Americans recognize that mass shootings are not because of loose gun laws...3:1.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

"You aren’t getting new laws passed to stop mass shootings because guns don’t commit mass shootings. Crazy people do. You might want to craft a platform where you actually help communities recognize when people are going off the rails and do something to help them. Find the root cause of the problem, no matter how daunting, and get to work on that instead of blaming everything on a tool."

Oops. Americans think mass shootings caused by mental health problems, not loose gun laws by nearly 3 to 1
" Since 2013, the number of rural Americans who prioritize gun rights over new laws has grown from 46 percent to 61 percent, and the share of Republicans has jumped from 58 percent to 71 percent."

"more people say mass shootings reflect problems identifying and treating people with mental health problems rather than inadequate gun control laws (63 percent to 23 percent)."

Washington Post-ABC News poll Oct. 15-18, 2015
in vermont we have the least gun law and crime. this will make it difficult for bernie to win. "rural state" he'll say.

"You aren’t getting new laws passed to stop mass shootings because guns don’t commit mass shootings. Crazy people do. You might want to craft a platform where you actually help communities recognize when people are going off the rails and do something to help them. Find the root cause of the problem, no matter how daunting, and get to work on that instead of blaming everything on a tool."

Oops. Americans think mass shootings caused by mental health problems, not loose gun laws by nearly 3 to 1
Just like I have said all along, a nonissue.
New gun laws will do nothing but infringe on the law abiding citizens and will not stop real criminals.

"You aren’t getting new laws passed to stop mass shootings because guns don’t commit mass shootings. Crazy people do. You might want to craft a platform where you actually help communities recognize when people are going off the rails and do something to help them. Find the root cause of the problem, no matter how daunting, and get to work on that instead of blaming everything on a tool."

Oops. Americans think mass shootings caused by mental health problems, not loose gun laws by nearly 3 to 1
Just like I have said all along, a nonissue.
New laws will do nothing but infringe on the law abiding citizens and will not stop real criminals.
Leave that up to the gun toters....
Prepare for a psychological evaluation questionnaire before purchasing a pistol....
How about we just lock up the lunatics, instead? It's hard to buy a gun and go on a rampage if you're restrained by a couple of strong men 24/7.
Being locked up would dampen the moonglo's festive demeanor...
If it were because of mental illness, other countries would have numbers of killings/mass killings, but with other weapons.

Blaming mental illness is easy, lazy and wrong.

Canada has gazillions of guns but they don't have the number of murders the US does.

Guns don't kill people.
People kill people.
Start there.
If it were because of mental illness, other countries would have numbers of killings/mass killings, but with other weapons.

Blaming mental illness is easy, lazy and wrong.

Canada has gazillions of guns but they don't have the number of murders the US does.

Guns don't kill people.
People kill people.
Start there.
Crazy people who should be locked up kill people.
For some reason it doesn't get the coverage it deserves but the massacre at Va. Tech Blacksburg (2007) was the worst mass shooting (32 dead and 17 injured) in U.S. history by a single shooter. Thanks to liberal philosophy there was a total breakdown that led to an absolute maniac being able to purchase firearms even though a strict name check for purchasing firearms was in effect. Seung Hui Cho was born in Korea and his parents emigrated to the U.S. when he was 8. He may not have been a U.S. citizen but that's another issue. Cho was diagnosed with mental illness while in High School. Because of federal privacy laws his condition was not revealed to Va. Tech. Cho was considered to be a creepy loner and most professors were afraid of him. His pass time involved taking photos under the skirts of female students. When he was finally accused of stalking two female students the local police declined to arrest him presumably because a long standing agreement with the university not to cause students to have an arrest record or the alumni donations might fall off. Cho was again diagnosed with a mental illness and ordered to attend a lame unverified mental health counseling. Cho would have been prevented from "legally" purchasing firearms if he had been arrested as a result of verified information from female students or if the idiotic liberal faction in federal and state government didn't care more about the privacy issues of crazy people than society as a whole.
Leave the laws the way they are and enforce them, the US does NOT have a firearms problem. The US has a political correctness problem, we should be getting rid of political correctness all together.

Sh!t happens, just look at that women taking all those people out at that homecoming parade.

Just do the economy a favor - buy more guns and ammo...
"Gun law failures" are, in fact, partly responsible for making mass shootings worse or more frequent.

The failure being, we are making laws that disarm law-abiding people.

Creating so-called "gun-free zones", restricting the law-abiding from carrying weapons in various areas, etc. All in violation of the 2nd amendment, naturally.

These failed laws make it easy for nutcase criminals to anticipate racking up huge body counts so they get the lurid headlines they want after they are killed.

If the criminals could be pretty sure there are a few armed people in the next crowd they want to shoot up, many of them would be less likely to try it in the first place.

But the liberals who make these failed laws, are dead set against that.

"You aren’t getting new laws passed to stop mass shootings because guns don’t commit mass shootings. Crazy people do. You might want to craft a platform where you actually help communities recognize when people are going off the rails and do something to help them. Find the root cause of the problem, no matter how daunting, and get to work on that instead of blaming everything on a tool."

Oops. Americans think mass shootings caused by mental health problems, not loose gun laws by nearly 3 to 1

Mention the shooter had mental problems every news story, polls will represent the repetition. But since very few people study such things, all they're going on is whatever the media's been telling them over and over.

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