Americans rank Barack Obama as best president of their lifetimes: Poll

Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Trump
2. Reagan
3. JFK
4. Eisenhower
5. Clinton
6. Nixon
7. Ford
8. Carter

The rest are so bad Dante would have put them under Satan's ass in the 9th Circle

LBJ, Bush 41, Obama, Bush43
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

There is a good deal of the above that would be reasonably agreeable, but, come on, man!

Obama's presidency did not "herald a successor like Donald Trump" - half a nation going completely bonkers upon experiencing a Democratic president (Clinton, Obama), and getting out to vote for a monstrous clown first, and a carnival barker next, is not to be blamed on the previous presidency. Those "who abuse and insult Obama" may well be out of touch, but, way more importantly, they are out of reality.

Then comes the inevitable "he accomplished little". Why is that, Tom? He opened a path toward universal healthcare. Given that was on the agenda at least since Nixon, and has been a complete failure until Obama did it, should give you a hint, and another hint is that the carnival barker and his Congressional minions still couldn't destroy it. Moreover, he stabilized a financial market in freefall, and dragged the country out of the Great Recession, an accomplishment of monumental proportion. He opened up a path toward reconciliation with Iran, a foreign policy accomplishment that has few peers, establishing amidst a decades-old enmity a bottom of trust that still carries Russia, China, and the EU in their dealings with Iran, despite the carnival barker's obstruction. Amazing feat, this. And that's all before we get to reconciliation with Cuba - all to the screeching outrage - outrage, I tellsya! - from the usual suspects. He managed swiftly and competently the crises of H1N1 and Ebola, based on the best scientific advice, and pushed the country toward a somewhat more sustainable path. For any president that alone would constitute a formidable record, together with a singularly scandal-free eight years of dignity and grace against Republican take-no-prisoners sabotage and obstruction, setting an example for sane people to last a generation or three. But Obama "accomplished little". Really?

Look at that, again, Tom: "In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly." That's a way to describe a decent dunce, not an accomplished president of high intelligence and integrity.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

What a farce this poll is.
Rank your presidents
Trump the best under Reagan.
Rush Limbaugh would be proud
Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Trump
2. Reagan
3. JFK
4. Eisenhower
5. Clinton
6. Nixon
7. Ford
8. Carter

The rest are so bad Dante would have put them under Satan's ass in the 9th Circle

LBJ, Bush 41, Obama, Bush43
Calvin Coolidge is the most underrated president in the history of America.. but I agree trump is number one. The Obstacles this man is hard to overcome and still have one of the greatest administration in the history of America
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Like most Americans, if it were possible I would take Obama back in a heartbeat to serve as President. It wouldn't be fair to him, but it would be great for our country and the world. In a very real way, Obama was the best President our country could produce in 2008, just as Trump was probably the worst we could produce in 2016.

The problem lies with our selves, our society, our political and economic system. Individual presidents usually have limited ability to turn either the economy or "the ship of state" around, especially when it can really only run at all in one direction, and everyone is shouting "faster!"

Think of it, the very party that rallied around Obama, one of the few rational voices who actively opposed our war in Iraq from the floor of the Senate, ended supporting Hillary Clinton. I won't even talk about the Republicans. Or the yahoos that today support Trump. Or the real powerful systemic forces that any Republican or Democratic politician must navigate to rule at all.

So I don't really blame Obama for his "failures." He was only one man.
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Like most Americans, if it were possible I would take Obama back in a heartbeat to serve as President. It wouldn't be fair to him, but it would be great for our country and the world. In a very real way, Obama was the best President our country could produce in 2008, just as Trump was probably the worst we could produce in 2016.

The problem lies with our selves, our society, our political and economic system. Individual presidents usually have limited ability to turn either the economy or "the ship of state" around, especially when it can really only run at all in one direction, and everyone is shouting "faster!"

Think of it, the very party that rallied around Obama, one of the few rational voices who actively opposed our war in Iraq from the floor of the Senate, ended supporting Hillary Clinton. I won't even talk about the Republicans. Or the yahoos that today support Trump. Or the real powerful systemic forces that any Republican or Democratic politician must navigate to rule at all.

So I don't really blame Obama for his "failures." He was only one man.
What a bunch of BS!
Ranking the Presidents in my lifetime

1. Trump
2. Reagan
3. JFK
4. Eisenhower
5. Clinton
6. Nixon
7. Ford
8. Carter

The rest are so bad Dante would have put them under Satan's ass in the 9th Circle

LBJ, Bush 41, Obama, Bush43
Calvin Coolidge is the most underrated president in the history of America.. but I agree trump is number one. The Obstacles this man is hard to overcome and still have one of the greatest administration in the history of America
Coolidge wasn't in my lifetime, but yeah!
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Like most Americans, if it were possible I would take Obama back in a heartbeat to serve as President. It wouldn't be fair to him, but it would be great for our country and the world. In a very real way, Obama was the best President our country could produce in 2008, just as Trump was probably the worst we could produce in 2016.

The problem lies with our selves, our society, our political and economic system. Individual presidents usually have limited ability to turn either the economy or "the ship of state" around, especially when it can really only run at all in one direction, and everyone is shouting "faster!"

