Americans, Learn From The Yellow Jackets: Stop Running And Start Fighting Back

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Regardless of what Macron can promise, he can’t implement any of it without taking away funds from other areas. He is now in a paradox, much like the EU itself. This is going to turn into horror without an end, instead of a horrible end.....America pay attention for a change!

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In France, the Yellow Jackets (or “Gilets Jaunes” in French) have rushed into the streets in massive numbers. They are not protesting cuts in the generous entitlements. They are not throwing fits because they fear losing one-month paid vacations. The fight is about the increased fuel taxes—exorbitant taxes on top of the already high cost of fuel.

But it’s more. The Macron government, an aloof, elitism regime, is pushing a globalist, pro-EU agenda, one which is crippling the quality of life for working Frenchmen, especially in rural areas and small towns. Mass migration, bureaucratic wrangling, massive crime and unemployment with minimal police presence are raving the country. Sadly, this is history repeating itself as farce. Like now, Western and Northern France rebelled during the French Revolution. The bloodthirsty Jacobins, lead by cat-like Robespierre, seized power from the French King, but their so-called reforms in the name of social justice ended up hurting the very working people they claimed to care about.

The unrest is also targeting the inflexible, unaccountable EU bureaucracy. Belgian Yellow Jackets are protesting the main offices in Maastricht and Brussels. Europeans have started to realize that the federalization of the continent is not working out as they had hoped. A common currency, a common market has turned into communistic micromanaging. The economically stronger countries are expected to carry the costs of the fiscally weaker nations. The central planners want open borders, cheap labor, and the resolute silencing of any disagreement to their plans. A federalized Europe is not working out. A Frenchman cannot run to Portugal, Spain, or Italy to escape the moral and fiscal ruin of his home country. French voters have no choice but to fight back for their rights and dignity in their home countries.

France’s Yellow Jacket revolt is spreading into the Netherlands as well. The Dutchmen are just as animated, but less violent, expressing pent-up outrage over similar issues: excessive taxes, open borders, but also a stifling culture of political correctness. This subtle anti-free speech tyranny has inhibited a healthy exploration of difficult issues, but has hindered public safety. Islamic militants among the teeming masses of refugees are overwhelming Europe, undermining the tenuous social fabric of the Western World and bringing rampant acts of terrorism in their wake. Islamic preachers call publicly for full-on conquest Europe, the imposition of Sharia law, and with it the casting out of freedom, the democratic process, and civil rights for all. However, law-abiding citizens face criminal penalties for criticizing Islam, Allah, or for calling out the violent tendencies advocated for in the Koran. This injustice cannot stand any longer, so the people are taking to the streets.......
A friend from Australia yesterday said that some bricklayers made a wall in front of the government offices. I can't recall which town it was in but it did catch my funny bone when reading about it. More reports over there than here on it all I think.
OP's report: '....for criticizing Islam....' Who will criticize Catholicism for founding the journal, Islamochristiana in 1975? "There's not much sense in making a case against nazism. Nazism is morality itself.' (Nick Land, Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)
OP's report: '....for criticizing Islam....' Who will criticize Catholicism for founding the journal, Islamochristiana in 1975? "There's not much sense in making a case against nazism. Nazism is morality itself.' (Nick Land, Making it with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring Production)
I have came across some catholics are rabid fascist too before. Its more of a personality flaw that any particular group perhaps but when you get those that are together in a group its not going to be pretty.
We're not buying the personality flaw. The Catholic journal's founding premise was to 'develop' the dissonance twixt religions, not resolve it. The religious media confiscates the concept (dissonance) and smaller groups such as Yellow Jackets become stigmatized and scapegoated as a sacrifice to church and (French) state.

Guattari and Transversality
Andrew Goffey: Guattari and transversality / Radical Philosophy
'....La Borde Clinic, 1966, 'The Group and the Person'....ref.# 6: 'Three Group-Related Problems'....'
Variations on Central Planning

OP's report states, '....central planners want open borders'....'A Frenchman cannot run to Portugal....' In the prelude before the Argentine Dirty War, the borders began to close in Argentina, with Chile, Brazil, etc.quicky following suit (Operation Condor). 30,000 people began to disappear. The Madres de Plaza de Mayo banged on closed and locked church doors demanding an explanation which they did not receive.
Le Monde 12 Dec 2018 Gerald Bronner: "Certains 'Gilets jaunes' croient voir la main du gouvernement derriere l' attaque de Strasbourg
Gerald Bronner: "Some Yellow Vests Believe to See Hand of Government Behind Strasbourg Attacks"
Le temps social de la mefiance est devenu plus rapide.
The social time of mistrust has become faster.
Le but serait de detourner et d'etouffer le mouvement des gilets jaunes.
The goal would be to diversion and stifle the movement of "yellow vests."

C'est une classique du complot.
It is a classic of conspiracy.'
Americans don't go into the streets to demonstrate for positive things. They used to, for peace and for equal rights before the law.
It went out of style, too "60's".
I would only advocate legal, peaceful protest in the American tradition, not this violence, arson, and rioting. I will leave that to ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter.
What would a Yellow Vest, who believes the French government is behind the Strasbourg attack, say about the timing of this Irish link to Brexit?

Police Release Image of Cheriff Chekatt
'....Sinn Fein MEP Martina Anderson who had just left the market, told Sky News, "We were walking towards the scene of where the shooting took place."

Martina Anderson
Martina Anderson - Wikipedia
'....was in prison for IRA activity for 13 years....'

12 Dec 2018 Theresa May: Change in Leadership Could Delay Brexit
Funny how many miss the "play" of the "yellow jackets". Thinking of them as just being "high visibility jackets".

Yellow Jackets are an extremely aggressive form of wasp whose stings, in sufficient number, kill.


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