Americans Leaving Blue States For Red; New York Least Freest State Of All...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Mind you, this is not necessarily good news. We all know how Blue Staters have relocated and destroyed many once great States in the past. They do bring an awful lot of nasty Socialist/Progressive habits with them. But here's the study..

Americans are migrating from less-free liberal states to more-free conservative states, where they are doing better economically, according to a new study published Thursday by the George Mason University's Mercatus Center.

The "Freedom in the 50 States" study measured economic and personal freedom using a wide range of criteria, including tax rates, government spending and debt, regulatory burdens, and state laws covering land use, union organizing, gun control, education choice and more.

It found that the freest states tended to be conservative "red" states, while the least free were liberal "blue" states.

The freest state overall, the researchers concluded, was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota, Tennessee, New Hampshire and Oklahoma. The least free state by far was New York, followed by California, New Jersey, Hawaii and Rhode Island.

The study also compared its measures of economic and personal freedom to population shifts and income growth, and found that freer states tend to do better on both scores than those less free.

For example, it found a strong correlation between a state's freedom ranking and migration, which means that Americans are gravitating toward states that have less-intrusive governments.

Escape From New York, L.A.

New York, for example, saw a net migration of -9.2% between 2000 and 2011, and California's was -4.2%. In contrast, Tennessee gained 4.4%, and Oklahoma gained 1.3%.

An IBD analysis of the data found that "red" states — those voting for Republican presidential candidates in the past two elections — saw an overall net migration of 2.2%, while "blue" states saw an overall average net migration of -0.3%.

"People are voting for places with greater freedom," said William Ruger, a political scientist at Texas State University and one of the co-authors of the study. That was true, he said, even after controlling for things like weather and amenities that might attract people to states independent of these freedom measures...

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Americans Migrating To More Free GOP States With Better Income Growth -
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Because the cost of living is sky high in those states and employment is hard to come by, when I got out of the Military back in 2007 I left California for Virginia because California was too expensive to live in and they have no damn jobs, I have a feeling folks are leaving New York for those same reasons.
Americans Leaving Blue States For Red; New York Least Freest State Of All...
Now, the bad news....A lot of them are bringing their fruity lolberal politics with them.

Yeah, a bunch of Blue Staters heading your way, is probably not gonna end well for ya.
Blue state Boomers are retiring and cashing in and moving to warmer climes where they can live like kings without working.

Red state boomers won't have that option.
Actually the study did not list personal freedoms, such as the right of gay marriage or abortion rights, it only listed "freedoms" as defined by the farthest of the far right.
Because the cost of living is sky high in those states and employment is hard to come by, when I got out of the Military back in 2007 I left California for Virginia because California was too expensive to live in and they have no damn jobs, I have a feeling folks are leaving New York for those same reasons.

you must of found a job since you've been posting like "A" moron.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Because the cost of living is sky high in those states and employment is hard to come by, when I got out of the Military back in 2007 I left California for Virginia because California was too expensive to live in and they have no damn jobs, I have a feeling folks are leaving New York for those same reasons.

you must of found a job since you've been posting like "A" moron.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

must have
Economic activity in NYC is on overdrive. There are 12 million new riders on public transportation and you can't even get an apartment in manhattan anymore.

So much for the "migration".

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