Amid Scandal - Democrats are Dropping Support for Hillary

“What I dream is that for one election, just one, every black person in America vote Republican,” he said. “Because from what I’ve read, and I’m open to correction, but from what I’ve read, Barry Goldwater is going against Lyndon B. Johnson. He’s your Republican candidate. He is completely against the Civil Rights Movement. Lyndon B. Johnson was in favor of it. What happens is, he wins office, Barry Goldwater loses office, but there was a senate, a Republican senate, that pushed the votes to the president’s desk. It was the Democrats who were against Civil Rights legislation. So because President Lyndon B. Johnson was a Democrat, black America assumed the Democrats were for it.”

I think a lot of us would prefer an actual liberal.

Define us


Likely democratic voters.

So the majority of the Democratic party thinks Hillary is not liberal enough?

Wow- didn't know the Dems meant to go as far left as they did with Obama, but I stand corrected


I'd say about half the party is left of center. Hillary may be a bit statist, but that isn't necessarily a left/right thing. I think that it is foreign policy where Hillary is more right-of-center.

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