America's top cop on obama, Nobody is sorry to see this guy go

The caterwauling over the nation's first half black president will probably never end.

His color has nothing to do with it cupcake. It is his ACTIONS that are at the core of this discussion. Leave it to a brain dead hack, such as yourself, to try and make it racist when the idiot wouldn't have even been elected in the first place were it not for the whites voting for him.

Individual's like Fenton doesn't recognize where there's been a real lack of presidential leadership, they would rather cater to their racist excuse for a lack of providing a valid argument to the discussion.
Facts, we don't need no stinking facts! We go by what we FEEL, and we feel Obama doesn't respect law and order and hates cops!

It's like their fear of Muslims. Reality says you should be afraid of white Christians with guns, but no, the right wingers trust white guys with guns. It's those non-whites you gotta be afraid of.

How many of those terrorist attacks under Clinton, or 9-11, or the attack in our American embassies were the result of white Christians? Don't you hate it when "facts" have a way of biting you in the ass?

With the exception of 9-11, how many of those attacks took place on American soil. How many of those countries had suffered because of US foreign policy?

When you go around the world trying to force people to bend to your will, some of them are going to view YOU as the terrorist and fight back.
Don't be fuggin' coming up in here with that objective reality shit man, damn!

Doctor is trying to discredit the rhetoric during this administration and a lack of response towards the assassnation of police officers from Obama as insignificant. I just showed there was a large scale attack against police officers that occurred - yes, but aduring the days of Capone when mobsters were heavily armed trying to control their turf.


Actually, no - I'm trying to discredit the ridiculous fear-mongering rhetoric from the right (ie, most of the posts in this thread) by showing the factual reality that less cops have died under Obama than any other President since Dwight Eisenhower.

I think I've done a fairly good job, too.

I'd do just a tad more research, as the number of deaths nationally in 2007 was pretty significant of the last 10 years. Your 1940 data also appears to be incorrect..


You know that Obama wasn't President in 2007, right?

You know the amount of deaths has increased in 2016 since it was recorded 2007 right?

Ambush-style killings of police up 167% this year

One such killing was an white guy who shot 2 cops because his daughter was expelled from a local high school for waving the confederate flag at a school football game.

But let's blame Obama. Or Black Lives Matter.
You must be kidding shoog, I'm eagerly looking forward to the first season of Reality America, it's going to be a terific show.

I'm not shoog, We are waiting to find out if balls are balls, or they are shriveled up. I think they are balls, If they are liberal shit are done, Liberal mouth running shit have no chance against REAL people. You have NO idea ! Liberals think they can just read a little fill in some facts by fantasizing and get the result down 100% because they are so intellectually superior. It is all a fantasy and delusions of grandeur by mindless drones. If you are looking forward to death you must be a good Christian. Reality is something liberals shy away from like the PLAGUE because it show what they really are just as right now, The spoiled think anyone cares about them clowns are really playing their jester parts well. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
The caterwauling over the nation's first half black president will probably never end.

His color has nothing to do with it cupcake. It is his ACTIONS that are at the core of this discussion. Leave it to a brain dead hack, such as yourself, to try and make it racist when the idiot wouldn't have even been elected in the first place were it not for the whites voting for him.

Individual's like Fenton doesn't recognize where there's been a real lack of presidential leadership, they would rather cater to their racist excuse for a lack of providing a valid argument to the discussion.

I thought Obama was an iron-fisted dictator, a king. You idiots are inconsistent. Obama was a tyrant who ran all over Congress and used
Executive Orders to overturn the checks and balances and rule like a tyrant. Now you say he's displayed a real lack of leadership. You can't suck and blow at the same time. Either he's weak and ineffectual or he's a dictator - which is it?
Doctor is trying to discredit the rhetoric during this administration and a lack of response towards the assassnation of police officers from Obama as insignificant. I just showed there was a large scale attack against police officers that occurred - yes, but aduring the days of Capone when mobsters were heavily armed trying to control their turf.


