Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll

It goes to show most people responding to the poll are young. Lets just say if Obama was their best choice were in for a hell of a ride. Personally I would rate him down there with Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Papa Bush, which are below Baby Bush, and that is lowwwwww.

Which probably shows you know fuck all about politics..
Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Eisenhower
2. Obama
3. JFK
4. Reagan
5. LBJ
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump


You and I were both born when Eisenhower was president. I was born in his last year. Which was a very busy year in the baby boom years.

I would say of the republicans in my lifetime Eisenhower was the best of them all. He may have left office warning America of the military industrial complex, a warning we should have followed, Eisenhower was one of the guys who started it all. So he was basically warning America of what he helped to create. I don't give him much credit for that.

It was very hard for me to rank the republicans after him. I couldn't really decide who was worse. nixon tried to subvert the democratic process in America then obstructed justice. He is the president who opened up China to America which at the time was a big diplomatic accomplishment. Today, we see the result. He did created good environmental laws which have been whittled away through the years.

I see ford worse than nixon because he pardoned nixon thus setting the policy of allowing presidents to escape responsibility for their crimes. That has done a lot of harm to our nation.

I see reagan as worse than ford. In so many, many, many ways. My main problem with him was, he changed our country to the failure economic and social policies that have done so much horrible harm to our nation and our people.

I don't see the first bush as being worse than reagan. I see him being as bad.

The bush boy was a nightmare. From the election in 2000 until he left office in 2009. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. It was something I never thought our nation would experience. I realized in his presidency that the republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. I realized that the next republican president was going to be worse than the bush boy. At the time I just couldn't imagine what would be worse. I didn't want to find out. I hoped that the American people had finally learned.

Now we have trump. Which I knew would be worse than the bush boy but I had no idea he would be this bad. By the time he leaves office nearly 200 thousand Americans will be dead from the virus. If not more. From the day he went down that escalator to this very day, it's been worse than a nightmare. The down right frightening thing that should keep every real American awake at night, the next republican president will be worse than trump. I know we all can't imagine what is worse than this but I thought that in the bush boy years. All we can do is vote and hope that it will be a very long time before our nation has to find out what is worse than trump.

The greatest president of the 20th century was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The greatest president of the 21st century, so far, is Barack H. Obama.

Here's how I rate the presidents of my lifetime.

1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. JFK
4. Carter
5. LBJ
6. Eisenhower
7. nixon
8. ford
9. bush the first
10. reagan
11. the bush boy
12. trump
It goes to show most people responding to the poll are young. Lets just say if Obama was their best choice were in for a hell of a ride. Personally I would rate him down there with Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Papa Bush, which are below Baby Bush, and that is lowwwwww.

Which probably shows you know fuck all about politics..

And you do, mr. "The shrilary is going to win in a landslide...."

Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Eisenhower
2. Obama
3. JFK
4. Reagan
5. LBJ
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump


You and I were both born when Eisenhower was president. I was born in his last year. Which was a very busy year in the baby boom years.

I would say of the republicans in my lifetime Eisenhower was the best of them all. He may have left office warning America of the military industrial complex, a warning we should have followed, Eisenhower was one of the guys who started it all. So he was basically warning America of what he helped to create. I don't give him much credit for that.

It was very hard for me to rank the republicans after him. I couldn't really decide who was worse. nixon tried to subvert the democratic process in America then obstructed justice. He is the president who opened up China to America which at the time was a big diplomatic accomplishment. Today, we see the result. He did created good environmental laws which have been whittled away through the years.

I see ford worse than nixon because he pardoned nixon thus setting the policy of allowing presidents to escape responsibility for their crimes. That has done a lot of harm to our nation.

I see reagan as worse than ford. In so many, many, many ways. My main problem with him was, he changed our country to the failure economic and social policies that have done so much horrible harm to our nation and our people.

I don't see the first bush as being worse than reagan. I see him being as bad.

The bush boy was a nightmare. From the election in 2000 until he left office in 2009. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. It was something I never thought our nation would experience. I realized in his presidency that the republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. I realized that the next republican president was going to be worse than the bush boy. At the time I just couldn't imagine what would be worse. I didn't want to find out. I hoped that the American people had finally learned.

Now we have trump. Which I knew would be worse than the bush boy but I had no idea he would be this bad. By the time he leaves office nearly 200 thousand Americans will be dead from the virus. If not more. From the day he went down that escalator to this very day, it's been worse than a nightmare. The down right frightening thing that should keep every real American awake at night, the next republican president will be worse than trump. I know we all can't imagine what is worse than this but I thought that in the bush boy years. All we can do is vote and hope that it will be a very long time before our nation has to find out what is worse than trump.

The greatest president of the 20th century was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The greatest president of the 21st century, so far, is Barack H. Obama.

Here's how I rate the presidents of my lifetime.

