Americans who are anti immigrant/against immigration.. Why?

The possibility that in the future, there might be slightly fewer people living in the United States does not seem like a big problem to me.

That's because you are a myopic moron.

No, I'm really not.

The gains from higher population will, IMO be out weighted by the loss of social capital.

The issues from a slow and small decline in population can be dealt with in other ways.

You don't understand how demographic change takes place, and are ignorant of its consequences. In any case, we are NOT going to stop LEGAL immigration, so your ignorance is irrelevant.

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand the issue. Try to be less arrogant.

True. We are not going to stop legal immigration. NOr will we stop illegal immigration.

And it will change this country beyond recognition, and all for the worst.

You don't like hearing me bitch about it?

Wait 10 years. When the American people realize how badly they have been fucked.

YOu will look back on this time as the Good Old Days.

Chicken littles like you said that ten years ago, and ten years before that, and...

And is the bitching more or less than 20 years ago?
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.

Why? Because there are no limits to the US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.

There are a few right here on this very thread.
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.

Why? Because there are no limits to the US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?

The government makes the determination of how many people are allowed to immigrate to the US from every country every year based on the ability of the economy and other factors. Unfortunately the present dictator has decided to make that determination based on politics.
That's because you are a myopic moron.

No, I'm really not.

The gains from higher population will, IMO be out weighted by the loss of social capital.

The issues from a slow and small decline in population can be dealt with in other ways.

You don't understand how demographic change takes place, and are ignorant of its consequences. In any case, we are NOT going to stop LEGAL immigration, so your ignorance is irrelevant.

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand the issue. Try to be less arrogant.

True. We are not going to stop legal immigration. NOr will we stop illegal immigration.

And it will change this country beyond recognition, and all for the worst.

You don't like hearing me bitch about it?

Wait 10 years. When the American people realize how badly they have been fucked.

YOu will look back on this time as the Good Old Days.

Chicken littles like you said that ten years ago, and ten years before that, and...

And is the bitching more or less than 20 years ago?

Fools like you have been bitching since the beginning of the Republic. America has carried on regardless.
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.

Why? Because there are no limits to the US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?

The government makes the determination of how many people are allowed to immigrate to the US from every country every year based on the ability of the economy and other factors. Unfortunately the present dictator has decided to make that determination based on politics.

That doesn't answer my question.

YOu said that people who are against legal immigration should be ignored.

THat implies that there are no legitimate reasons to be against our current high levels of legal immigration.

For that to be true, there must be no problems with absorbing the millions of immigrants we have been getting and no chance of a problem with the millions still coming.

Thus, I ask, do you believe there is no limit to US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?
No, I'm really not.

The gains from higher population will, IMO be out weighted by the loss of social capital.

The issues from a slow and small decline in population can be dealt with in other ways.

You don't understand how demographic change takes place, and are ignorant of its consequences. In any case, we are NOT going to stop LEGAL immigration, so your ignorance is irrelevant.

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand the issue. Try to be less arrogant.

True. We are not going to stop legal immigration. NOr will we stop illegal immigration.

And it will change this country beyond recognition, and all for the worst.

You don't like hearing me bitch about it?

Wait 10 years. When the American people realize how badly they have been fucked.

YOu will look back on this time as the Good Old Days.

Chicken littles like you said that ten years ago, and ten years before that, and...

And is the bitching more or less than 20 years ago?

Fools like you have been bitching since the beginning of the Republic. America has carried on regardless.

TO me, what with the increase in racial strife over the course of Obama's administration, I would say that this country has a lot more discord than 20 years ago.

And IMO, the trends are all for more.
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand the issue. ....

You disagree because (in part) you don't understand the issue.


Would you like to tell me what you think I don't already know?

I think you have never even bothered to consider what a shrinking, rapidly aging population would face as a consequence of an older and older, non-working population. Such a population requires more health and other services, and produces less wealth. The burden of even trying to keep such a ship afloat would fall on a rapidly shrinking pool of productive workers. There are also social, competitive, and military considerations that have very likely never crossed your little mind.
For that to be true, there must be no problems with absorbing the millions of immigrants we have been getting...

As it stands, we enjoy a wealth of space and resources greater than most nations of the world. We are hardly bursting at the seams as you chicken littles would like to believe.
What's interesting and sad is that those with an unwarranted fear of, and hostility toward, immigrants actually demonstrate their lack of faith in the American Republic, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

Illegal aliens aren't "immigrants".

Sure they are.

They aren't welcome. But they come here, live here, and have children that will be American Citizens.

They are changing America.