Actually, no - I'm trying to discredit the ridiculous fear-mongering rhetoric from the right (ie, most of the posts in this thread) by showing the factual reality that less cops have died under Obama than any other President since Dwight Eisenhower.

I think I've done a fairly good job, too.

I'd do just a tad more research, as the number of deaths nationally in 2007 was pretty significant of the last 10 years. Your 1940 data also appears to be incorrect..


You know that Obama wasn't President in 2007, right?

You know the amount of deaths has increased in 2016 since it was recorded 2007 right?

58 cops were "feloniously killed" in the line of duty in 2007. 63 were in 2016.

Cherry-picking years doesn't change the reality of what I posted, though.

Officers killed in the line of duty in 2007 - 192

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

Officers killed in the line of duty in 2016 - 140


Who's cherry picking now? I will fact check and I will nail your ass.

Actually, no - I'm trying to discredit the ridiculous fear-mongering rhetoric from the right (ie, most of the posts in this thread) by showing the factual reality that less cops have died under Obama than any other President since Dwight Eisenhower.

I think I've done a fairly good job, too.

I'd do just a tad more research, as the number of deaths nationally in 2007 was pretty significant of the last 10 years. Your 1940 data also appears to be incorrect..


You know that Obama wasn't President in 2007, right?

You know the amount of deaths has increased in 2016 since it was recorded 2007 right?

58 cops were "feloniously killed" in the line of duty in 2007. 63 were in 2016.

Cherry-picking years doesn't change the reality of what I posted, though.

Officers killed in the line of duty in 2007 - 192

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

Officers killed in the line of duty in 2016 - 140


Who's cherry picking now? I will fact check and I will nail your ass.

"Killed in the line of duty" includes officers who die accidentally while in the execution of their jobs. I'm not talking about officers killed in car accidents.
Obabble's demonization of police officers has resulted in a great many deaths of innocent people: police officers who have been de facto assassinated, and the helpless people stuck in inner city ghettos where the police are afraid to enforce the law.

Fewer Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during Obama's Presidency than during Bush's. Or Clinton's.

Or any other two-term President since the 40s.

But who cares about reality when you've got feelings, right?

Excuse me, how many police officers were assassinated by blacks under Obama after he and other Democrats fomented a race war to get votes, vs any other 2 term president, I think we know.

The left OWN that, they have the blood of innocent police officers on their hands, dead fathers and husbands. They should feel shame for the rest of their lives over what they did.
Obabble's demonization of police officers has resulted in a great many deaths of innocent people: police officers who have been de facto assassinated, and the helpless people stuck in inner city ghettos where the police are afraid to enforce the law.

Fewer Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during Obama's Presidency than during Bush's. Or Clinton's.

Or any other two-term President since the 40s.

But who cares about reality when you've got feelings, right?

Excuse me, how many police officers were assassinated by blacks under Obama after he and other Democrats fomented a race war to get votes, vs any other 2 term president, I think we know.

The left OWN that, they have the blood of innocent police officers on their hands, dead fathers and husbands. They should feel shame for the rest of their lives over what they did.

But but bu....Trump said "pussy".
The same people who think Obama demonized the police are the people who think he was born in Kenya.
My My. 90 pct of the police now believe obama was born in kenya.
That's quite a concession.
Maybe you outta read what you type before you push that red button.
" And thanks for teaching me that looking at both sides of a very important issue is 'disrespectful to authority'."

Why, it's utterly unamerican you america hater you.
What war did you serve during?
Obabble's demonization of police officers has resulted in a great many deaths of innocent people: police officers who have been de facto assassinated, and the helpless people stuck in inner city ghettos where the police are afraid to enforce the law.

Fewer Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during Obama's Presidency than during Bush's. Or Clinton's.

Or any other two-term President since the 40s.

But who cares about reality when you've got feelings, right?

Excuse me, how many police officers were assassinated by blacks under Obama after he and other Democrats fomented a race war to get votes, vs any other 2 term president, I think we know.

The left OWN that, they have the blood of innocent police officers on their hands, dead fathers and husbands. They should feel shame for the rest of their lives over what they did.

