Americans vs The Law of the Jungle


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
We bask in the afterglow of what was once a great nation.

Some of us had the benefit of an actual education, not the sort of indoctrination we find in government school grads, and have read and thought through the ideas of giants such as Thoreau, and de Toqueville.

What can we say when we see the nation we love reduced to the following?

1. “FBI’s Roger Stone raid sends chilling message A swarm of agents in tactical gear shouting “FBI! Open the door!” outside Roger Stone’s Florida home just before dawn Friday was over the top but intended to send a chilling message to anyone else being eyed in the Mueller investigation — you’re next, former FBI agents told the Herald.

The SWAT-style raid on a white-collar suspect in pajamas went viral Friday, with CNN cameras rolling.

“It was absolutely ridiculous,” said ex-FBI agent Peter Yachmetz. “Doing it at 6 o’clock is extremely early. They were trying to get a point across and it was leaked to CNN.” FBI’s Roger Stone raid sends chilling message – Boston Herald

2. “FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort
A source familiar with the case told The Washington Times the search was even more intrusive: An agent patted down Mrs. Manafort before she was allowed to get out of bed.

“Agents felt up Mrs. Manafort lying in bed to see if she had guns,” the source said of the intimidation.

In all, 12 FBI agents entered the home, guns drawn, and stayed for hours.

The aggressive search of a prone sleepy woman is, the source said, a hallmark of Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, …” FBI agents manhandled Manafort and his wife during pre-dawn raid in intimidation effort

Neither of the Clinton associates, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences for their misleading statements, which they made in interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter Strzok.” Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements To FBI

“But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it.” Henry David Thoreau
America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.
America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.

"...unsubstantial people..."

Speaking of those with no education.

Unsubstantial refers to an argument, or the foundation of a home.

You mean 'insubstantial.'

Get lost, gasbag.
The over the top armed raid was pure political theater to further an agenda.

A couple of FBI agents wearing business suit attire, could have calmly rang Mr. Stone's doorbell and easily arrested him when he answered. Present the warrant to search the house. And then allow the forensic team inside to collect the evidence. .... :cool:
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The over the top armed raid was pure political theater.

A couple of FBI agents wearing business attire, could have calmly rang Mr. Stone's doorbell and arrested him when he answered. Present the warrant to search the house. And then allow the forensic team inside to collect the evidence. .... :cool:
Sorry, the entire political system is theater. Can you be more precise?
The federal government loves to stage large media based raids for political to further political agendas.

The ATF raid on the religious cult in Waco was an example of an ill conceived raid gone wrong.

The leader of the cult drove into town on a regular basis and could have been arrested and taken into custody by a couple of agents.

But oh no, that would have been too easy.

So a full blown armed raid was launched that ended in a tragedy for everyone involved. .. :cool:
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The over the top armed raid was pure political theater.

A couple of FBI agents wearing business attire, could have calmly rang Mr. Stone's doorbell and easily arrested him when he answered. Present the warrant to search the house. And then allow the forensic team inside to collect the evidence. .... :cool:

I have regularly posed this query to the jungle dwellers....

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Without missing a beat, the Leftist Mueller/Clinton supporters claimed, of course the do.

But we find this:
Neither of the Clinton associates, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, faced legal consequences for their misleading statements, which they made in interviews last year with former FBI section chief Peter Strzok.” Top Clinton Aides Face No Charges After Making False Statements To FBI

And none have the guts to speak out against same.
America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.

Get lost, gasbag.
Typical, can't take issue at all though, huh.
when you work so hard to sound like an "intellectual" and fuck it up with mistakes like she pointed out, that's on you. you can get mad at the people for noticing you're full of shit, but it's still on you.
The over the top armed raid was pure political theater.

A couple of FBI agents wearing business attire, could have calmly rang Mr. Stone's doorbell and easily arrested him when he answered. Present the warrant to search the house. And then allow the forensic team inside to collect the evidence. .... :cool:

The Democrat media wanted pictures.
America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.

Get lost, gasbag.
Typical, can't take issue at all though, huh.
when you work so hard to sound like an "intellectual" and fuck it up with mistakes like she pointed out, that's on you. you can get mad at the people for noticing you're full of shit, but it's still on you.

That was really precise, and concise.


Neatly delivered.
America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.

Get lost, gasbag.
Typical, can't take issue at all though, huh.
when you work so hard to sound like an "intellectual" and fuck it up with mistakes like she pointed out, that's on you. you can get mad at the people for noticing you're full of shit, but it's still on you.

That was really precise, and concise.


Neatly delivered.
i have my moments. :)
"Federal judge 'shocked' Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was granted immunity by DOJ
A federal judge said he was "shocked" to find out that longtime Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills had been granted immunity from the Justice Department during the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's server.

During a hearing in D.C. on Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth made the comment about Mills, Clinton's former chief of staff, during his opening remarks, referring to when he read the DOJ inspector general report.

"I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath..."

Federal judge 'shocked' Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was granted immunity by DOJ

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Wu wu wu
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
The Mueller investigation has now outspent the entire defense budgets of several small nations.

Maybe we should give him a uniform.

America has always been under the law of the jungle ever since euros first made landfall. Nice to see the aristocracy getting acquainted with what the unsubstantial people have always known and experienced.

Can a person be "unsubstantial"? LOL
The FBI admitted that they knew the dossier was fake from the start, but used it to get a FISA warrant to surveil Trump and associates

FBI found classified data on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s laptop….so they gave them a pass

The FBI decided no charges against Hillary before they interviewed her…..with no record kept of the interview, and not under oath.

Both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were found to be lying to the FBI….but given a pass ...and allowed to keep their laptops, and destroy any evidence on same

Obama knew about Hillary’s use of unsecured emails, as he conversed with her on same…kept his name out of the reports.

But no pre-dawn raids with fully armed SWAT such thing when dealing with Democrats........

Today's lesson for Liberals:

Invidious discrimination generally refers to treating one group of people less well than another on such grounds as their race (racism), gender (sexism), religion (religious discrimination), caste, ethnic background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, sexual preference or behavior, results of IQ testing, age (ageism) ...or political views.

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