Americas Rape Culture

Or American men have failed to evolve over that period ?

I'm sorry but Castration is not a synonym for Evolution. A wise man once told me.... "In this world there is a place for everyone, abd the world only works when everyone us in their place". Western women and European men have forgotten that.
Wise man ? Sounds more like an idiot.

You are being an idiot that has been brain washed and conditioned by cultural Marxist propaganda. That OP stunk to high hell.

Why the double standard?

Why should women not be responsible for their actions but men should be?
There is no 'double standard' in rape. A woman says "No," it means "no." A woman is unconscious, she can't consent. Where is the double standard in that?
I'll agree with that.

But these women aren't "unconscious" any more than these men are. Neither of them are sober. They are both just blindingly drunk and both don't remember what happened the night before.

Neither are being responsible.

Why is the onus for what happened the night before entirely on the guy?
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

I think there are a bunch of former lacrosse players from Duke University who might disagree with you.
Here's the Full Transcript of Mic's Interview With Joe Biden on Campus Sexual Assault

Some advocates have said that a quick way that we could start making some concrete changes in the culture would be to consider banning fraternities where a disproportionate number of these assaults occur. Do you think that in order to put an end to rape culture, that we need to consider banning fraternities or other single-sex organizations?

JB: No, but here's what we have to do. The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department is investigating, now, patterns and practices of abuse. The civil rights cause of action. If fraternities engage in that, yes, they should be banned. Not all fraternities do that. Anything, any school that's engaged in a pattern and practice of allowing sexual assault to take place, turning a blind eye, should be held accountable under the civil rights laws of the country.

Well, but let's take Harvard for example, where I went to school. Forty seven percent of the women in my graduating class who interacted with single-sex social organizations reported, by the time that they graduated, they had been sexually assaulted. Do you think that that indicates a specific and localized crisis?

JB: Well, I think it indicates that there's a real problem at Harvard, and it's the responsibility of the president of Harvard University and the administration to go in and investigate it and if it's occurring and they can show that, get rid of the — get rid of those fraternities on campus that are engaged in it.
Ban it. That will fix everything.
In the old days, when a guy got drunk and slept with someone and had regrets, it was chalked up to a learning experience. The same was true for a girl.

Now, if a girl gets drunk and has regrets, it's called rape.

I remember watching an episode of Cheers recently with my son where Carla sleeps with a semi-regular at the bar, but can't remember who she took home. I had to warn my son that today, the guy will get blamed for rape, because today, it doesn't matter if they are both drunk, the guy is the villain if they are both drunk.

Men have no rights anymore, they are always the villain. It's interesting how everything has become political.

"Cheers" It's Lonely on the Top (TV Episode 1993) - Plot Summary - IMDb

Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Geaux is not a rapist. You have some nerve, Tommy. You're living in Europe (you say) yet asking law abiding citizens on a message board why they rape women while you are living in the midst of Europe - and an Islamic culture of rape - that is literally paralyzing your own country in fear and terror! Talk about the height of hypocrisy. Clean up your own backyard.
I think rape is a problem the world over and has been since the dawn of time. I just think its odd that,on this board at least, there is an obsession with some supposed islamic rape culture whilst overlooking the American culture of rape.
Its not a trait of any religion,its a trait of monsters.
You're wasting your time trying to make that point to them, though. I've tried.
In answer to your OP: being a woman, I guess I might not know the real reason, but from a woman's perspective, rape is prevalent because we tolerate the "raging hormones" theory that men canNOT keep it in their pants and control their behavior from age 13 to 23. So if a woman tries to draw the line after some snuggling and petting and that is not respected, she shrugs and says oh well. A lot of campus rapes also take place at pretty wild parties, and some young ladies are loathe to make public that they were there, drunk as skunks.. Another huge problem is that in court, the woman is always painted as a slut just asking for it. And in some cases, a woman is too private to report it. Therefore, the general forgiveness for men's behavior continues.
It's interesting that you seem to be saying Englishmen don't have that problem with self control?

So basically we have to treat all women as potential victims, without the ability to knowingly get into situations where they might have drunken hookup sex?

