America's Future- National Divorce, Reconciliation or Mob Rule?

pretty much ever since Rush Limbaugh and Newt and corporate shill Ronnie Raygun started the GOP garbage propaganda machine which made you people insane anti- American anti reality brain washed functional morons. we don't hate you... We hate your lying scumbag propagandists. try figuring it out They lie to you everyday all the time.... election fraud vaccine hoax, the rich LOL pay too much in taxes et cetera et cetera et cetera. All total imaginary garbage. everyone seems to be on a high horse when you are down in the crap.....
We disagree with your world view so just deal with it snowflakes. As much as your propaganda machine spews the narrative, the fact is a majority of Americans agree with us. That's why the left traitors are importing millions of illegals.
We disagree with your world view so just deal with it snowflakes. As much as your propaganda machine spews the narrative, the fact is a majority of Americans agree with us. That's why the left traitors are importing millions of illegals.
Actually, It turns out the snowflakes are the GOP base who can't change the channel from the propaganda machine FOX channel and youtube Internet conspiracy nut jobs. It isn't just american media that agrees with Democratic idea of reality, it is every respected media around the world. Try the BBC France 24 DW the German station. you believe it is a conspiracy of everyone in the world who doesn't listen to garbage all the time. Try reality....
Sure, sounds like a deal.
You keep your handouts, we stop paying taxes, spending money in cities, delivering your food or anything else.

Let's see which side can last the longest?

it won't be your side, Cleetus. You inbreds would all go broke and the banks will repossess your farms within weeks.

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