Americans hate Donald Trump

As for your issues, it really seems to be just about immigration. But even then, you still don't see the issue from both sides. It could be that Democrats are more compassionate about the plight of immigrants than you. That is, we actually care about the well being of these people and don't want to see them brutalized and living in extreme poverty. I guess that makes us stupid.

Stupid would not be the correct word to describe those with this sentiment. Naive would be a better word. Compassion is fine, but there is also a thing called reality. Do you feel compassion when you see the horrible poverty in many African countries? I think most people do. Can we allow all of them into our country as migrants? Can we feed them, house them give them medical care, provide them with 10k debit cards like NYC has done? The answer is no. It is not feasible, unless of course you see us as one big world with one big government. I am not in that camp. Maybe you are. If so, I applaud you for voting for the political party that most closely aligns with your beliefs. I don’t think most people who vote for Democrats want this, but they aren’t informed enough to know that this is where Democrat’s policies lead.

Having grown up in a location with a large illegal immigrant population, I can tell you that they are not the monsters that right wing media wants you to believe. They were an integral part of the local economy which would have not functioned well without them. Mass deportations of illegal immigrants will be very harmful for the economy.

It is not about them all being monsters. It is about following a legal process. It is about not allowing just anyone to walk across the border to collect money because some of them will be bad. Why would bad people from other countries not want to come here if they can easily sneak over the border and get money, housing and healthcare?

As for counting them in the Census, that's what the constitution says to do. It says to count all persons. Not citizens. If that upsets you, then pass an amendment to fix it.

The Constitution certainly didn’t foresee what is going on today. Trump tried to fix the census, but Democrats opposed it. Why on earth would they do such a thing? I think we all know it was about congressional representation. They don’t seem to care who or how many people come into our country illegally, as long as it helps them get elected or gives them more power. I understand it from a politician’s perspective. What I don’t understand is why a US citizen, who presumably has America’s best interest in mind, supports such nonsense.
The borders are essentially open. It is exceedingly easy to get into the US via the Southern border.
'Essentially" open since 1848.

No bill is necessary. The border bill would absolutely NOT keep people out.
No one claimed it would.
Biden could simply revert to Trump era policies, which would make a huge difference.
This border bill is one step closer, to that.
Why wouldn't teabaggers vote for it?
After all, when Trump is re elected he could change it over to HIS policy.
Trump's been known to do that.
It would also help if idiotic Democratic cities would stop fostering and encouraging illegals entry by providing incentives like gift cards, the right to vote in local elections and in the case of San Francisco, electing a non-citizen to the election board.
It would also help if teabagger governors would stop giving free transportation to anywhere in the US.
You don't know what you are voting for unless you agree with all of above. Maybe you do and you are a globalist.
There were zero supporters at his latest deposition in New York. There were plenty of patriotic Americans there, though.

/----/ Except when they don't.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Republican Party 45%

Joe Biden

Joe Biden
Democratic Party 42%
I used to think Democrats were just uninformed, but I have recently come to the conclusion that they are just plain stupid.

Are you for open borders? If not, then you are supporting the wrong party. If so, then at least you know what you are voting for.

Trump has confessed to the Jan 6th insurrection. Now let's talk stupid.
Essentially" open since 1848.

Then maybe you Dimwits need to stop providing the incentives. The numbers are WAY up. Maybe your left-wing “news” organizations don’t tell you these things.

No one claimed it would.

Then why pass it?

This border bill is one step closer, to that.
Why wouldn't teabaggers vote for it?

No bill necessary. Biden pulled the plug on Trump’s border policies very soon after taking office. Put them back on place, then we can discuss further ways to secure the border. Democrats don’t want to secure the border. Who can’t see this?

It would also help if teabagger governors would stop giving free transportation to anywhere in the US.

I am ok with just busing them back over the border, deep into Mexico and dropping them off. Why should border states that want to secure the border be forced to keep them. Migrants aren’t coming for free transportation. They are coming for the multitude of freebees that Dimwits offer them.
It's going to get worse for Trump and his degenerate family. His Fail Son Don, Jr. interviewed Catturd. His daughter-in-law was president of a fake operation set up to funnel political donations to family members, started by his son-in-law.
/----/ NY Gov tries to calm NY businesses. Nobody is buying it. Businesses can't operate on hopes and promises, just cold, hard facts.
Asked if businesspeople should be worried that if prosecutors could “do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody”, Hochul said: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.”
Then maybe you Dimwits need to stop providing the incentives. The numbers are WAY up. Maybe your left-wing “news” organizations don’t tell you these things.
That's the point, teabaggers would rather whine about immigration, than do anything about it.
Then why pass it?
See above.
No bill necessary. Biden pulled the plug on Trump’s border policies very soon after taking office. Put them back on place, then we can discuss further ways to secure the border. Democrats don’t want to secure the border. Who can’t see this?
WTF? › article › congress-ukraine-aid-borderSenate Republicans block bipartisan border deal | AP News

Feb 7, 2024 · Senate Republicans have blocked the bipartisan border package, scuttling months of negotiations between the two parties on legislation intended to cut down record numbers of illegal.
I am ok with just busing them back over the border, deep into Mexico and dropping them off.
So am I.
Why should border states that want to secure the border be forced to keep them. Migrants aren’t coming for free transportation. They are coming for the multitude of freebees that Dimwits offer them.
Like jobs?