Rape is Rape. Rape is not regret after drunken sex after a party bender.
Is that what I said? Lack of consent includes too stewed to stop someone. Why would you want to have sex with someone in that condition, anyway? And no means no. If she says it, stop. How is that making it a situation where the man is treated unfairly?

What is happening in these cases for the most part isn't "no means no" situations. Its post coital regret.

When actual rape can be proven, the cops come in, and the guy is arrested. What is happening is drunken hookup sex, or girls who were led along to think the guy was serious later regret what they did, and someone convinces them they were raped, or at least assaulted, even if the sex was consensual (or at least mutual) at the time.

So if both parties are drunk, the guy is at fault if the woman later says she didn't want to have sex, even though at the time she was a willing participant?
Where are you getting this information from, Marty?
Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.
According to the Institute, the fact that “in 1975 the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogenous Sweden into a multicultural county” was of relevance when discussing why the number of rapes had increased.

It said: “Over the past 10 to 15 years, immigrants have mainly come [into Sweden] from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this influx explain Sweden’s rape explosion?

“It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people’s ancestry or religion.

“One possible explanation is that, on average, people from the Middle East have a vastly different view of women and sex than Scandinavians have.

“And despite the attempts by the Swedish establishment to convince that everyone setting foot on Swedish soil becomes exactly like those who have lived here for dozens of generations, facts point in an altogether different direction.”

The rape capitals of the west
Maybe you should take your own advice and keep your nose out of other country's rape cultures. You live in the Pacific Northwest, not Sweden.
You want to know why there is a "rape culture" as you call it, in America?..... It's because American women have forgotten the reason they exist and have attempted to convert American Culture to a single, genderless society over the last century.
Or American men have failed to evolve over that period ?
Hetero males seem to have a problem......
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.
Are we too quick to call sex we regret sexual assault?
Are we too quick to call sex we regret sexual assault?

She says: “To many feminists, stories like these are evidence of a pervasive, misogynistic rape culture.

“To me, this crusade against ‘rape culture’ over-simplifies the vast complexity of human sexual interaction, conflating criminal sexual acts like coercion by physical force, threat or incapacitation—which should obviously be prosecuted and punished whenever possible—with bad behaviour.”

Cathy describes how feminist advocacy deserves credit for clarifying forced sex is rape, even in relationships, but the anti-rape activism which sprung up in the 1990s has gone too far beyond that.

She explains: “Today, it not only embraces an absolutist version of ‘no means no’ in which any hint of reluctance must halt further attempts at sexual intimacy. The movement also insists that only a clear (and probably sober) ‘yes’ means yes.”

Challenging new Californian “affirmative consent” laws where verbal consent must be made clear before sex, Cathy claims these kinds of attitudes have created “a world where virtually any regretted sexual encounter can be reconstructed as sexual assault”.

She says: “Such arguments have unpleasant overtones of ‘we decide what’s best for you’…The meddling turns starkly authoritarian when the ‘encouragement’ involves potential penalties—expulsion from college, or even criminal charges if affirmative consent becomes a legal norm.

“Reluctance to engage in frank sexual communication is treated solely as a puritanical hang-up rather than a valid desire to preserve some spontaneity or dignity.

“And the wrong kind of communication, such as persuading an initially hesitant partner, is equated with sexual assault.

“It is time to rethink this crusade, which criminalizes too much sex, thereby trivialising sexual violence.”

She adds: “You could agree to have sex to please your partner despite not being in the mood, and get enthusiastic later.

“You could be sexually eager but emotionally ambivalent, or vice versa. You could be torn between passionate desire and ethical or practical reasons not to act on that desire.

“You could get drunk to quiet your scruples, or hope to be coaxed into surrendering to temptation. (Obviously, ‘coaxed’ does not equal ‘physically overpowered.’)”
Then again in the past if a man raped a women, well.... it was just considered sex and the woman had to deal with it.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Interesting. The writer of that article wants Rape to be legal. Brilliant.
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.

CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
There are gradations between “glorious, consensual sex” and rape; the term “rape” should not be used to describe every unfortunate or regrettable sexual encounter. Let’s be clear: I am not proposing that only rape in dark alleys with knives is “real rape.” But I do think the term is currently being applied to the wrong situations. In order for something to be rape, it has to involve a lack of consent, a perpetrator and a victim. As Cecily states, “[the use of the term rape] has value because … those who perpetrate a rape … bear responsibility … perpetrators do real damage to their victims and are accountable for the scars they leave.” In short, rape has a horrible, well-deserved stigma that must be maintained in order to shame perpetrators and bring victims to justice.

The example of the drunken hookup lacks a perpetrator. Consider: How can the boy know if his partner is “too drunk to give consent”? If he is drunk, can he really judge her state? And what if he is also “too drunk to give consent”? Sometimes things are more clear-cut and we can assign blame. If he is more sober, and can see that she is incoherent, sick or unresponsive, the standard is raised. If he proceeds while she is clearly “too drunk to give consent,” then the term “rapist” applies. However, many people not only appear functional when blackout drunk, but initiate sexual interaction with enthusiasm and aggression. Situations without a perpetrator should not be called rape.

The blackout drunk girl needs to share responsibility. Cecily’s assertion that “if she feels like she has been [raped], she has been” is inaccurate. It turns an objective crime into a subjective opinion. If the boy cannot tell that she was too drunk to give consent, then it is not rape. Her predicament the next morning is serious and upsetting. She has the right to seek counseling and reach out to her friends. However, she does not have the right to label her partner a rapist. Intoxication does not relieve all accountability. The drunk driver cannot tell the cop, “I am sorry, officer, but I was in no position to judge whether or not I should get into this car.” The fact is that when she drank that extra gin and tonic, she opened herself up to the possibility that she might grab that boy from Chemistry section and take off her tank top. As a feminist, I believe women have the right and responsibility to take ownership of their bodies and their choices — alcoholic, sexual, social and otherwise.

Sexual regret does not equal rape. We should not use its existence to defend the term “rape culture,” which is alienating, inaccurate and ultimately prevents us from creating a more positive sexual atmosphere. We should prevent behavior that prevents people from giving consent, such as alcohol abuse, unfair hook-up expectations, and mutual disregard. We should recognize that there are sexual problems on campus that have nothing to do with consent. The boyfriend who bullies his girlfriend into saying yes to sex seems more of a perpetrator than the intoxicated party boy. We should prevent the word “rape” from becoming meaningless rhetoric by adding other, more accurate and less offensive words to the table. Words like “sexual regret,” “high-risk sexual behavior,” and “sexual bullying.” If we don’t clarify our terms, we’ll end up in a state of perpetual fear. If we don’t know which real, specific situations cause the problem, we’ll have no way of fighting them.
Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.

CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
There are gradations between “glorious, consensual sex” and rape; the term “rape” should not be used to describe every unfortunate or regrettable sexual encounter. Let’s be clear: I am not proposing that only rape in dark alleys with knives is “real rape.” But I do think the term is currently being applied to the wrong situations. In order for something to be rape, it has to involve a lack of consent, a perpetrator and a victim. As Cecily states, “[the use of the term rape] has value because … those who perpetrate a rape … bear responsibility … perpetrators do real damage to their victims and are accountable for the scars they leave.” In short, rape has a horrible, well-deserved stigma that must be maintained in order to shame perpetrators and bring victims to justice.

The example of the drunken hookup lacks a perpetrator. Consider: How can the boy know if his partner is “too drunk to give consent”? If he is drunk, can he really judge her state? And what if he is also “too drunk to give consent”? Sometimes things are more clear-cut and we can assign blame. If he is more sober, and can see that she is incoherent, sick or unresponsive, the standard is raised. If he proceeds while she is clearly “too drunk to give consent,” then the term “rapist” applies. However, many people not only appear functional when blackout drunk, but initiate sexual interaction with enthusiasm and aggression. Situations without a perpetrator should not be called rape.

