Americans Give Standing Ovation to Zelensky, the Hero of Freedom

Conservatives and Republicans are rallying towards freedom and Ukraine. You are not.

Why do you hate American values and freedom so much?
Why are you so dumb? Xi Jin Ping is jumping for joy that America is getting mixed up in this war.

Fools like you are offering Xi world domination on a silver platter.

You can wave the flag as much as you want. You are not serving US interests.
Poor poor clinging "Concerned Russian American"

Most Trump supporters support Ukraine. And I support them.

But the ethno-Nationalists pro-Putin anti-freedom anti-Americans pretending to be Republicans?


Not my country--Not my war. Zelensky was given a peaceful way out by just agreeing to not join NATO. Easy. I am in no way advocating for Putin, but I am not going to promote another foreign war after the vegetable just fucked up something as easy as a pre-negotiated exit from Afghanistan. Wake up, moron.
Not my country--Not my war. Zelensky was given a peaceful way out by just agreeing to not join NATO. Easy. I am in no way advocating for Putin, but I am not going to promote another foreign war after the vegetable just fucked up something as easy as a pre-negotiated exit from Afghanistan. Wake up, moron.

If America was attacked, you'd say "No problem. Let's give Texas to Mexico."

What a fucking stupid loser you are.
Republicans and Democrats alike stand for someone fighting for American and Western values that Putin and his toadies are trying to destroy. The American people are rallying behind Ukraine.


If America was attacked, you'd say "No problem. Let's give Texas to Mexico."

What a fucking stupid loser you are.
I suppose you were just elated at the results of Vietnam--58K Americans dead and to be chased out, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Wasted American lives and treasury for NOTHING. Now you want to jump into another foreign war--why don't you send your kids to be cannon fodder for another foreign dictator. You morons are unbelievable.
I suppose you were just elated at the results of Vietnam--58K Americans dead and to be chased out, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Wasted American lives and treasury for NOTHING. Now you want to jump into another foreign war--why don't you send your kids to be cannon fodder for another foreign dictator. You morons are unbelievable.

Except I said no such thing.

You want America to retreat and let China run the world.

Why do you think American values don't apply to everyone else?
Except I said no such thing.

You want America to retreat and let China run the world.

Why do you think American values don't apply to everyone else?
Republicans and Democrats alike stand for someone fighting for American and Western values that Putin and his toadies are trying to destroy. The American people are rallying behind Ukraine.


So very dumb. When NATO and Ukraine and Russia fight who will be the winner?

The CCP.
Except I said no such thing.

You want America to retreat and let China run the world.
You want to destroy American economy and let China run the world.
Why do you think American values don't apply to everyone else?
First - because they are American. Even in the Western Europe situation with the values is quite different.
Second - Ukraine is a post-Soviet sh1thole, there were not much of freedom before Maidan, and freedom have been drastically collapsed after Ukrainian nationalists destroyed fragile ethnic and cultural equilibrium and started the civil war.
Republicans and Democrats alike stand for someone fighting for American and Western values that Putin and his toadies are trying to destroy. The American people are rallying behind Ukraine.


Hey you switch teams real fast huh? Even got the Ukrainian code in your sig. Two years ago this was harping about masks, right?

Biden approved an additional $800 million in military aid to Ukraine, on top of the $13 billion he already approved.

Republicans criticized Biden for not doing more. God bless them.

Why do you hate American values and freedom so much?
Not to mention all the thumpers are backing putin because mogadon said to.

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