Americas Rape Culture

In the old days, when a guy got drunk and slept with someone and had regrets, it was chalked up to a learning experience. The same was true for a girl.

Now, if a girl gets drunk and has regrets, it's called rape.

I remember watching an episode of Cheers recently with my son where Carla sleeps with a semi-regular at the bar, but can't remember who she took home. I had to warn my son that today, the guy will get blamed for rape, because today, it doesn't matter if they are both drunk, the guy is the villain if they are both drunk.

Men have no rights anymore, they are always the villain. It's interesting how everything has become political.

"Cheers" It's Lonely on the Top (TV Episode 1993) - Plot Summary - IMDb

Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

So women need additional protections that men do not get, is that your point?

What if the man is drunk as well? Why does her drunkenness absolve her of any responsibility in this, but does not absolve the man?

Are you saying you want two different standards?
Because we are being told there is no difference between a man and a woman.

You sort of work that out for yourself as you grow up.

No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?
You sort of work that out for yourself as you grow up.

No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?

So basically we have to treat all women as potential victims, without the ability to knowingly get into situations where they might have drunken hookup sex?

Rape is Rape. Rape is not regret after drunken sex after a party bender.
Or American men have failed to evolve over that period ?

I'm sorry but Castration is not a synonym for Evolution. A wise man once told me.... "In this world there is a place for everyone, abd the world only works when everyone us in their place". Western women and European men have forgotten that.
Wise man ? Sounds more like an idiot.

You are being an idiot that has been brain washed and conditioned by cultural Marxist propaganda. That OP stunk to high hell.

Why the double standard?

Why should women not be responsible for their actions but men should be?
There is no 'double standard' in rape. A woman says "No," it means "no." A woman is unconscious, she can't consent. Where is the double standard in that?
In the old days, when a guy got drunk and slept with someone and had regrets, it was chalked up to a learning experience. The same was true for a girl.

Now, if a girl gets drunk and has regrets, it's called rape.

I remember watching an episode of Cheers recently with my son where Carla sleeps with a semi-regular at the bar, but can't remember who she took home. I had to warn my son that today, the guy will get blamed for rape, because today, it doesn't matter if they are both drunk, the guy is the villain if they are both drunk.

Men have no rights anymore, they are always the villain. It's interesting how everything has become political.

"Cheers" It's Lonely on the Top (TV Episode 1993) - Plot Summary - IMDb

Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.
No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?

So basically we have to treat all women as potential victims, without the ability to knowingly get into situations where they might have drunken hookup sex?

Rape is Rape. Rape is not regret after drunken sex after a party bender.
Is that what I said? Lack of consent includes too stewed to stop someone. Why would you want to have sex with someone in that condition, anyway? And no means no. If she says it, stop. How is that making it a situation where the man is treated unfairly?
And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?

So basically we have to treat all women as potential victims, without the ability to knowingly get into situations where they might have drunken hookup sex?

Rape is Rape. Rape is not regret after drunken sex after a party bender.
Is that what I said? Lack of consent includes too stewed to stop someone. Why would you want to have sex with someone in that condition, anyway? And no means no. If she says it, stop. How is that making it a situation where the man is treated unfairly?

What is happening in these cases for the most part isn't "no means no" situations. Its post coital regret.

When actual rape can be proven, the cops come in, and the guy is arrested. What is happening is drunken hookup sex, or girls who were led along to think the guy was serious later regret what they did, and someone convinces them they were raped, or at least assaulted, even if the sex was consensual (or at least mutual) at the time.

So if both parties are drunk, the guy is at fault if the woman later says she didn't want to have sex, even though at the time she was a willing participant?
We don't have a rape culture.

The UK and Sweden share the honor of having the highest numbers of sexual assaults in the civilized world.

The rape capitals of the west

Tommy Taint, why don't you tackle the issues caused by your own ideology, in your own back yard? Leave us alone.
You sort of work that out for yourself as you grow up.

No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?
I dont think that it is any better over here, or anywhere else in the world either. The most infamous recent case involves a famous footballer who raped a girl who was too drunk to consent. He was convicted,did his time and is now appealing on the basis of new evidence.
There isnt a top club who will touch him. However his girlfriend is standing by him and he is getting a lot of sympathy from the underclasses.
His victim has had to change her name and has had to move home 5 times. She is considered to be a slut and he is considered to be the victim. (google Ched Evans)
If you actually read this thread you soon "learn" that rape is the victims fault and in fact the rapist is the actual victim. While that nonsense persists so will the problem. Its actually a bit disturbing to see the subject being politicised.
Like most people in their 20s I had a full social life and that included a lot of booze.Never once did it occur to me that by getting drunk I was a potential target. Why should girls have to worry about it ?
According to the Institute, the fact that “in 1975 the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogenous Sweden into a multicultural county” was of relevance when discussing why the number of rapes had increased.

It said: “Over the past 10 to 15 years, immigrants have mainly come [into Sweden] from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this influx explain Sweden’s rape explosion?

“It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion.

“One possible explanation is that, on average, people from the Middle East have a vastly different view of women and sex than Scandinavians have.

“And despite the attempts by the Swedish establishment to convince that everyone setting foot on Swedish soil becomes exactly like those who have lived here for dozens of generations, facts point in an altogether different direction.”

The rape capitals of the west
Its all good though. There is help available



Not for me it isn't. He owes you an apology.