The blackout drunk girl needs to share responsibility. Cecily’s assertion that “if she feels like she has been [raped], she has been” is inaccurate. It turns an objective crime into a subjective opinion. If the boy cannot tell that she was too drunk to give consent, then it is not rape. Her predicament the next morning is serious and upsetting. She has the right to seek counseling and reach out to her friends. However, she does not have the right to label her partner a rapist. Intoxication does not relieve all accountability. The drunk driver cannot tell the cop, “I am sorry, officer, but I was in no position to judge whether or not I should get into this car.” The fact is that when she drank that extra gin and tonic, she opened herself up to the possibility that she might grab that boy from Chemistry section and take off her tank top. As a feminist, I believe women have the right and responsibility to take ownership of their bodies and their choices — alcoholic, sexual, social and otherwise.

Sexual regret does not equal rape. We should not use its existence to defend the term “rape culture,” which is alienating, inaccurate and ultimately prevents us from creating a more positive sexual atmosphere. We should prevent behavior that prevents people from giving consent, such as alcohol abuse, unfair hook-up expectations, and mutual disregard. We should recognize that there are sexual problems on campus that have nothing to do with consent. The boyfriend who bullies his girlfriend into saying yes to sex seems more of a perpetrator than the intoxicated party boy. We should prevent the word “rape” from becoming meaningless rhetoric by adding other, more accurate and less offensive words to the table. Words like “sexual regret,” “high-risk sexual behavior,” and “sexual bullying.” If we don’t clarify our terms, we’ll end up in a state of perpetual fear. If we don’t know which real, specific situations cause the problem, we’ll have no way of fighting them.
Rape apologist.
Hetero males seem to have a problem......

Yep. They're called Feminists, and we aren't allowed to drag them outside and properly beat them back into their proper place in the world.

If/When this world ends it will occur at the hands of a Feminist. Just ask Eve, Lillith, or Pandora
I agree with you, but we aren't talking about rape here.

The feminist culture is redefining the terms.

What we are talking about is girls going to parties, getting drunk, and sleeping with guys. In the morning, they feel shame about what they did, and when the guy they like doesn't call them back or want to have anything to do with them, they turn around and call it rape because they are hurt.

In some instances, yes, it is forced sex, but in many others, it is murky at best. Neither the guy or girl can actually remember what happened. So you tell me, who can be blamed? Can anyone?

All I am saying is, if the girl was drunk, there IS NO RAPE. If she was binge drinking and partying so hard, and the guy she was with was doing the same thing, then neither can be held criminally liable for anything.

If they can be, why can't the man say he was raped? :dunno:

It's like folks don't remember college, have never been, or went to a lame school.

Absolute shite. If the woman is too drunk to say yes then it is rape. Women have a right to get drunk without having to worry about some pervert climbing all over her.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Interesting. The writer of that article wants Rape to be legal. Brilliant.
So you didn't see that it was satire to drive home a point?

There is a serious, very serious problem with rape. This issue is making that problem trivial.

Two people getting so drunk that they don't remember what they did is making light of what Muslim refugee are doing in Europe, don't you think?

It takes away from what sober men are doing to women they know who are also sober who do not consent to what is done to them.

There are serious issues that need addressing, this is not one of them.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.

CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
There are gradations between “glorious, consensual sex” and rape; the term “rape” should not be used to describe every unfortunate or regrettable sexual encounter. Let’s be clear: I am not proposing that only rape in dark alleys with knives is “real rape.” But I do think the term is currently being applied to the wrong situations. In order for something to be rape, it has to involve a lack of consent, a perpetrator and a victim. As Cecily states, “[the use of the term rape] has value because … those who perpetrate a rape … bear responsibility … perpetrators do real damage to their victims and are accountable for the scars they leave.” In short, rape has a horrible, well-deserved stigma that must be maintained in order to shame perpetrators and bring victims to justice.

The example of the drunken hookup lacks a perpetrator. Consider: How can the boy know if his partner is “too drunk to give consent”? If he is drunk, can he really judge her state? And what if he is also “too drunk to give consent”? Sometimes things are more clear-cut and we can assign blame. If he is more sober, and can see that she is incoherent, sick or unresponsive, the standard is raised. If he proceeds while she is clearly “too drunk to give consent,” then the term “rapist” applies. However, many people not only appear functional when blackout drunk, but initiate sexual interaction with enthusiasm and aggression. Situations without a perpetrator should not be called rape.