Republicans Urge Immigrants to Stay in Florida, Fearing ...​

Newsweek › ... › U.S. Politics

Jun 6, 2023 — A handful of Florida Republicans have implored immigrants to stay in the state in the wake of recent laws signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.
It's going to get worse for Trump and his degenerate family. His Fail Son Don, Jr. interviewed Catturd. His daughter-in-law was president of a fake operation set up to funnel political donations to family members, started by his son-in-law.
Show us on the doll where he hurt you.
Stupid would not be the correct word to describe those with this sentiment. Naive would be a better word. Compassion is fine, but there is also a thing called reality. Do you feel compassion when you see the horrible poverty in many African countries? I think most people do. Can we allow all of them into our country as migrants? Can we feed them, house them give them medical care, provide them with 10k debit cards like NYC has done? The answer is no. It is not feasible, unless of course you see us as one big world with one big government. I am not in that camp. Maybe you are. If so, I applaud you for voting for the political party that most closely aligns with your beliefs. I don’t think most people who vote for Democrats want this, but they aren’t informed enough to know that this is where Democrat’s policies lead.
Refugees have an up front cost and then long term pay off as they contribute to the economy. I'm not saying by any means that we can admit unlimited numbers of people, but it's substantially more than we have in the past. The people that come here get jobs. They pay taxes. They actually start businesses at a higher rate than native population. Yes, they require support at first, but that doesn't last.

And I'm not disagreeing with the idea that we've admitted too many people too quickly in the last few years. Most Dems get this including Biden. It started with a reactionary policy against Trump and got out of hand. We now see them trying to swing back, somewhat unsuccessfully at least in part because Republicans see this as a weakness and want it to continue for now.
It is not about them all being monsters. It is about following a legal process. It is about not allowing just anyone to walk across the border to collect money because some of them will be bad. Why would bad people from other countries not want to come here if they can easily sneak over the border and get money, housing and healthcare?
I'm all for following a legal process, but the legal process is broken beyond belief. Maybe you know this, maybe you don't, it's not discussed in conservative media because much of the right wing stance on this issue requires a belief in a legal system that is accessible when it's anything but. My point on immigration is that it is mutually beneficial, something you probably don't want to believe. The fact remains that immigration is necessary for economic growth especially in a context where native population is just not expanding due to low birth rates.

Because at the end of the day, it's really not about economics, this is much more about demographics. Conservatives have made it more than abundantly clear that they are uncomfortable with demographic shifts and reduction of the white majority.
The Constitution certainly didn’t foresee what is going on today. Trump tried to fix the census, but Democrats opposed it. Why on earth would they do such a thing? I think we all know it was about congressional representation. They don’t seem to care who or how many people come into our country illegally, as long as it helps them get elected or gives them more power. I understand it from a politician’s perspective. What I don’t understand is why a US citizen, who presumably has America’s best interest in mind, supports such nonsense.
Trump's administration lied to the courts about their intent for including citizenship on the census.

You have to amend the constitution to "fix" apportionment. Trump can't do it by executive fiat.

It pays off to actually listen to the people on the other side instead of letting your right wing media tell you what they think. That behavior is bad for America.
Refugees have an up front cost and then long term pay off as they contribute to the economy. I'm not saying by any means that we can admit unlimited numbers of people, but it's substantially more than we have in the past. The people that come here get jobs. They pay taxes. They actually start businesses at a higher rate than native population. Yes, they require support at first, but that doesn't last.

And I'm not disagreeing with the idea that we've admitted too many people too quickly in the last few years. Most Dems get this including Biden. It started with a reactionary policy against Trump and got out of hand. We now see them trying to swing back, somewhat unsuccessfully at least in part because Republicans see this as a weakness and want it to continue for now.

I'm all for following a legal process, but the legal process is broken beyond belief. Maybe you know this, maybe you don't, it's not discussed in conservative media because much of the right wing stance on this issue requires a belief in a legal system that is accessible when it's anything but. My point on immigration is that it is mutually beneficial, something you probably don't want to believe. The fact remains that immigration is necessary for economic growth especially in a context where native population is just not expanding due to low birth rates.

Because at the end of the day, it's really not about economics, this is much more about demographics. Conservatives have made it more than abundantly clear that they are uncomfortable with demographic shifts and reduction of the white majority.

Trump's administration lied to the courts about their intent for including citizenship on the census.

You have to amend the constitution to "fix" apportionment. Trump can't do it by executive fiat.

It pays off to actually listen to the people on the other side instead of letting your right wing media tell you what they think. That behavior is bad for America.

Wilbur Ross was president of Cyprus Bank when they were providing Trump with Russian money.
When was that?

Isn't it just fun watching them being so obsessed every time they learn a new word, like "insurrection", and they cannot stop repeating it over and over and over, as if it has some magical power over them?


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