“American’s First” and “Make America Great Again”....How powerful are these phrases?

I don't care for America First, in our Judeo-Christian culture we should put God first.
I have little doubt that many who run around screaming AMERICA FIRST and MAGA are neither sincere Christians nor practicing Christians.

That sense of feeling really hits me with those who complain about the generic "Happy Holidays" or "Season Greetings" which soon enough will be upon us. Considering our songs and traditions, it's not that we need to be putting Christ back into Christmas, it's about putting Jesus back into Christmas.
these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President.

Twice. Haha. Even after the Tea Party Insurrection, or the attempted Overthrow of the duly elected American President. (I want to thank the Trumpublicans for making it clear what that was really all about in 2009 and 2010.)

Now the only way you traitors can win in America is through subversive means, like the most recent Shakedown, and/or aid from nations hostile to the West.

Trumpybears legacy.

Speaking of the Tea Party that shithead Obama used the government to defranchise an American grassroots political movement and for that alone the sonofabitch should have been removed from office and thrown in Federal Prison.

If that asshole Obama would have been around in 1775 and had government power we never would have a United States of America, would we? Not only did he want to take the right to keep and bear arms away like the British government but he also hated the Tea Party. That is pretty despicable for an American, isn't it? Typical for a dumbass affirmative action asshole that loves his Muslim and Communists buddies more than he cared about America. The confused Libtard Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless piece of shit, wouldn't you agree? Of course those same confused Moon Bats also voted for Crooked Hillary so I think we all know they aren't exactly America's best and brightest, are they?
these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President.

Twice. Haha. Even after the Tea Party Insurrection, or the attempted Overthrow of the duly elected American President. (I want to thank the Trumpublicans for making it clear what that was really all about in 2009 and 2010.)

Now the only way you traitors can win in America is through subversive means, like the most recent Shakedown, and/or aid from nations hostile to the West.

Trumpybears legacy.

Speaking of the Tea Party that shithead Obama used the government to defranchise an American grassroots political movement and for that alone the sonofabitch should have been removed from office and thrown in Federal Prison.

If that asshole Obama would have been around in 1775 and had government power we never would have a United States of America, would we? Not only did he want to take the right to keep and bear arms away like the British government but he also hated the Tea Party. That is pretty despicable for an American, isn't it? Typical for a dumbass affirmative action asshole that loves his Muslim and Communists buddies more than he cared about America. The confused Libtard Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless piece of shit, wouldn't you agree? Of course those same confused Moon Bats also voted for Crooked Hillary so I think we all know they aren't exactly America's best and brightest, are they?

There was no Tea Party. It was all just an orchestrated front for the failed Coup plot against Obama. The leaders of the Plot should hang I tells ya, hang!
“American’s First” and “Make America Great Again”....How powerful are these phrases?
Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.
They are good phrases to the extent that they are uniformly applied on all issues.

Does America First mean that we do not give foreign aid until all our citizens are cared for and protected first?

Doesn't Make America Great Again also mean that we spend our resources on America, and not on the defense of other nations?

Make no mistake about it, these phrases are the real reason that good, real Americans are willing to look right past all Donald Trump’s flaws. These phrases also expose the America hating unAmericans among us as only they are offended by such patriotic phrases. After eight long years of being treated like second class citizens; good, real Americans needed to hear that a President was willing to work for them. Trump has done nothing but bust his ass for America’s Best.
Going forward we should expect like phrases and taglines to be used by any candidate willing to put his/her best foot forward for the right people. Conversely, look for countering taglines to be used by the Party Of Filth as an indicator of their willingness to work for America’s Worst.
They are good phrases to the extent that they are uniformly applied on all issues.

Does America First mean that we do not give foreign aid until all our citizens are cared for and protected first?

Doesn't Make America Great Again also mean that we spend our resources on America, and not on the defense of other nations?


“Does America First mean that we do not give foreign aid until all our citizens are cared for and protected first?”

“Doesn't Make America Great Again also mean that we spend our resources on America, and not on the defense of other nations?”

I really hope we are witnessing the precursor to exactly what you mention.
Nobody wants to hear “fuck the world” as bad as I do.
These phrases are powerful enough to make liberal traitors show their true colors by having violent, psychotic, convulsing meltdowns over it.

It shows how delusional liberalfilth are; an American president's SWORN DUTY is to put American interests first! ALL COUNTRIES PUT THEIR OWN INTERESTS FIRST! Yet liberal treasonous pigs love to caterwaul and ululate that it's sooooo WAAAAYCIST if the United States does the same thing. These reprobate, liberal Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking.

Well these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President. Obama who was a filthy Globalist and had no real cultural ties to the US and gave away the store whenever he could. What were these Moon Bats thinking?