The blackout drunk girl needs to share responsibility. Cecily’s assertion that “if she feels like she has been [raped], she has been” is inaccurate. It turns an objective crime into a subjective opinion. If the boy cannot tell that she was too drunk to give consent, then it is not rape. Her predicament the next morning is serious and upsetting. She has the right to seek counseling and reach out to her friends. However, she does not have the right to label her partner a rapist. Intoxication does not relieve all accountability. The drunk driver cannot tell the cop, “I am sorry, officer, but I was in no position to judge whether or not I should get into this car.” The fact is that when she drank that extra gin and tonic, she opened herself up to the possibility that she might grab that boy from Chemistry section and take off her tank top. As a feminist, I believe women have the right and responsibility to take ownership of their bodies and their choices — alcoholic, sexual, social and otherwise.

Sexual regret does not equal rape. We should not use its existence to defend the term “rape culture,” which is alienating, inaccurate and ultimately prevents us from creating a more positive sexual atmosphere. We should prevent behavior that prevents people from giving consent, such as alcohol abuse, unfair hook-up expectations, and mutual disregard. We should recognize that there are sexual problems on campus that have nothing to do with consent. The boyfriend who bullies his girlfriend into saying yes to sex seems more of a perpetrator than the intoxicated party boy. We should prevent the word “rape” from becoming meaningless rhetoric by adding other, more accurate and less offensive words to the table. Words like “sexual regret,” “high-risk sexual behavior,” and “sexual bullying.” If we don’t clarify our terms, we’ll end up in a state of perpetual fear. If we don’t know which real, specific situations cause the problem, we’ll have no way of fighting them.
Rape apologist.
Those articles were by feminists, real women that have real concerns you dolt.

In all instances where the woman has been too drunk to remember what she did the night before? She did say yes. How does she know what went on? How does he know what went on?

Just because when she is sober she swears up and down she would never want that, doesn't mean she didn't when she was sloshed.

You don't know what you are going on about. You have obviously never been to a party school or met one of these types of girls. They hide behind booze as an excuse to act like flirts and promiscuous sluts when the weekend comes. When they go home to mom and dad, and go to church for holiday, it's a different story though.

Don't give me any of your liberal sanctimonious bullshit. There isn't any rape going on here. It's a cover.

Half of these boys are too wasted to be able to force themselves onto a sheep. They can't even walk straight.

You don't have a clue about what you are going on about.

This topic is about saving face for these girls, it isn't about dignity, violence, rights or any of that crap.

They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want permission to be bad in societies eyes, and they want to ruin the reputation and lives of boys trying to make their way in the world in the process.

I'll tell you who the perverts are. . . .
Unless you have personal knowledge of these kinds of situations, and a lot of them, you should stop fantasizing about what you THINK is going on. No girl is going to allege rape and go through all the bullshit of dealing with attitudes like yours unless she has been seriously affronted.

Yeah, right. All girls are perfect little snowflakes, and all men are evil. I'm sure.

How To Stop Rape
How To Stop Rape
Regret is not rape: lessons from an old-school Feminist | Boys and Men in Education

As a woman, I loathe/hate/despise the idea of the “I was too impaired to properly consent” rape. To me, it infantilizes women, giving the impression that we must be protected from ourselves. Usually by an equally impaired and “not showing the greatest judgment himself” male.

Haha – silly me! Don’t even know (and will never learn) my own limits of intoxication. I can do anything I want, but just don’t hold ME responsible. I’m just a dumb girl!

Here’s a few inconvenient truths: women/girls, because of the stigmatization of being sexual beings, often use alcohol or other substances, to give themselves an excuse to “misbehave” in ways not normally socially acceptable to their peers, which may include group sex, multiple partners or the stereotypical bad-boy.

Woman can actually enjoy such encounters, despite what their church, neighbors, parents, or school thinks.

Woman can be quite the seductresses. We’re practically taught it from birth. We know it, and, on occasion, we use it for nefarious purposes. Like getting better grades, job promotions, getting our tires changed or even – gasp – having others commit crimes for us.

