America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers Read more:


Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.
i'd really like to know what Democrats have put their money off shore in tax would be good info to have....

Do you have a list of these prominent Dems that shelter millions in offshore tax havens?
The middle class consumers are the heart of our economy, not the wealthy.

Keep the middle class healthy and all of America is healthy.
Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.

Which one of those are running for President at the moment?

Which of those run on a platform of lowering taxes for the rich?
i'd really like to know what Democrats have put their money off shore in tax would be good info to have....

Do you have a list of these prominent Dems that shelter millions in offshore tax havens?

Indeed, I would like to help knock people like this out in the primaries.

Cleanse the party of those lousy deadbeats.

Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.
i'd really like to know what Democrats have put their money off shore in tax would be good info to have....

Do you have a list of these prominent Dems that shelter millions in offshore tax havens?
"Why do the rich set up Nevada Corporations like Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Nicolas Cage, Robert Waggoner, Paul Simon, Bono, the late Michael Jackson and Steve Jobs, certainly Bill Gates and many thousands more.

"Nevada is known as 'thee place' for asset protection and where to wire your funds into to and from your offshore investment accounts.

"Just outside my window is an old brown hospital building and it is owned by but guess what? Even though they operate in Washington state they are a Nevada Corporation.

"Add to this....offshore corporations by the same people above including Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and many famous others and now in the news Mitt Romney."

Elected Republicans AND Democrats depend on the rich like Arnold, Bruce, and Oprah to fund their campaigns. The only way to fundamentally change tax laws and their affects on income inequality in this country is to stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Bridgeway Financial Corporation | Meet the Experts

Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.
i'd really like to know what Democrats have put their money off shore in tax would be good info to have....

Do you have a list of these prominent Dems that shelter millions in offshore tax havens?

Pelosi, and Wasserman Shultz have made the News for the exact same thing this week. To name a few.
Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.
i'd really like to know what Democrats have put their money off shore in tax would be good info to have....

Do you have a list of these prominent Dems that shelter millions in offshore tax havens?
"Why do the rich set up Nevada Corporations like Madonna, Oprah Winfrey, Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Nicolas Cage, Robert Waggoner, Paul Simon, Bono, the late Michael Jackson and Steve Jobs, certainly Bill Gates and many thousands more.

"Nevada is known as 'thee place' for asset protection and where to wire your funds into to and from your offshore investment accounts.

"Just outside my window is an old brown hospital building and it is owned by but guess what? Even though they operate in Washington state they are a Nevada Corporation.

"Add to this....offshore corporations by the same people above including Donald Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis and many famous others and now in the news Mitt Romney."

Elected Republicans AND Democrats depend on the rich like Arnold, Bruce, and Oprah to fund their campaigns. The only way to fundamentally change tax laws and their affects on income inequality in this country is to stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Bridgeway Financial Corporation | Meet the Experts
ty GP, but how can we find who these prominent Democrats are that support the measure in congress or are using the measure, as was implied....politicians. I want to kick their butts out.

IF there is no list accumulated yet, how would I go about finding that nitty gritty info?
Sorry guys.

Your Atlas Shrugged wet dream isn't going to happen, no matter how many hyperbolic op-eds you can find.

I'm still scratching my head as to why they would get all jazzed about the outcome of that stupid book anyway. The "producers" in the end ran off and formed an honest-to-god commune. I didn't know righties tolerated things such as communes.

Funny how prominent Democrats who do the EXACT SAME THING get a pass.

You know you might keep your money in the Caymens precisely because you do care about America.

Feeding the federal government is only like feeding the tribbles on Star Trek. They consume everything and need more.

If you believe in the Federal Government (Joe's patriotic to pay much Joe ....and BTW....Joe gives virtually nothing to charity), then write out a big fat check and pay EXTRA taxes.

If you believe in the American don't want the oppressed by the Fed. Romney gives a ton of money away.

This whole discussion is so lame in it's full context is would be funny if it were not so sad.
If I get a tax cut, thats fine with me. It isnt going to improve my bottom line. A thousand bucks isnt going to do diddly. A middle class worker saving a little more is fine but it isnt going to improve their bottom line. Improved pay is what is going to do it. A work force comprised entirely of higher educated workers that are paid alot lot more than they are making is what is going to spur the economy. The middle class is the one class that puts their money back into the system.

In reference to highlight above^: The job of a business (EVERY BUSINESS) is NOT to pay its employees the most it is able to, the job of a business is to make a profit for its owners, and investors. When a company increases its profit then it can reinvest in itself by hiring more people to meet its own expansion which will result in increasing pay as its workers move up the ranks. That is what some of you are finding very hard to grasp.
then please, tell us how this has happened? I thought a rising tide, raises ALL?


