Americans who are anti immigrant/against immigration.. Why?

I am not a xenophobe. Most countries on this planet are shitholes, because the people that live in those countries are shitheads. Why would I want those morons coming to America, and fucking my country up the way they fucked up their own? No, thanks a lot.

Yes, you're a xenophobe and you're quite ignorant about "most countries".

Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)

I'm opposed to illegal immigration. Why?

The majority of our immigrants now sneak in through the “back door” that the federal government purposely leaves open. Thanks to the negligence of the federal government, far more people move in the United States illegally than come in through the legal immigration process. This has got to change. :mad-61:

Illegal immigrants generally don’t pay taxes. The vast majority of illegal aliens would never even dream of paying income taxes, but Mexicans living in America send billions upon billions of dollars out of the United States and back to Mexico every single year. :mad-61:

Although illegal aliens pay next to nothing in taxes, they have no problem receiving tens of billions of dollars worth of free education benefits, free health care benefits, free housing assistance and free food stamp benefits. Many communities in the United States now openly advertise that they will help illegal aliens with these things. :mad-61:

And who ends up footing the bill so that the illegal immigrants can have their "free stuff"? The American tax-payer, that's who. :mad-61:

Illegals pay the same taxes you do.

You need a SS # to file taxes. Illegals are getting SS #s? How, illegally? Oh yea, you freak leftists want to shower illegals with any damn thing they ask for. Morons.

Hey, I know. I'll enter into your house without your permission, help myself to your food, drink, furnishings, you can't kick me out. Sound good?

Get you head out of your ass.


Think it through. You need a SS# to get a refund. You don't need a legal SS# for an employee to take taxes out of your pay.

Second, just as I said that for most, "illegal aliens" means Mexicans, for most of you, "taxes" means income taxes.

They not only pay income taxes, they pay all the other taxes as well.

As for issuing legal SS#'s (or driver's licenses), it makes sense to me to have a way to track and count illegals.

You need a ss# to file an income tax form. You need a legal ss# when you work at a legit job. They make a copy of your ss# and dl. If they're paying income taxes and are here illegally, a ss# is being used. Illegally.

Illegal alien means anyone in this country illegally, don't give a shit where they come from. They're here illegally, not in a legal manner, they are breaking the law.

Bullshit. Have an ss# and dl you can register to vote.

So, you have no problem with someone entering your house and helping themselves to everything you own.

these questions are misleading and dishonest

NO ONE is against immigration. We just ask our borders be protected and have a Controlled immigration Instead just opening the doors and our resources that is used for the LEGAL Americans citizens of this country.... and then want to put them over the others who are already in line and went about becoming a CITIZEN by the normal requirements of OUR COUNTRY and LAWS
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)
No, you are NOT. Illegal aliens have seriously changed the nature of this country. To their benefit. And all the propaganda I have heard about how good or neutral illegal aliens are just like all people bashing science behind global warming, they either have an axe to grind, they are ignorant or they just believe whatever they want.
these questions are misleading and dishonest

NO ONE is against immigration.

A few people posting on this very thread have said they are.

I haven't read though them all but I some how doubt they meant it that way. We are being inundated right now with Illegal Immigrants because of NEW rules written up by our dictator Obama. And they are skirting around our Representation in Congress and again Steamrolling over the WILL of we the people by doing so. But Obama is FAMOUS for that. thank goodness a judge saw him out of ORDER and halted this abuse of power that they tried to sneak in on us.

When has something like this ever been done? they are offering free transportation to people in other countries to COME and reunite with their families.
DHS Launches “Family Reunification,” Refugee Program for Central Americans
APRIL 01, 2015

To facilitate the often treacherous process of entering the United States illegally through the southern border, the Obama administration is offering free transportation from three Central American countries and a special refugee/parole program with “resettlement assistance” and permanent residency.

Under the new initiative the administration has rebranded the official name it originally assigned to the droves of illegal immigrant minors who continue sneaking into the U.S. They’re no longer known as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), a term that evidently was offensive and not politically correct enough for the powerful open borders movement. The new arrivals will be officially known as Central American Minors (CAM) and they will be eligible for a special refugee/parole that offers a free one-way flight to the U.S. from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. The project is a joint venture between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State Department.