Women DO lie. In many ways, we have not had traditional power, but in the way of sex? That, as we know, can be used to achieve the results we want (especially now).

I know of one young woman who has sent 4 different men to prison, for sexual assault, on 4 different occasions. Mostly, because they did something to piss her off. Not a single on involved an actual sexual assault.

There were a few others, but they, fortunately, weren’t convicted. (although the emotional & financial devastating to their lives was enormous)

Woman CAN be aggressive and ask for it. Literally. And, in my experience, men can be hopeful saps who just want to get laid. Usually being half in-the-bag themselves, they’re quite able to believe the young lady throwing herself at him wants him just as badly, and he doesn’t give a whole lot of thought to her current blood alcohol level.

That hardly makes him a criminal. At best, he’s guilty of poor judgment, and so is she.

CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
CZINGER: Sexual regret is not rape
There are gradations between “glorious, consensual sex” and rape; the term “rape” should not be used to describe every unfortunate or regrettable sexual encounter. Let’s be clear: I am not proposing that only rape in dark alleys with knives is “real rape.” But I do think the term is currently being applied to the wrong situations. In order for something to be rape, it has to involve a lack of consent, a perpetrator and a victim. As Cecily states, “[the use of the term rape] has value because … those who perpetrate a rape … bear responsibility … perpetrators do real damage to their victims and are accountable for the scars they leave.” In short, rape has a horrible, well-deserved stigma that must be maintained in order to shame perpetrators and bring victims to justice.

The example of the drunken hookup lacks a perpetrator. Consider: How can the boy know if his partner is “too drunk to give consent”? If he is drunk, can he really judge her state? And what if he is also “too drunk to give consent”? Sometimes things are more clear-cut and we can assign blame. If he is more sober, and can see that she is incoherent, sick or unresponsive, the standard is raised. If he proceeds while she is clearly “too drunk to give consent,” then the term “rapist” applies. However, many people not only appear functional when blackout drunk, but initiate sexual interaction with enthusiasm and aggression. Situations without a perpetrator should not be called rape.

The blackout drunk girl needs to share responsibility. Cecily’s assertion that “if she feels like she has been [raped], she has been” is inaccurate. It turns an objective crime into a subjective opinion. If the boy cannot tell that she was too drunk to give consent, then it is not rape. Her predicament the next morning is serious and upsetting. She has the right to seek counseling and reach out to her friends. However, she does not have the right to label her partner a rapist. Intoxication does not relieve all accountability. The drunk driver cannot tell the cop, “I am sorry, officer, but I was in no position to judge whether or not I should get into this car.” The fact is that when she drank that extra gin and tonic, she opened herself up to the possibility that she might grab that boy from Chemistry section and take off her tank top. As a feminist, I believe women have the right and responsibility to take ownership of their bodies and their choices — alcoholic, sexual, social and otherwise.

Sexual regret does not equal rape. We should not use its existence to defend the term “rape culture,” which is alienating, inaccurate and ultimately prevents us from creating a more positive sexual atmosphere. We should prevent behavior that prevents people from giving consent, such as alcohol abuse, unfair hook-up expectations, and mutual disregard. We should recognize that there are sexual problems on campus that have nothing to do with consent. The boyfriend who bullies his girlfriend into saying yes to sex seems more of a perpetrator than the intoxicated party boy. We should prevent the word “rape” from becoming meaningless rhetoric by adding other, more accurate and less offensive words to the table. Words like “sexual regret,” “high-risk sexual behavior,” and “sexual bullying.” If we don’t clarify our terms, we’ll end up in a state of perpetual fear. If we don’t know which real, specific situations cause the problem, we’ll have no way of fighting them.
Rape apologist.
Czinger has a point. We have been told for decades that rape is not a sexual crime, it is a crime of violence. The type of campus rape that a lot of the men here are describing is a different ball of wax. I still want to believe that most rape allegations are not "post coital regret," but it does have tremendous ramifications to a man's future when he is labeled a "sex offender." Everyone needs to consider both sides; it won't hurt anything.

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