1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. JFK
4. Carter
5. LBJ
6. Eisenhower
7. nixon
8. ford
9. bush the first
10. reagan
11. the bush boy
12. trump

You about sum up how I feel. I mean, could it have gotten worse than Baby Bush? Surely not, I thought. Never underestimate Deplorable White Trash America - the section of US society that lives in the past, waxing lyrical about how great the country used to be before gay rights, civil rights, etc. The funniest/saddest part is when they talk about the US being the greatest country in the world (saved everybody's arse in WWII etc etc) they don't have the self-realisation knowledge that the types of Americans that did those things, weren't them. It's also a form of stolen valour - taking credit for all the great things the US has done when they've had fuck-all to do with it. In fact, I would argue America has done great things in spite of them.
And you do, mr. "The shrilary is going to win in a landslide...."

Certainly know more than somebody who thinks Dubya was a better president than Clinton, Carter or his father...

Ummmm, carter was terrible, dunya was a moron, and dunya dad was a scimbag too. Bill Clinton was a moral reprobate, but a good president.

Fu ny how you attack trump for the same stuff that bill did.

That makes you a hypocritical ass.
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.
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Nobody has spoken yet about one obvious thing about President Obama. He was half “black” and half “white” — something that still really matters In our society. He and his family had to navigate racial issues in a new way, just as a result of his being the first mixed race President. I think overall President Obama handled himself in this respect very well. He made us proud, and gave pride to all who identified with him. He did not play the fool, act like a clown, or shame our nation ... as Donald Trump has.
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Eisenhower
2. Obama
3. JFK
4. Reagan
5. LBJ
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump


You and I were both born when Eisenhower was president. I was born in his last year. Which was a very busy year in the baby boom years.

I would say of the republicans in my lifetime Eisenhower was the best of them all. He may have left office warning America of the military industrial complex, a warning we should have followed, Eisenhower was one of the guys who started it all. So he was basically warning America of what he helped to create. I don't give him much credit for that.

It was very hard for me to rank the republicans after him. I couldn't really decide who was worse. nixon tried to subvert the democratic process in America then obstructed justice. He is the president who opened up China to America which at the time was a big diplomatic accomplishment. Today, we see the result. He did created good environmental laws which have been whittled away through the years.

I see ford worse than nixon because he pardoned nixon thus setting the policy of allowing presidents to escape responsibility for their crimes. That has done a lot of harm to our nation.

I see reagan as worse than ford. In so many, many, many ways. My main problem with him was, he changed our country to the failure economic and social policies that have done so much horrible harm to our nation and our people.

I don't see the first bush as being worse than reagan. I see him being as bad.

The bush boy was a nightmare. From the election in 2000 until he left office in 2009. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing. It was something I never thought our nation would experience. I realized in his presidency that the republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. I realized that the next republican president was going to be worse than the bush boy. At the time I just couldn't imagine what would be worse. I didn't want to find out. I hoped that the American people had finally learned.

Now we have trump. Which I knew would be worse than the bush boy but I had no idea he would be this bad. By the time he leaves office nearly 200 thousand Americans will be dead from the virus. If not more. From the day he went down that escalator to this very day, it's been worse than a nightmare. The down right frightening thing that should keep every real American awake at night, the next republican president will be worse than trump. I know we all can't imagine what is worse than this but I thought that in the bush boy years. All we can do is vote and hope that it will be a very long time before our nation has to find out what is worse than trump.

The greatest president of the 20th century was Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The greatest president of the 21st century, so far, is Barack H. Obama.

Here's how I rate the presidents of my lifetime.

1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. JFK
4. Carter
5. LBJ
6. Eisenhower
7. nixon
8. ford
9. bush the first
10. reagan
11. the bush boy
12. trump

You about sum up how I feel. I mean, could it have gotten worse than Baby Bush? Surely not, I thought. Never underestimate Deplorable White Trash America - the section of US society that lives in the past, waxing lyrical about how great the country used to be before gay rights, civil rights, etc. The funniest/saddest part is when they talk about the US being the greatest country in the world (saved everybody's arse in WWII etc etc) they don't have the self-realisation knowledge that the types of Americans that did those things, weren't them. It's also a form of stolen valour - taking credit for all the great things the US has done when they've had fuck-all to do with it. In fact, I would argue America has done great things in spite of them.

If not America, what is the greatest country in the world? In your opinion?

Great Britain? Well it used to be.
Jimmy Carter was my favorite. Still is

Jimmy Carter was the most honest and truthful president ever. However, honesty and integrity don't count with American voters.

What a slur. :45:

MAGAnut extremists like you and your ilk talk a lot of shit and then have to eat their words.

Well you’ve just talked more shit than I did. My allegiance is to Her Majesty.

Keep it under your hat.

Please don't thank me.
Jimmy Carter was my favorite. Still is

Jimmy Carter was the most honest and truthful president ever. However, honesty and integrity don't count with American voters.

What a slur. :45:

MAGAnut extremists like you and your ilk talk a lot of shit and then have to eat their words.

Well you’ve just talked more shit than I did. My allegiance is to Her Majesty.

Keep it under your hat.

Please don't thank me.

For what?

You grumpy old misanthrope.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes. forgot to insert the word BLACK ...they only care about RACE

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