America's top cop on obama, Nobody is sorry to see this guy go

The caterwauling over the nation's first half black president will probably never end.
And yet the anger over Trump winning has just begun. It's not as if the left loved Hillary. They're just pissed that this guy got in. Trump has, according to the left, behaved badly.......and that's all there is to it.

Yet all of the violence from the left and lies that the left is guilty of already isn't behaving badly???

It seems that the left just repeats that Trump behaved badly yet never mentions exactly what it was they're so pissed about.
A direct indication it isn't real.

Hmm. Some really great points here to think about.
The caterwauling over the nation's first half black president will probably never end.
And yet the anger over Trump winning has just begun. It's not as if the left loved Hillary. They're just pissed that this guy got in. Trump has, according to the left, behaved badly.......and that's all there is to it.

Yet all of the violence from the left and lies that the left is guilty of already isn't behaving badly???

It seems that the left just repeats that Trump behaved badly yet never mentions exactly what it was they're so pissed about.
A direct indication it isn't real.

Yes, the american public is behaving just as badly as its political system, that's the problem. We're all participating in the madness.
No, just the Democrats.

Partisanshitheads bore me.

You must put yourself to sleep quite often.
The caterwauling over the nation's first half black president will probably never end.
And yet the anger over Trump winning has just begun. It's not as if the left loved Hillary. They're just pissed that this guy got in. Trump has, according to the left, behaved badly.......and that's all there is to it.

Yet all of the violence from the left and lies that the left is guilty of already isn't behaving badly???

It seems that the left just repeats that Trump behaved badly yet never mentions exactly what it was they're so pissed about.
A direct indication it isn't real.

Yes, the american public is behaving just as badly as its political system, that's the problem. We're all participating in the madness.
No, just the Democrats.

Partisanshitheads bore me.

You must put yourself to sleep quite often.

I have you for that shoog.
Facts, we don't need no stinking facts! We go by what we FEEL, and we feel Obama doesn't respect law and order and hates cops!

It's like their fear of Muslims. Reality says you should be afraid of white Christians with guns, but no, the right wingers trust white guys with guns. It's those non-whites you gotta be afraid of.

How many of those terrorist attacks under Clinton, or 9-11, or the attack in our American embassies were the result of white Christians? Don't you hate it when "facts" have a way of biting you in the ass?

With the exception of 9-11, how many of those attacks took place on American soil. How many of those countries had suffered because of US foreign policy?

When you go around the world trying to force people to bend to your will, some of them are going to view YOU as the terrorist and fight back.

Did we forget the World Trade Center bombing back in 1994, or how about Fort Hood and San Bernardino under the Obama administration? Which shows how much the attacks have increased, DESPITE Obama's outreach towards Muslim, as well as the changing of his rhetoric to be more "politically correct" so as to not offend and speak of those violent Muslim extremists which distort their view of that religion.

Yet the Americans that were killed at the embassy in Benghazi, or the embassies of Kenya and Tanzania, or simply those who were among the victims in Paris during that terrorist attack, are expendable and shouldn't really be much of a concern? A group of radicals, mind you, that use their version of the Islamic faith to justify a video beheading of Christians on a beach simply for choosing to follow a different faith. You would defend a radical group who has no respect towards women beyond "property" which can be so easily discarded if he chooses, yet you are up in arms over two men mentioning the word "pussy". You criticize how this speaks to Trumps character and view of women, yet are so willing to defend one radical group's culture towards the treatment of women. It's rather evident your response speaks towards your ignorance of these terrorists groups, and what their particular culture believe.
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