Americans who are anti immigrant/against immigration.. Why?

I am so glad you posted. Otherwise, this immigration thread is lost. Never mind Unkotare. He's the ghost in the machine, the troll from hell. And all he has do is listen and understand. But he knows everything, like a three year old.
Now We the people has [sic] to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out [sic] laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare [sic] programs put in place for legal American citizens. [sic]

but [sic] the people don't want to be called, [sic] ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of [sic] being Unchristian like [sic] if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing

It may be time for you to push that button...

well now, it may be time for you to stop being a dick
Unkotare: lighten up. I will buy you a Starbucks, lay off the bullshit. Please.
Now We the people has [sic] to push a button for if we want to speak ENGLISH.
Now they can break out [sic] laws (look at California for starters) and stay Illegal and be rewarded with: Drivers license, free education and in most cases access to our Welfare [sic] programs put in place for legal American citizens. [sic]

but [sic] the people don't want to be called, [sic] ANTI-immigrant, anti-immigration. of [sic] being Unchristian like [sic] if they speak out on it. I don't know where this going to end. but I don't see whats going on under Obama as being all a good thing

It may be time for you to push that button...

well now, it may be time for you to stop being a dick

Don't blame others for your shortcomings.
Serious here. And No judgement.
I'm really curious those who's opposed to immigration.. Why?
I could somewhat understand why British/Europeans would be opposed to immigration but if you are an American, I don't understand it. You know, since America were built on immigration.
So, enlighten me, please :)
stupid question.
these questions are misleading and dishonest

NO ONE is against immigration.

A few people posting on this very thread have said they are.

I haven't read though them all but I some how doubt they meant it that way......

and , I'm talking both legal and illegal immigration as I see no difference between the 2 types of immigration Buddah !!

As I was saying...

I would say it was pleasure knowing you. but I guess I won't bother now

see ya
Other than the first post how come the op hasn't posted in his own thread? Sounds to me like he's not interested in the answer and is just trolling.
these questions are misleading and dishonest

NO ONE is against immigration.
I AM ONE who is against all immigration.

ok well, that is you and not the other 99% who believes in Immigration, but just wants the LAWS we already have followed. instead we now have Obama and his gang of treasonous corrupted bastards making up NEW rules and laws and going around Congress and the will of the people, AGAIN

How else are they going to TRANSFORM us into a Third world country and get votes for their party all at the same time

PEOPLE need to wake up to the evil of this man they call a President
There are not unlimited slots in universities. Once they fill up no more people can go. ....

If a university "fills up" the university expands. In any case, "slots" are based on competitiveness. That's why American universities are the best in the world.
2. Social considerations are high on my list of concerns. A more diverse population is going to have less social capital and have more political conflict.

3. Third World Immigrants are not going to make US more competitive. IF they were we would already be seeing increasing trade surpluses instead of ever greater trade deficits.....

That's just what your ilk said about the Irish, Chinese, Polish, Italians, Ukrainians, etc....

2. In the past high levels of immigration did not just go on forever. They were stopped when the problems caused public opinion to change, and assimilation took place. That is what I want now. You are the one messing with successful strategy of the past.

3. Really? Interesting. Regardless, unskilled or semiskilled workers are not what we need now. Growing a portion of our population that has an education gap that we seem unable to close, is not going to make US more competitive.
They were Required to learn English and that didn't cause them to give up their native language and culture....

Immigrants today are assimilating and learning English just as those who came before them did.

They might be learning English. They aren't assimilating.

We now live in a culture that celebrates and fosters diversity, not conformity.
these questions are misleading and dishonest

NO ONE is against immigration.
I AM ONE who is against all immigration.

ok well, that is you and not the other 99% who believes in Immigration, but just wants the LAWS we already have followed. instead we now have Obama and his gang of treasonous corrupted bastards making up NEW rules and laws and going around Congress and the will of the people, AGAIN

How else are they going to TRANSFORM us into a Third world country and get votes for their party all at the same time

PEOPLE need to wake up to the evil of this man they call a President

Legal Third World Immigration fills the same role.

Not that I am denying that Obama is making the problem worse, but he is not the cause.

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