Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The time has come to clean the bush/obama house...


Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper

Jody Westby

Americans find your voice. The public must take the lead on the NSA/FBI surveillance issue because it is clear that our leaders are ducking. Since President Obama and his Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, see nothing wrong with the dragnet surveillance that has been exposed by Edward Snowden, a contractor who spent years at NSA watching the system develop and work, the American people must direct the course of action through their voices. The seriousness of this matter cannot be understated. American freedoms and values are at stake.

Step One: The American people must call for Clapper’s resignation so a full investigation can proceed uninhibited. Clapper’s vigorous defense of what has been taking place within the NSA — under a FBI court order — indicates that he is extremely familiar with how the programs operate. Yet, when Senator Ron. Wyden (D-Ore) asked Mr. Clapper in a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on March 12, 2013, “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?” Mr. Clapper replied, “No, sir.” In an official statement from his office on June 6, Mr. Clapper stated, “The only type of information acquired under the Court’s order is telephony metadata, such as telephone numbers dialed and length of calls.” Not only did Mr. Clapper give false testimony to Congress, even his June 6 statement was false. We now know — since the companies identified by the Washington Post have started fessing up — that lots more than telephony metadata has been collected and searched.


Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper - Forbes
Americans don't want to overthrow the duly elected president. Only right wing traitors do.
Darrell Issa will hold a few more kangaroo court hearings and get to the bottom of things. :smoke:

Maybe bring back Ken Starr. He's good on witch hunts and infidelity investigations.
We don’t need an independent council for the spying. AFAIK, such is simply not illegal. Perhaps the time for real action was back when the PA was in the works so this could have been squashed from the get go but there were to many people that had simply lost their minds back then to care.

What we need is a change to the law. That is going to be monumentally more difficult than taking out before it was passed but it is too late now. All we can do now is get that piece of trash out of the law books. I knew this would happen.
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GOP Congressman Calls For Independent Counsel to Investigate IRS Scandal

Jun. 13, 2013 7:42pm
Christopher Santarelli


Arizona Republican Rep. Matt Salmon joined ‘Wilkow!’ Thursday to discuss preventing domestic drone strikes, and The IRS Anti-Abuse Act. Among the scandals to rock the Obama administration in 2013, none is perhaps more shocking than the revelation that offices within the Internal Revenue Service were targeting conservative groups for audit or judgements for tax exempt status.

The IRS Anti-Abuse Act, which was introduced by Salmon along with Reps. Paul Gosar and David Schweikert, makes it illegal to discriminate against organizations and individuals based on political affiliation and ideology. Rep. Salmon also discussed the NSA scandal, and the shame Congress should feel for not knowing such controversial surveillance policy was going on. Rep. Salmon also called on an independent counsel to investigate the IRS scandal.

GOP Congressman Calls For Independent Counsel to Investigate IRS Scandal | Video |

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