-be retirees' plans.

Also, a recent survey found that about 50% of older Americans are dipping into their retirement savings to help their grown children. And some folks just haven't saved enough: Baby boomers have median savings of a little over $150,000 to get through what could be a 30-year retirement.

Meanwhile, roughly half of private sector employers offer no retirement plans at all. That's one of the reasons about a quarter of retirees get 90% or more of their income from Social Security.

This is not the life that 65-year-old Kyle Cohen imagined. After working for decades in jobs as varied as TV copywriter and children's librarian, after raising two children as a single, divorced mother, Cohen finds herself scraping by on nothing but Social Security and food stamps.

How many of you MAGA idiots are going to be in this position when you reach 67?

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