America's Future- National Divorce, Reconciliation or Mob Rule?

How did we ”destroy” their economy?
If/when we destroy a nations economy do we waive our right to sovereignty?
sanctions and covert actions. we're supposed to be the Big Brother of Latin America and help them out Instead we've screwed them forever. with the GOP in the lead
sanctions and covert actions. we're supposed to be the Big Brother of Latin America and help them out Instead we've screwed them forever. with the GOP in the lead
Hahaha…silly globalist. Didn’t Kennedy sanction Cuba?
Doesn’t America have the right to choose who they help and do business with? Why do you weird globalists always tell us that American’s are responsible for baby-sitting the worlds people?
yeah, how dare someone be pissed they were impeached twice under bullshit allegations, and attacked daily for more bullshit allegations!!! If someone did the same to me that was done to him, they would be picking up their teeth.

I say DIVORCE. let the other half of the country (the idiotic half) figure out how to make it on their own with all their handouts, insane crime, open borders, high interest, and general retardation.
Trump was impeached for extorting President Zelensky by withholding military aid to Ukraine for 55days until he received a favour. Fact. The rest of your post just just crap. As I said your lot does hatred so well, what else drives you?
Trump was impeached for extorting President Zelensky by withholding military aid to Ukraine for 55days until he received a favour. Fact. The rest of your post just just crap. As I said your lot does hatred so well, what else drives you?
pedal that shit to someone stupid enough to fall for it!!
I don't know what makes you think mob rule is in the future!! It's the present reality in most big cities in this country.
Show me the part in the Constitution that says this is a mandatory & unbreakable union?
So no American History in your school I take it. But thats what we're here for.
Please look up American Civil War.

Here's the SCOTUS case too if it matters about the law. Its the tank divisions that make the law legal.
Not true, we hate the right's treason, corruption, and lies. Hope that helps. Your guy made a Presidency focused on hating people he disagreed with.
As Americans we openly and proudly hate the left and their stupid shit agenda and policies.
So no American History in your school I take it. But thats what we're here for.
Please look up American Civil War.

Here's the SCOTUS case too if it matters about the law. Its the tank divisions that make the law legal.
I guess you'll need to show me that part of the Constitution because I went through that court case & didn't see it.

God given rights supercede any law or ruling by a court.
The right to change your govt is a God given right.

Nice try. Maybe it works on the low infos in the left?
I guess you'll need to show me that part of the Constitution because I went through that court case & didn't see it.

God given rights supercede any law or ruling by a court.
There are no god given rights. There are no rights only what you can take and hold.
The right to change your govt is a God given right.
Yes. Its called voting.
Nice try. Maybe it works on the low infos in the left?
Worked on you righties pretty damn hard in the ACW. You cannot secede. Its simple IYTYD: If You Try You Die. That goes all the way back to Washginton hanging farmers.
Its a completely idiotic idea
That about sums it up.

We retain the right to vote, the right to speak and the right of the press. Bitching about separation at this point is nothing more than complaining about the fact you do not have the numbers to effect change. If you do not have the numbers when you retain those three rights, there is ZERO chance you have enough for a separation to be even remotely successful.
That about sums it up.

We retain the right to vote, the right to speak and the right of the press. Bitching about separation at this point is nothing more than complaining about the fact you do not have the numbers to effect change. If you do not have the numbers when you retain those three rights, there is ZERO chance you have enough for a separation to be even remotely successful.
Darn. Not a bad point, though!

All the same ------------ things can change very, very fast.

In fact, as a rule thing ONLY change very, very fast.
So no American History in your school I take it. But thats what we're here for.
Please look up American Civil War.

Here's the SCOTUS case too if it matters about the law. Its the tank divisions that make the law legal.
Decided by the VICTORS 3 years AFTER the war. It was meaningless then and it's meaningless now.
Lib please YOU PEOPLE have hated the right for decades so get down off your high horse. :eusa_hand:
pretty much ever since Rush Limbaugh and Newt and corporate shill Ronnie Raygun started the GOP garbage propaganda machine which made you people insane anti- American anti reality brain washed functional morons. we don't hate you... We hate your lying scumbag propagandists. try figuring it out They lie to you everyday all the time.... election fraud vaccine hoax, the rich LOL pay too much in taxes et cetera et cetera et cetera. All total imaginary garbage. everyone seems to be on a high horse when you are down in the crap.....
Decided by the VICTORS 3 years AFTER the war. It was meaningless then and it's meaningless now.
wars and elections have consequences, Super Duper. you and southern conservative bigots lost that one too, deal with it for crying out loud....
Hahaha…silly globalist. Didn’t Kennedy sanction Cuba?
Doesn’t America have the right to choose who they help and do business with? Why do you weird globalists always tell us that American’s are responsible for baby-sitting the worlds people?
We are talking about Latin America which the monroe doctrine says are American to deal with and Europeans should stay out. Ever since we have turned Latin America into an American corporate sponsor. and if they don't like it, We subvert their democratically elected governments....

Robert Reich

March 7, 2015 ·
Conservative Republicans’ most powerful weapon is cynicism about government -- which they’ve been able to enlarge and spread simply by being incompetent, corrupt, bigoted, and dumb. The worse they get, the more I hear from people “nothing can get done,” “it’s useless to try,” “government is dysfunctional,” and “why should I get involved?” In other words, the lower they sink, the closer they come to their ultimate goal – making Americans so distrustful of government that we give up on it, and cede it to the moneyed interests (big corporations, Wall Street, Koch brothers and their billionaire friends) that would like nothing better than to have it all to themselves.

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