Think of it, the very party that rallied around Obama, one of the few rational voices who actively opposed our war in Iraq from the floor of the Senate, ended supporting Hillary Clinton. I won't even talk about the Republicans. Or the yahoos that today support Trump. Or the real powerful systemic forces that any Republican or Democratic politician must navigate to rule at all.

So I don't really blame Obama for his "failures." He was only one man.

I wouldn't hire him to service my dogs.

Yes, he was one man. Whether evil or merely stupid is arguable, but he should never have been president.
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Like most Americans, if it were possible I would take Obama back in a heartbeat to serve as President. It wouldn't be fair to him, but it would be great for our country and the world. In a very real way, Obama was the best President our country could produce in 2008, just as Trump was probably the worst we could produce in 2016.

The problem lies with our selves, our society, our political and economic system. Individual presidents usually have limited ability to turn either the economy or "the ship of state" around, especially when it can really only run at all in one direction, and everyone is shouting "faster!"

Think of it, the very party that rallied around Obama, one of the few rational voices who actively opposed our war in Iraq from the floor of the Senate, ended supporting Hillary Clinton. I won't even talk about the Republicans. Or the yahoos that today support Trump. Or the real powerful systemic forces that any Republican or Democratic politician must navigate to rule at all.

So I don't really blame Obama for his "failures." He was only one man.

I wouldn't hire him to service my dogs.

Yes, he was one man. Whether evil or merely stupid is arguable, but he should never have been president.
If he werent black obama never would have been president
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

In summation:
Obama was a failure but he tried hard. Here's a second place trophy. He's also half black,here's another trophy.
Like most Americans, if it were possible I would take Obama back in a heartbeat to serve as President. It wouldn't be fair to him, but it would be great for our country and the world. In a very real way, Obama was the best President our country could produce in 2008, just as Trump was probably the worst we could produce in 2016.

The problem lies with our selves, our society, our political and economic system. Individual presidents usually have limited ability to turn either the economy or "the ship of state" around, especially when it can really only run at all in one direction, and everyone is shouting "faster!"

Think of it, the very party that rallied around Obama, one of the few rational voices who actively opposed our war in Iraq from the floor of the Senate, ended supporting Hillary Clinton. I won't even talk about the Republicans. Or the yahoos that today support Trump. Or the real powerful systemic forces that any Republican or Democratic politician must navigate to rule at all.

So I don't really blame Obama for his "failures." He was only one man.

I wouldn't hire him to service my dogs.

Yes, he was one man. Whether evil or merely stupid is arguable, but he should never have been president.
If he werent black obama never would have been president

Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.

What a farce this poll is.
Rank your presidents
Trump the best under Reagan.
Rush Limbaugh would be proud
That's the truth Limbaugh had nothing to do with it. I'm not a liberal, I can think for myself.
Note the important distinction: Americans.

A new Pew Research Center poll says more Americans rank former President Barack Obama higher than any other when asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes.

Obama was named the best or second best president by 44 percent of Americans in the survey that came out Wednesday. Thirty-one percent ranked him as the best president in their lifetimes.
2018? <snicker>
2018? <snicker>
Others have pointed out it was an old poll. Do you think it would be different today?

Can you stop snickering for a moment, and give us your own considered opinion?

[I would really like to know how you rate Obama and the others...]
Others have pointed out it was an old poll. Do you think it would be different today?

Can you stop snickering for a moment, and give us your own considered opinion?

Ex-presidents are subject to the retrospective halo-effect: the farther back, the more idealized, the higher the approval.

That Obama gets such high marks so shortly after leaving office is a sign of the high respect he has earned - along with his successor's incompetence, corruption, and depravity, providing a helpful contrast.

The snickering should be taken as a sign for the snickering nitwit's state of... "mind", which pretty much indicates that your request for a "considered opinion" is a deliberate, brutal attempt at hurting his feelings. You should be ashamed of yourself, putting him in such predicament.
Others have pointed out it was an old poll. Do you think it would be different today?

Can you stop snickering for a moment, and give us your own considered opinion?

Ex-presidents are subject to the retrospective halo-effect: the farther back, the more idealized, the higher the approval.

That Obama gets such high marks so shortly after leaving office is a sign of the high respect he has earned

Nope. It's a sign that Democrat media is continuing the "Messiah" story in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

Obama's presidency has been erased. In a few years he'll be an interstitial historical footnote.
Obama was intelligent, serious, responsible and a hardworking President. He made some serious mistakes, but he had more vision than other Presidents of this century. The America people as a whole are right to respect him, even if in some ways his presidency was ultimately to herald a successor like Donald Trump. Those who abuse and insult Obama are mostly out of touch with the American mainstream.

Not every president has an opportunity to make great breakthroughs, even if they are astute and want reforms. Because he inherited a terrible financial crisis Obama had his hands full. He was also young and naive. In the end he accomplished little. But he was a decent man in a difficult position, who Americans are right to regard fondly.

Obama was ultimately a ultra leftist who intentionally violated the COTUS at every turn.

He also corrupted the Intel, and DOJ agencies and turned them into arms of his political group.

In other words, the very crimes that you people accuse Trump of doing, obummer actually did.

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