I agree Jeremiah. My satire is pointing out the absurd concern. Women should be protected, not exploited

Your satire is as blunt as a spoon. it needs to be relevant and funny and you fail on both counts.
You're not an American. What would you possibly know about it? ......and you still owe him an apology. Stop wiggling!
Apologise for what you half wit ?

Says the, what? 1/4 wit?
You want to know why there is a "rape culture" as you call it, in America?..... It's because American women have forgotten the reason they exist and have attempted to convert American Culture to a single, genderless society over the last century.
Or American men have failed to evolve over that period ?

I've been to London, seen the teeth you folks have

I wouldn't bring evolution into the conversation if I were you.

Just sayin
We don't have a rape culture.

The UK and Sweden share the honor of having the highest numbers of sexual assaults in the civilized world.

The rape capitals of the west

Tommy Taint, why don't you tackle the issues caused by your own ideology, in your own back yard? Leave us alone.

I dont accept your figures.In fact they are not accurate.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime
The US is the worst in both these surveys but again I would query them. Data collection is different in each country and different cultures view the crime differently. How is it recorded and so on.

For instance if you look at this chart it shows the US @27% and Canada @2% . Its such a vast gap that you have to question the data it was based on. Are Americans worse than Canadians or are they more aware and better at reporting the crime ?
Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at

Incidentally there is a reason why Sweden is always top of the list.Its to do with the way they record crime.
This explains it.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News

So I am not sure that your pride in your rape statistics is justified and probably doesnt do much for some poor girl getting raped after a party.
We don't have a rape culture.

The UK and Sweden share the honor of having the highest numbers of sexual assaults in the civilized world.

The rape capitals of the west

Tommy Taint, why don't you tackle the issues caused by your own ideology, in your own back yard? Leave us alone.

I dont accept your figures.In fact they are not accurate.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime
The US is the worst in both these surveys but again I would query them. Data collection is different in each country and different cultures view the crime differently. How is it recorded and so on.

For instance if you look at this chart it shows the US @27% and Canada @2% . Its such a vast gap that you have to question the data it was based on. Are Americans worse than Canadians or are they more aware and better at reporting the crime ?
Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at

Incidentally there is a reason why Sweden is always top of the list.Its to do with the way they record crime.
This explains it.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News

So I am not sure that your pride in your rape statistics is justified and probably doesnt do much for some poor girl getting raped after a party.

Don't worry, you'd be OK here. Perfectly safe no doubt.
Those gals who believe in the "rape culture" can best help themselves by not getting so drunk they can't say no if they mean no. They might also learn some self defense moves- just in case a rapist is hiding behind a bush when she walks by.

Meanwhile, gals that cut their hair into hideous Mohawks while singing about how terrible it is to be noticed by men, do nothing to battle the mythical rape culture.
Because we are being told there is no difference between a man and a woman.

You sort of work that out for yourself as you grow up.

No we don't. We are being told, mandated, forced assimilation

And that makes you rape ?
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
There is no obsession with supposed Islamic rape on this board. There is a concern that that there are those who rape in the name of Islam. Big difference.

No one is overlooking a culture of rape in America. There is no culture of rape. We don't have "groups" of people preying on helpless females.

Mindful requested you clean up your own problems with hordes raping women in your own country. I suggest you take her advice rather than cheer them on.
In the old days, when a guy got drunk and slept with someone and had regrets, it was chalked up to a learning experience. The same was true for a girl.

Now, if a girl gets drunk and has regrets, it's called rape.

I remember watching an episode of Cheers recently with my son where Carla sleeps with a semi-regular at the bar, but can't remember who she took home. I had to warn my son that today, the guy will get blamed for rape, because today, it doesn't matter if they are both drunk, the guy is the villain if they are both drunk.

Men have no rights anymore, they are always the villain. It's interesting how everything has become political.

"Cheers" It's Lonely on the Top (TV Episode 1993) - Plot Summary - IMDb

Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
This sounds like the ravings of a man from the dark ages. What it is about is a womans right to say yes or no. If she cant say either then its rape. I can see why there is a problem with rape in America now.
And if a man can't say yes or no?
You want to know why there is a "rape culture" as you call it, in America?..... It's because American women have forgotten the reason they exist and have attempted to convert American Culture to a single, genderless society over the last century.
Or American men have failed to evolve over that period ?
What the hell do you know about American men?

This will be a first for me.

Tommy! You are a fucking idiot.
We don't have a rape culture.

The UK and Sweden share the honor of having the highest numbers of sexual assaults in the civilized world.

The rape capitals of the west

Tommy Taint, why don't you tackle the issues caused by your own ideology, in your own back yard? Leave us alone.

I dont accept your figures.In fact they are not accurate.

Top 10 Countries With Highest Rape Crime
The US is the worst in both these surveys but again I would query them. Data collection is different in each country and different cultures view the crime differently. How is it recorded and so on.

For instance if you look at this chart it shows the US @27% and Canada @2% . Its such a vast gap that you have to question the data it was based on. Are Americans worse than Canadians or are they more aware and better at reporting the crime ?
Countries Compared by Crime > Rape rate. International Statistics at

Incidentally there is a reason why Sweden is always top of the list.Its to do with the way they record crime.
This explains it.
Sweden's rape rate under the spotlight - BBC News

So I am not sure that your pride in your rape statistics is justified and probably doesnt do much for some poor girl getting raped after a party.

Don't worry, you'd be OK here. Perfectly safe no doubt.
He may be safe here but little boys better beware.

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