“Americans Must Stand Up to the Fraud. Kari Lake Did that. Thank God for Kari Lake!”

I guess Kondor3 doesn't know what voter fraud is.
All the cheating has been exposed on newscasts for the past two years and the people just shrug it off. Video after video of people brazenly cheating and the Demofarts explain it away. "Oh, can't you see she wasn't recounting the stack of ballots 19 times." "Oh, we sent the Republicans home and then found those sacks of ballots under the tables." "Oh, we got those 3 truckloads of ballots at 3 AM because they all ran out of gas at the same time on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Must have gotten some bad gas when they filled up in Elmira, NY. It's just a co-incidence they were all for Biden! "
:thankusmile: You are totally onto something when our two resident paid shills of usmb try to laugh off these facts.:2up:
We're not talking about bad-mouthing America... we're talking about loving one's country enough to concede gracefully when you've been out-voted.

Stop trying - and failing - to deflect attention away from the abominable and divisive moral character failings of some of your star candidates.

If you ever hope to overwhelm the idiot Democrats you(r candidates) have to be better than them - not worse.

Hint: the "Other Guys Do it Too" and the "Other Guys Do Stuff Just as Bad" are juvenile or simpleton defenses, best left behind on the 5th grade recess-yard.
Were the tables turned and this shit happened to Katie Hobbs, you barking moonbats would still be shitting yourselves, so STFU.
All the cheating has been exposed on newscasts for the past two years and the people just shrug it off. Video after video of people brazenly cheating and the Demofarts explain it away. "Oh, can't you see she wasn't recounting the stack of ballots 19 times." "Oh, we sent the Republicans home and then found those sacks of ballots under the tables." "Oh, we got those 3 truckloads of ballots at 3 AM because they all ran out of gas at the same time on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Must have gotten some bad gas when they filled up in Elmira, NY. It's just a co-incidence they were all for Biden! "
Coincidence theorists.
Show us a Democrat who does not badmouth America and I'll let you ride my Unicorn.
A 70-page ‘lawsuit’ filled with fabrications and lies.

A 70-page ‘lawsuit’ devoid of fact and merit.

A 70-page ‘lawsuit’ that will be laughed out of court.
Were the tables turned and this shit happened to Katie Hobbs, you barking moonbats would still be shitting yourselves, so STFU.
Yeah, that's right, you little a$$wipe... throw rocks in an attempt to distract from the profound character flaws of your candidates... epic fail... :auiqs.jpg:

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