Americans in the 1950s

The 50s were a rotten time in america. Cars broke down, houses were inefficient. The 50s were below average. Fact.
The Chrome was Thick and the Women were straight , We had Elvis and the Big Bopper and John Coltrane and Sinatra
Today, only about half of the male population from ages 18-25 even qualifies for military service. They are obese, on drugs, out of shape, dropped out of school, or score at moron level on the armed forces qualifying test.

The level of obesity that is "normal" in today's America is appalling by historical standards. A typical 1959 High School grad would score at least a hundred points higher on the SAT than his counterpart today. (But he would be completely lost by today's video games - or whatever they are called).

This is progress?
There was a few good things about the 1950s. It was hard to find an obese person, as our food supply haven’t yet been perverted. Plus people dressed well when out in public. Violent crime was very low too.

The food supply in this nation is awful. That's first.

And secondly--my kids have told me that among their friends, we were one of the only families who had "dinner", that I cooked, almost every night. I'm not a gourmet cook by any stretch, but it was fresh ingredients, not microwave frozen.

That surprised me and made me sad, because I always thought it was important family time and good modeling for healthy eating.
The 50s were a rotten time in america. Cars broke down, houses were inefficient. The 50s were below average. Fact.

Yeah, I'm skeptical about a "golden age". Certainly there are times of peace and a great economy which is always great. But humanity is humanity--it's always good for some, not for others.
Yeah, I'm skeptical about a "golden age". Certainly there are times of peace and a great economy which is always great. But humanity is humanity--it's always good for some, not for others.
I remember the 50s well. People struggl ed mightily and for the most part didn't like one another any more than they do now. People were hungry and worked long hard hours just to scrape by, just like today. Living paycheck to paycheck has always been the norm for the 90 percenters.
* I was a teenager in the 1950s.

* It was our last peaceful decade.

* Crime was something that happened only in certain parts of the city, certainly NOT in downtown or the nice parts.

* It was the time of "I Love Lucy."

* Here in Los Angeles, one could ride public transporation with 100% personal security.

* You could walk down the street in the nice parts without any worry whatsoever of being robbed or sucker punched.

* Our family visited San Francisco when it was still charming.
Yep, people like Ted Kennedy raping along with his brother, Marylyn Monroe. George Wallace sic'ing dogs on black kids trying to go to schools.

But most Law Abiding citizens, they followed not only the Will of God but the Constitution also, which made their lives much more enjoyable. But a Marxist/Demofascist can never be happy so they must tear down normal people, just because they hate normal people so much....

As for the Cold War, it was finally a Republican that had the Wall torn down, and freedom came to those who were Subjugated by Socialism, until those fuckers came to the United States, and stole the 2020 election.

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No republican in the US tore down any walls in the 1950s or the 1990s.
My dad was a kid in the 50's and calls it a great decade where everyone supported the President and were civil toward each other.
Yeah, those riots were just pretend. Those abused were just pretend.
That surprised me and made me sad, because I always thought it was important family time and good modeling for healthy eating.
Only if there is no 'family drama' along with the food, and if everyone chews their food thoroughly.

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