Specifically, the “program provides certain children in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras with a safe, legal, and orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children are undertaking to the United States,” according to a DHS memo obtained by JW this week. The document goes on to say that the CAM program has started accepting applications from “qualifying parents” to bring their offspring under the age of 21 from El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras. The candidates will then be granted a special refugee parole, which includes many taxpayer-funded perks and benefits. Among them is a free education, food stamps, medical care and living expenses.

ALL of it here:
DHS Launches Family Reunification Refugee Program for Central Americans - Judicial Watch

so it's not like we the people don't have good reason to be UPSET OVER all this crap with Illegals and Immigration under the rule of Obama and his cohorts in Transforming our Country.
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.

yep, They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture. Now We the people has to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare programs put in place for legal American citizens.

but the people don't want to be called, ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of being Unchristian like if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.

yep, They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture. Now We the people has to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare programs put in place for legal American citizens.

but the people don't want to be called, ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of being Unchristian like if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing
Actually, this started during the Regan Admin, as hard as it may be to believe in the early 80's, the conservative republicans killed immigration laws at the time, and I still don't understand why. I was told this even by a INS officer even...
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)
America was built on European immigration, that's the reason most oppose all these Third World immigrants infesting our soil. This country was not intended to be such a Crap Stew, it was supposed to be a melting pot of Europeans.
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.

yep, They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture. Now We the people has to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare programs put in place for legal American citizens.

but the people don't want to be called, ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of being Unchristian like if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing
Actually, this started during the Regan Admin, as hard as it may be to believe in the early 80's, the conservative republicans killed immigration laws at the time, and I still don't understand why. I was told this even by a INS officer even...
Yes, Reagan set the precedent for this insanity with his "one time amnesty."
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.

And now the scared old bigot will act just oh-so-offended when she is called out for what she really is. Same old performance...
They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture....

Immigrants today are assimilating and learning English just as those who came before them did.
Now We the people has [sic] to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out [sic] laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare [sic] programs put in place for legal American citizens. [sic]

but [sic] the people don't want to be called, [sic] ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of [sic] being Unchristian like [sic] if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing

It may be time for you to push that button...
1. takes away jobs that Americans could have.
2. Lowers our standards of living as immigrants from the third world have a higher crime rate and a lower level of education.
3. Takes away from our resources. Fills up our schools, puts demands on our police and wears down our infrastructure.
And they fill seats in our universities that could go to Americans. Thus driving up the cost of tuition and squelching opportunities for Americans prospects.
I don't know any Americans that are against legal immigration.

There are a few who pollute this site.

True, but they are few and should be ignored.

Why? Because there are no limits to the US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?

The government makes the determination of how many people are allowed to immigrate to the US from every country every year based on the ability of the economy and other factors. Unfortunately the present dictator has decided to make that determination based on politics.

That doesn't answer my question.

YOu said that people who are against legal immigration should be ignored.

THat implies that there are no legitimate reasons to be against our current high levels of legal immigration.

For that to be true, there must be no problems with absorbing the millions of immigrants we have been getting and no chance of a problem with the millions still coming.

Thus, I ask, do you believe there is no limit to US's ability to absorb new people without any problems what so ever?

The only reason we are absorbing MILLIONS of immigrants is because the Dictator has decided that he alone determines who can legally immigrate to the US. I do not think the US can continue to absorb new people without any problems.
That is why I referred to the quota established by the government as being reasonable based on their research.
Bilingualism is an outgrowth of illegal immigration, Definitely. And 40 years earlier, this was Never AN ISSUE. I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. Now diversity is just an excuse for people to ignore the prevalent culture. And all it does is cause all sorts of problems and ambiguity.

yep, They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture. Now We the people has to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare programs put in place for legal American citizens.

but the people don't want to be called, ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of being Unchristian like if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing
Actually, this started during the Regan Admin, as hard as it may be to believe in the early 80's, the conservative republicans killed immigration laws at the time, and I still don't understand why. I was told this even by a INS officer even...

Really, so the Democrats weren't involved at all in that being passed during Reagan? You need to give us some proof of how the republicans killed immigration laws, not just by something someone told you my dear

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