America’s Crumbling Dams Are A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Praise be Imam Obama for making who goes in what bathroom the top priority in his administration.
Gee, that trillion bucks blown on Obungles failed stimulus sure looks good now, eh? Think of the job creation

Fact: that bill was watered down so much, it came no where near a trillion, it was far less. You can once again thank the GOP igs.....also note that because Bush had left states so cash strapped, most of the money used was to balance budget and do small projects around counties and cities....another fact. So before you go off on your FOX bs...get with facts first and you'll feel better!!
If the bill was watered down, it was the Super Majority Democrats who did it, Einstein.

On January 28, 2009, the House passed the bill by a 244–188 vote. All but 11 Democrats voted for the bill, and 177 Republicans Voted against it (one Republican did not vote).
For decades, we've all seen the signs of our infrastructure failing us...from bridges that are collapsing to levies failing us and time after time after time, we've allowed the budget protecting GOP-igs to sweep this issue under the rug. Yet we have no qualms in issuing the DOD a blank check to fight wars that clearly we're losing....3 trillion thus far and we have nothing, absolutely nothing to show for it....but more blank checks to be given.
Sans the ignorant cheap shot at the GOP, you are mimicking Donald Trump at the GOP debate practically word for word.

I've been in the construction business for 30 years and Trump is a builder, so he is intimately aware of the problem, understands the problem and knows what to do about it like I do.

Clinton doesn't know jack shit about enormous building projects, whereas Trump is known for getting large projects done on schedule and under budget.

And as far as your ignorant cheap shot at the GOP regarding infrastructure, it was Eisenhower who got our interstate highway system built. The largest infrastructure project in history.
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Obama and the Democrats fixed this with the stimulus package, so I'm not sure what the OP is talking about. He must be living in some alternative reality where Obama and the Democrats didn't really do what they promised to do, and didn't really spend money the way they promised to spend it. But we all know this is pure fantasy!!! Obama and the Democrats can be trusted!!!

Obama fixed this? Where? Can you highlight the area of this chart where your consider his magnificent accomplishment?

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