It is great to now have a President that puts America's interest first. MAGA Baby!

One of the things I hated most about Typhoid Barry is that with his crybaby resentment of America and America-bashing, everything he did was to take this country down a peg, humiliate it, and prop up his Pisslam bloodbath in every way he could. At everyone else's expense. If you read his book "Dreams of My Father" it is an exercise in the most self-absorbed, jealous paranoia of whites and America in general I've ever read in my life. He has so many twisted nationality issues, I'll bet Sigmund Freud would have a field day with that carpet-headed cocksucker.
These phrases are powerful enough to make liberal traitors show their true colors by having violent, psychotic, convulsing meltdowns over it.

It shows how delusional liberalfilth are; an American president's SWORN DUTY is to put American interests first! ALL COUNTRIES PUT THEIR OWN INTERESTS FIRST! Yet liberal treasonous pigs love to caterwaul and ululate that it's sooooo WAAAAYCIST if the United States does the same thing. These reprobate, liberal Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking.

Well these uneducated low information confused Liberals did elect that asshole Obama as President. Obama who was a filthy Globalist and had no real cultural ties to the US and gave away the store whenever he could. What were these Moon Bats thinking?

It is great to now have a President that puts America's interest first. MAGA Baby!

One of the things I hated most about Typhoid Barry is that with his crybaby resentment of America and America-bashing, everything he did was to take this country down a peg, humiliate it, and prop up his Pisslam bloodbath in every way he could. At everyone else's expense. If you read his book "Dreams of My Father" it is an exercise in the most self-absorbed, jealous paranoia of whites and America in general I've ever read in my life. He has so many twisted nationality issues, I'll bet Sigmund Freud would have a field day with that carpet-headed cocksucker.

Obama was never a cultural American. He had no real connections to this country. Everything from being raised in a foreign Muslim school to living in the least American state of all.

He was unqualified to be President and he was incompetent, hateful and wrong on just about everything. He weakened this country and gave away the store whenever he could. These Moon Bats were idiots voting for him. They were very confused.
The common denominator amongst Trump supporters is ignorance. Did anyone listen to Trump's presser today? He was rambling incoherently, robotically reading the names of various world leaders, then he starts sputtering about "Fake News", and then he starts rambling about Tom Brady! He literally mentioned his name at least 4 times, then went back to rambling incoherently about the Stimulus Bill.

And Trumpies would stand and cheer at such an embarrassing performance. Why? Because they are even more ignorant than the Orange Ogre.

His demeanor matters not so long as he sticks to the script.
Send wetbacks home and protect our border
Put Americans first
Restore American virtues...law and order
Shame the shameless
Defeat and ruin the filthy Left
Expose Mexicrat filth and corruption
Run the establishment pussies out of D.C.
Make America Whiter Again....(this one is to make you piss yourself)

Nothing else matters...sorry bud.
The common denominator amongst Trump supporters is ignorance. Did anyone listen to Trump's presser today? He was rambling incoherently, robotically reading the names of various world leaders, then he starts sputtering about "Fake News", and then he starts rambling about Tom Brady! He literally mentioned his name at least 4 times, then went back to rambling incoherently about the Stimulus Bill.

And Trumpies would stand and cheer at such an embarrassing performance. Why? Because they are even more ignorant than the Orange Ogre.

His demeanor matters not so long as he sticks to the script.
Send wetbacks home and protect our border
Put Americans first
Restore American virtues...law and order
Shame the shameless
Defeat and ruin the filthy Left
Expose Mexicrat filth and corruption
Run the establishment pussies out of D.C.
Make America Whiter Again....(this one is to make you piss yourself)

Nothing else matters...sorry bud.
What about Canadians?
The common denominator amongst Trump supporters is ignorance. Did anyone listen to Trump's presser today? He was rambling incoherently, robotically reading the names of various world leaders, then he starts sputtering about "Fake News", and then he starts rambling about Tom Brady! He literally mentioned his name at least 4 times, then went back to rambling incoherently about the Stimulus Bill.

And Trumpies would stand and cheer at such an embarrassing performance. Why? Because they are even more ignorant than the Orange Ogre.

His demeanor matters not so long as he sticks to the script.
Send wetbacks home and protect our border
Put Americans first
Restore American virtues...law and order
Shame the shameless
Defeat and ruin the filthy Left
Expose Mexicrat filth and corruption
Run the establishment pussies out of D.C.
Make America Whiter Again....(this one is to make you piss yourself)

Nothing else matters...sorry bud.
What about Canadians?

What? All 25 of them? LOL!!!

Once we get the Mexicans down to the single digit millions range, ask me again about Canadians.

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