Police officers kill unarmed civilians on an average of one a week. Tapes of officers attacking, shooting and killing unarmed black people are revolting. Men with the hands up, begging "Don't shoot me".

Police Departments need better training, and when officers shoot unarmed suspects, they need to face consequences. Yes, being a cop is a tough job, but manhandling suspects, hitting children, and attacking people who have their hands in their arm and are not resisting - how long did you think this could go on without anyone shooting back.

I'm not condoning police shootings. What I am saying that the police aren't blameless in all of this. They are to be there to serve and protect. Serve and protect isn't shooting innocent people with their hands in the air.
By the way . "Americas top cop"? The guy heads a police lobby group!!!

Not only a police lobby group - a police union lobby group.

I guess it's ok to support public sector unions, as long as they parrot the right talking points.
I didn't see ANY support for a union, just YOUR talking points.

Of course not - starting a thread about what the police union lobbyist spokesman thinks about Obama is entirely neutral, right?

After all, he's "America's Top Cop", right?
His opinion of another person has nothing to do with him being in a union lol.

I doubt if any cop in his right mind voted for the kenyan. :)
But but bu....Trump said "pussy".

No Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women. He said he liked to "grab them by the pussy". No one gives a shit that he says pussy. They think it creepy that he wants to date his daughter, and disgusting that he refers to her as a "nice piece of ass", but grabbing women by the pussy is sexual assault.

Nice try at pretending it's nothing.
Obabble's demonization of police officers has resulted in a great many deaths of innocent people: police officers who have been de facto assassinated, and the helpless people stuck in inner city ghettos where the police are afraid to enforce the law.

Fewer Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during Obama's Presidency than during Bush's. Or Clinton's.

Or any other two-term President since the 40s.

But who cares about reality when you've got feelings, right?

Excuse me, how many police officers were assassinated by blacks under Obama after he and other Democrats fomented a race war to get votes, vs any other 2 term president, I think we know.

The left OWN that, they have the blood of innocent police officers on their hands, dead fathers and husbands. They should feel shame for the rest of their lives over what they did.

But but bu....Trump said "pussy".

I'm surprised the left will show their face in a discussion about murdered police officers, shame alone should silence them.
" And thanks for teaching me that looking at both sides of a very important issue is 'disrespectful to authority'."

Why, it's utterly unamerican you america hater you.
What war did you serve during?
Obabble's demonization of police officers has resulted in a great many deaths of innocent people: police officers who have been de facto assassinated, and the helpless people stuck in inner city ghettos where the police are afraid to enforce the law.

Fewer Police Officers were killed in the line of duty during Obama's Presidency than during Bush's. Or Clinton's.

Or any other two-term President since the 40s.

But who cares about reality when you've got feelings, right?

Excuse me, how many police officers were assassinated by blacks under Obama after he and other Democrats fomented a race war to get votes, vs any other 2 term president, I think we know.

The left OWN that, they have the blood of innocent police officers on their hands, dead fathers and husbands. They should feel shame for the rest of their lives over what they did.

Police officers kill unarmed civilians on an average of one a week. Tapes of officers attacking, shooting and killing unarmed black people are revolting. Men with the hands up, begging "Don't shoot me".

Police Departments need better training, and when officers shoot unarmed suspects, they need to face consequences. Yes, being a cop is a tough job, but manhandling suspects, hitting children, and attacking people who have their hands in their arm and are not resisting - how long did you think this could go on without anyone shooting back.

I'm not condoning police shootings. What I am saying that the police aren't blameless in all of this. They are to be there to serve and protect. Serve and protect isn't shooting innocent people with their hands in the air.

Hillary is that you?
" And thanks for teaching me that looking at both sides of a very important issue is 'disrespectful to authority'."

Why, it's utterly unamerican you america hater you.
What war did you serve during?
It has not been my experience that attending a war results in gaining foreign policy understanding.

Sometimes, maybe. But, I wouldn't count on it.
dang, when willreadmore talks Lum's mouth don't move

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