Seems to me, that we have laws and regs on the books that have encouraged this gap to become larger and larger and larger...

why is that in your opinion? Businesses were there to make a profit back in 1979 as well as today, so what has caused this?

I think it has a lot to do with the revisionist history that Glenn Beck and his ilk have perpetrated on the poor dumb schmucks in Tea Party land.
Ahh... There's the hypocrisy. If they aren't running for President they get a pass.:lol:

Actually, if you went to my next post, you would see they don't get a "pass", I was just remarking that they aren't running for president.

Now, about that list...

Damn, it's a shame I don't live anywhere near their districts, or I would definitely not vote for them in the primaries.

Though, the article from the left wing blog does not actually say Pelosi has Swiss bank accounts, it simply points out that she has invested in an overseas company...

Wasserman Shultz though... That is fucked up. BAD Debbie! BAD!

Got an Swiss bank accounts for someone who's actually running? Like Obama?
The private sector built the strongest economy in the world. It armed the free world in World War Two, and then in the three decades after the war turned America into the most prosperous society history had ever seen. It revived America in the Reagan and Clinton years, and thanks to the Bush tax cuts brought this country back from economic collapse after 9/11.

In those same years a growing public sector, by contrast, turned Europe into a cesspool of debt, stalled economies, and chronic social dysfunction that’s set the streets of Athens -- and perhaps other European capitals--on fire.

That’s where we’re headed, too, more rapidly than we like to think.

That public sector–state, local, and federal -- now consumes 40% of GDP, compared to 33% just twelve years ago. It’s brought us to the point where 48% of Americans are now on some form of government handout, from 44% when Obama took office–almost a fifth more than during the Reagan years. And too many of them have been programmed to believe they have no future unless the government takes more from the Makers -- precisely what Obama promised on Monday.

Read more: America's coming civil war -- makers vs. takers | Fox News

You are out of your damn mind.

I guess you would know. Like minds and all.
I know and like many Mormons.

But when I read loonies like Listening who babble and are unable to nuance the social compact, charity, taxation, and the rest, I just have to shake my head at their silliness and their lack of patriotism.

Damn, it's a shame I don't live anywhere near their districts, or I would definitely not vote for them in the primaries.

Though, the article from the left wing blog does not actually say Pelosi has Swiss bank accounts, it simply points out that she has invested in an overseas company...

Wasserman Shultz though... That is fucked up. BAD Debbie! BAD!

Got an Swiss bank accounts for someone who's actually running? Like Obama?
absolutely no where, when you follow the links on Debbie, did she have her money stored away in Swiss banks...the op is lying, and par for the course as of late with republicans....she invested in money market funds, that had some investments in those things...all reported and disclosed and NOT IN SECRET. I too have investments in International funds in a 401k, as was advised.... Jebus, fox and all those right wing blogs are just lying scum on this....they are trying to twist and turn this in to money market investments, fully disclosed, bought on the us market, vs.

Avoiding taxes on interest, by stashing your money in a swiss and cayman islands bank account....?????

no one pays taxes on any of their stock investments until they sell it...that's for EVERY one who buys stock, whether in the usa or an international fund bought through our stock market....

Here is the most info I could find so far, from one of the links in the original article:

Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India.
She did NOTHING of what she accuses Romney of doing, so no hypocrisy there on her part....
I haven't finished checking on the others yet...
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absolutely no where, when you follow the links on Debbie, did she have her money stored away in Swiss banks...the op is lying, and par for the course as of late with republicans....she invested in money market funds, that had some investments in those things...all reported and disclosed and NOT IN SECRET. I too have investments in International funds in a 401k, as was advised.... Jebus, fox and all those right wing blogs are just lying scum on this....they are trying to twist and turn this in to money market investments, fully disclosed, bought on the us market, vs.

Avoiding taxes on interest, by stashing your money in a swiss and cayman islands bank account....?????

no one pays taxes on any of their stock investments until they sell it...that's for EVERY one who buys stock, whether in the usa or an international fund bought through our stock market....

Here is the most info I could find so far, from one of the links in the original article:

Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India.
She did NOTHING of what she accuses Romney of doing, so no hypocrisy there on her part....
I haven't finished checking on the others yet...

Aha. Well that would make more sense.

You can say a lot about Ms Wasserman-Shultz, but as far as I can see, she's not stupid. And she would have to be, to make all kinds of accusations about something she was doing herself.

Perhaps I'll do a little digging myself.
Ahh, now I see.

Report: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz held Swiss banks stocks - National Conservative Politics |

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz may enjoy attacking Mitt Romney for his use of Swiss bank accounts, but new information suggests she invested in the same institutions some years ago.

Clever right-wing propagandists, trying to blur the lines between investing in foreign corporations and hiding your money in Swiss Bank Accounts.

Will their falsehoods and obfuscations never cease?

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