No, they are not immigrants in the true sense of the word. Immigrants come her legally. Tell us something we don't already know. Yes, they come here in violation of our immigration laws, reside here and take jobs they aren't entitled to and then we have to support the broods they produce. No, they aren't Americans citizens either....not according to the 14th Amendment it has merely been a PC practice to view them that way. It makes a mockery out of our citizenship and that needs to change. It is one of the magnets that brings them here.

Anyone born in the US is a US citizen, whether you like it or not.
s there is very little encouragement to become English speaking Americans that assimilate into America . ... .

Wrong. There is enormous encouragement to do so, and most immigrants today are doing so just as those who came before them did.
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean that I don't understand the issue. ....

You disagree because (in part) you don't understand the issue.


Would you like to tell me what you think I don't already know?

I think you have never even bothered to consider what a shrinking, rapidly aging population would face as a consequence of an older and older, non-working population. Such a population requires more health and other services, and produces less wealth. The burden of even trying to keep such a ship afloat would fall on a rapidly shrinking pool of productive workers. There are also social, competitive, and military considerations that have very likely never crossed your little mind.

I have considered all of that.

1.Third World immigrants are hardly the material to build the work force to support those retirees. IF we want to go that route, we should be going for First World Immigrants or at least Asians, who do not have an IQ/education gap to reduce their lifetime incomes.

2. Social considerations are high on my list of concerns. A more diverse population is going to have less social capital and have more political conflict.

3. Third World Immigrants are not going to make US more competitive. IF they were we would already be seeing increasing trade surpluses instead of ever greater trade deficits.

4. Military? If we want to consider future military considerations, step one is to STOP building up China's economy.
I am not a xenophobe. Most countries on this planet are shitholes, because the people that live in those countries are shitheads. Why would I want those morons coming to America, and fucking my country up the way they fucked up their own? No, thanks a lot.

Yes, you're a xenophobe and you're quite ignorant about "most countries".

I'm opposed to illegal immigration. Why?

The majority of our immigrants now sneak in through the “back door” that the federal government purposely leaves open. Thanks to the negligence of the federal government, far more people move in the United States illegally than come in through the legal immigration process. This has got to change. :mad-61:

Illegal immigrants generally don’t pay taxes. The vast majority of illegal aliens would never even dream of paying income taxes, but Mexicans living in America send billions upon billions of dollars out of the United States and back to Mexico every single year. :mad-61:

Although illegal aliens pay next to nothing in taxes, they have no problem receiving tens of billions of dollars worth of free education benefits, free health care benefits, free housing assistance and free food stamp benefits. Many communities in the United States now openly advertise that they will help illegal aliens with these things. :mad-61:

And who ends up footing the bill so that the illegal immigrants can have their "free stuff"? The American tax-payer, that's who. :mad-61:

Illegals pay the same taxes you do.

You need a SS # to file taxes. Illegals are getting SS #s? How, illegally? Oh yea, you freak leftists want to shower illegals with any damn thing they ask for. Morons.

Hey, I know. I'll enter into your house without your permission, help myself to your food, drink, furnishings, you can't kick me out. Sound good?

Get you head out of your ass.


Think it through. You need a SS# to get a refund. You don't need a legal SS# for an employee to take taxes out of your pay.

Second, just as I said that for most, "illegal aliens" means Mexicans, for most of you, "taxes" means income taxes.

They not only pay income taxes, they pay all the other taxes as well.

As for issuing legal SS#'s (or driver's licenses), it makes sense to me to have a way to track and count illegals.

That's because most illegal aliens ARE Mexicans, you damned fooll!

Illegal aliens whether they be Mexican or not do not pay in enough taxes to cover their enormous social costs. If we can track illegal aliens then we should deport them

They pay the same taxes you do.

The right does not want to track illegals.

Being a low income group illegals get back any income taxes that they pay in in the form of a refund. Many get paid under the table so they don't pay any income taxes. They collect billions via the EIC each year also. Money they never paid into the system. They often live several in one household so they aren't paying their fair share of property taxes via their rent to cover the schooling of their numerous kids. They also send billions out of our economy to their homelands. Neither party wants to track illegals but that's no excuse to give them DL's to be able to survive easier in our country. WTH is wrong with you? That clown face fits you well.
2. Social considerations are high on my list of concerns. A more diverse population is going to have less social capital and have more political conflict.

3. Third World Immigrants are not going to make US more competitive. IF they were we would already be seeing increasing trade surpluses instead of ever greater trade deficits.....

That's just what your ilk said about the Irish, Chinese, Polish, Italians, Ukrainians, etc....

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