Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll

Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Eisenhower
2. Obama
3. JFK
4. Reagan
5. LBJ
6. Clinton
7. Bush 41
8. Nixon
9. Ford
10. Carter
11. Bush 43
12. Trump

In my lifetime it would be

Bush snr
Bush Jnr

I won't even pollute my list with the piece of garbage in the WH at the moment.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

A NEW poll...WTF, it's dated July 2018. Is that considered NEW to you fricken libs, or has it taken that long for you idiots to finish reading the article.
Who cares. Nothing's changed.

You're right, nothing has changed, Trump is still president. Although a lot has changed, now everyone knows quite a bit about the Russia scam and how corrupt you idiots really are.

Ha, trump is still an indentured servant of putin.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

Wow, polling an echo chamber gives you echoes. Who knew!
“He gave Iran $150 billion in cash.“
THIS was one of the best and bravest things Obama did, RETURNING Iran’s own money seized by the West and bringIng the Great Powers together to sign the JCPOA nuclear sgreement with Iran. That could have been the beginning of a real rebalancing of our lopsided alliance with Wahhabi Sunni reactionaries, allowing space for cracks to develop among opposing forces in the Iranian regime, and encouraging popular democratic mobilizations against the theocratic dictatorship. But of course everything was reversed and worsened by Trump’s unilaterally tearing up the JCPOA agreement and imposing sanctions not only on Iran, but on our European allies who sought to trade with Iran. This was one of Trump’s worst foreign policy mistakes, growing out of his fealty to Nentanyahu and his personal hatred for Obama.

For starters, that cash should have been split among the hostages' families decades ago.
Regardless, one does not give cash to a regime sworn to destroy you, whether it is "their" money or not.
The JCPOA was no more than buying time for a hostile regime.
The Embassy and CIA hostages taken by revolutionary students some 40 years ago were returned safely. The U.S. stole far more from Iran in oil resources after overthrowing the Mossadegh regime and installing the Shah, and after the Islamic Revolution we supported and green-lighted a horrible bloody eight year war against Iran, by our then ally Saddam Hussein — who used poison gas on the battlefield. The Iranian people have paid a high price for U.S. stupidity and stubbornness. The mullahs were hugely threatened after previous electoral struggles in Iran In 2009, which enabled democratic forces to come together to oppose their corruption. But Trump and Republicans (and many Democrats and even liberal Zionists) as well as the eternal Military Industrial Complex, Saudi lobbying money, as well as the domestic U.S. oil industry, these all conspired to oppose our maintaining Obama’s rational policy toward Iran.
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Not a fan of Lincoln? I figured he d be your fave and in your age group too....
Read the OP headline: “... best president of their lifetimes.
But sure, if you want to rate best presidents ever, Lincoln would surely be right up there among the greatest!
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.
Well he did rank better than Hillary.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

What a farce this poll is.
Rank your presidents
Trump the best under Reagan.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

Wow, polling an echo chamber gives you echoes. Who knew!

It's the same echo chamber which causes wingnuts to source other wingnuts when they succeed in proving their ignorance.
“He gave Iran $150 billion in cash.“
THIS was one of the best and bravest things Obama did, RETURNING Iran’s own money seized by the West and bringIng the Great Powers together to sign the JCPOA nuclear sgreement with Iran. That could have been the beginning of a real rebalancing of our lopsided alliance with Wahhabi Sunni reactionaries, allowing space for cracks to develop among opposing forces in the Iranian regime, and encouraging popular democratic mobilizations against the theocratic dictatorship. But of course everything was reversed and worsened by Trump’s unilaterally tearing up the JCPOA agreement and imposing sanctions not only on Iran, but on our European allies who sought to trade with Iran. This was one of Trump’s worst foreign policy mistakes, growing out of his fealty to Nentanyahu and his personal hatred for Obama.

For starters, that cash should have been split among the hostages' families decades ago.
Regardless, one does not give cash to a regime sworn to destroy you, whether it is "their" money or not.
The JCPOA was no more than buying time for a hostile regime.
The Embassy and CIA hostages taken by revolutionary students some 40 years ago were returned safely. The U.S. stole far more from Iran in oil resources after overthrowing the Mossadegh regime and installing the Shah, and after the Islamic Revolution we supported and green-lighted a horrible bloody eight year war against Iran, by our then ally Saddam Hussein — who used poison gas on the battlefield. The Iranian people have paid a high price for U.S. stupidity and stubbornness. The mullahs were hugely threatened after previous electoral struggles in Iran In 2009, which enabled democratic forces to come together to oppose their corruption. But Trump and Republicans (and many Democrats and even liberal Zionists) as well as the eternal Military Industrial Complex, Saudi lobbying money, as well as the domestic U.S. oil industry, these all conspired to oppose our maintaining Obama’s rational policy toward Iran.

Guess what.

I don't care.
Not a fan of Lincoln? I figured he d be your fave and in your age group too....
Read the OP headline: “... best president of their lifetimes.
But sure, if you want to rate best presidents ever, Lincoln would surely be right up there among the greatest! was a joke with me calling him as old as Lincoln...hence the age group comment.
Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll
It goes to show most people responding to the poll are young. Lets just say if Obama was their best choice were in for a hell of a ride. Personally I would rate him down there with Nixon, Carter, Clinton, and Papa Bush, which are below Baby Bush, and that is lowwwwww.

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