Americans Have Learned a Lot the Last Two Weeks

Wyoming closes all schools until April 4... Restrictions on dining and other gathering places coming... Hospitals and clinics are in full disaster modes, restricting entrance....
I've only learned that Drumpf is way more of a fuckup than I ever imagined.

And you honestly believe that Hillary would have done better, right?

How would she have protected 318 million American lives when she couldn't even keep four of her State Department employees from being murdered?
Of course Hilary would have done better and she sucked. Hell the local dog catcher would have done better.

Local dog catcher? You mean the guy who took your job.
No I mean the guy that made you his assistant gopher.
I've only learned that Drumpf is way more of a fuckup than I ever imagined.

And you honestly believe that Hillary would have done better, right?

How would she have protected 318 million American lives when she couldn't even keep four of her State Department employees from being murdered?

Trump failed to prevent our people (his employees) from being killed in Afghanistan.

The four people murdered under Hillary's watch were not engaged in combat in a war zone. They were working in a US embassy.
I've only learned that Drumpf is way more of a fuckup than I ever imagined.
Just 5 more years to go!
In 5 years someone smart will be going on their second term as POTUS.
Pence or Cruz?
Pence. Evangelical Christians as President the next century.
Even Pence the religious freak holy roller would be better now than Drumpf.

And I'm guessing that's exactly why he stepped in on Thursday after the markets tanked. Moscow Mitch and his crew have been notably silent and largely absent for the last few weeks (quarantines aside). I am positive that after Hostage Trump the night before, a couple of calls were made to the VPs office saying something to the effect, "Will you please get this blubbering f'ing idiot out of the way and do something?!?"..before there's no coming back from the beating we'll take in November?"
We learned that when the Kenyan Klown kept telling us he heard about issues on cable news (just like us!) and it was way over his paygrade... he was not lying.

THIS is leadership.
All upsides.

Fed rate cut to near 0

Compelling rationale to obliterate any US dependence on China for any vital product needs

Mass and immediate deregulation to enable widespread privatization

Clear and convincing data showing how nationalized healthcare CANNOT handle a widespread pandemic (Italy) while democrats are clamoring for one here.

This “crisis” response could end up being one of the best things we ever go through as a nation- with lasting monumental positive impacts.
Why do you think a 0% Fed rate is a good thing?
All upsides.

Fed rate cut to near 0

Compelling rationale to obliterate any US dependence on China for any vital product needs

Mass and immediate deregulation to enable widespread privatization

Clear and convincing data showing how nationalized healthcare CANNOT handle a widespread pandemic (Italy) while democrats are clamoring for one here.

This “crisis” response could end up being one of the best things we ever go through as a nation- with lasting monumental positive impacts.
Why do you think a 0% Fed rate is a good thing?

It did the futures opened and went straight to hell, down over 1000 a few minutes ago.
All upsides.

Fed rate cut to near 0

Compelling rationale to obliterate any US dependence on China for any vital product needs

Mass and immediate deregulation to enable widespread privatization

Clear and convincing data showing how nationalized healthcare CANNOT handle a widespread pandemic (Italy) while democrats are clamoring for one here.

This “crisis” response could end up being one of the best things we ever go through as a nation- with lasting monumental positive impacts.
Tell that to the people dead....the people infected...the people stuck in airports....on ships...the people with their 401Ks gutted....the people needing toilet paper because of others hoarding? I'm sure they can all see your "all upsides".
All upsides.

Fed rate cut to near 0

Compelling rationale to obliterate any US dependence on China for any vital product needs

Mass and immediate deregulation to enable widespread privatization

Clear and convincing data showing how nationalized healthcare CANNOT handle a widespread pandemic (Italy) while democrats are clamoring for one here.

This “crisis” response could end up being one of the best things we ever go through as a nation- with lasting monumental positive impacts.
It showed you need a serious leader in command and we don’t have one now. We see the emperor has no clothes. We pulled back the curtain and saw trumps mushroom dick.
Wyoming closes all schools until April 4... Restrictions on dining and other gathering places coming... Hospitals and clinics are in full disaster modes, restricting entrance....
My step grandson is a security guard in a hospital. The entrances are restricted to keep crazy people out who think they can grab equipment and supplies. He's stopped people from going room to room taking toilet paper and boxes of gloves. People who aren't sick are coming into the ER demanding tests just in case. Never underestimate the human capacity for crazy.
We learned that when the Kenyan Klown kept telling us he heard about issues on cable news (just like us!) and it was way over his paygrade... he was not lying.

THIS is leadership.

But, but, but Obama!!! Hey, whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night.
A man that will be remembered as a good President.

Meanwhile, the current occupant?...well, his fate is sealed. He'll be remembered as a joke.
Would also be interested in why 0% fed is good.
Its all part of the tinkle down economic theory. They give incredibly rich people 0% loans and after that it gets kind of fuzzy but the end result is supposedly you make more money and you get to keep your job. (well that is if they dont declare bankruptcy or cut jobs to minimize losses)

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