Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation

Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.
Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

You can rate my post as funny, but the fact remains, you utterly failed to counter or even address his point.

I don't know if you think we were too dumb to notice, or if you were.

But the fact remains. You lose.
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL

You fucktards are constantly questioning the intelligence of republican presidents, and that's supposedly legitimate.

Yet when we do that same, it's "racist".

You are a race baiting asshole.

THe guy was surprised that the Supreme Court might overturn a popular law. He was a fucking moron.

It was completely reasonable to want to see his grades.

Also, considering that you directly called me a racist, FUck you, you piece of shit.
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL
Leftists are known racists. They've been deviding by race since before Hitler.
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL

You fucktards are constantly questioning the intelligence of republican presidents, and that's supposedly legitimate.

Yet when we do that same, it's "racist".

You are a race baiting asshole.

THe guy was surprised that the Supreme Court might overturn a popular law. He was a fucking moron.

It was completely reasonable to want to see his grades.

Also, considering that you directly called me a racist, FUck you, you piece of shit.
Nat is a government-leeching racist worthless leftist piece of shit.
.....but what are the chances that Mueller now has those
"mysterious" Trump tax returns?........LOL

Like Rachel Maddow had them? :blowup:
and obama had to show his birth certificate and the vile trump didn't have to show his taxes?

The vile Trump? Is that what you're calling Trump these days? So tell me how that worked out for Rachel Maddow when she did the big "reveal" on The Donald's tax returns, Eddie!
yes vile and I'm being kind I just call em like I see em....and you call trump what??Misunderstood after assaulting women his whole life, 3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits 4 or 5 bankrupt companies etc etc

Who assaulted women more...Donald Trump or Slick Willie Clinton? Funny how treating women like sexual objects was never a problem with you folks on the left until you went after Trump for doing far less than Bill Clinton did on a regular basis!
and bragging about it is ok?? and BFD because Bill was a jackass that means it's ok for trump ?? You republicans are AH's
Like Rachel Maddow had them? :blowup:
and obama had to show his birth certificate and the vile trump didn't have to show his taxes?

The vile Trump? Is that what you're calling Trump these days? So tell me how that worked out for Rachel Maddow when she did the big "reveal" on The Donald's tax returns, Eddie!
yes vile and I'm being kind I just call em like I see em....and you call trump what??Misunderstood after assaulting women his whole life, 3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits 4 or 5 bankrupt companies etc etc

Who assaulted women more...Donald Trump or Slick Willie Clinton? Funny how treating women like sexual objects was never a problem with you folks on the left until you went after Trump for doing far less than Bill Clinton did on a regular basis!
and bragging about it is ok?? and BFD because Bill was a jackass that means it's ok for trump ?? You republicans are AH's

Let equal consent
Like Rachel Maddow had them? :blowup:
and obama had to show his birth certificate and the vile trump didn't have to show his taxes?

The vile Trump? Is that what you're calling Trump these days? So tell me how that worked out for Rachel Maddow when she did the big "reveal" on The Donald's tax returns, Eddie!
yes vile and I'm being kind I just call em like I see em....and you call trump what??Misunderstood after assaulting women his whole life, 3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits 4 or 5 bankrupt companies etc etc

Who assaulted women more...Donald Trump or Slick Willie Clinton? Funny how treating women like sexual objects was never a problem with you folks on the left until you went after Trump for doing far less than Bill Clinton did on a regular basis!
and bragging about it is ok?? and BFD because Bill was a jackass that means it's ok for trump ?? You republicans are AH's
Oh, The Russian connection? A big ol' nothing burger
Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
...not to even mention with all of Barrys stuttering, umm's and pauses - he sounds like a fucking frenchman commentating on the Tour de France. I think he's actually quite slow in the head
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect.

No, asshole........Most of us who voted for Obama were NOT doing so because of his "academic excellence"; we liked his message and refuted McCain's.

Conversely, ONLY racist morons CANNOT believe that a half black guy could be smart enough to garner the oval office chair......Are you one of those???
At this point...who cares? I would have liked to have seen Barry's transcripts BEFORE we made him President...seeing them now is a waste of time.

Before Obama was elected back in 2008 I was making the point that he hadn't really done anything remarkable since leaving Harvard. He was not a great lawyer. He was an awful legislator. He wasn't viewed as a great college lecturer. So why would we elect someone who's only real claim to fame was that Presidency of the Law Review and the ability to read a speech off of a teleprompter?
Since I saw him "garner" the Oval Office not once but twice...I obviously understand that Barack Obama was smart enough to become President of the United States! My point...and it remains that he never really did anything exceptional to have earned that...other than being black and a charismatic speaker.
As for liking his "message"? I'm one of those people that looks at what politicians have DONE and only what they have done! What they tell me they're GOING TO DO...has about as much value as a snowball at the north pole.
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect.

No, asshole........Most of us who voted for Obama were NOT doing so because of his "academic excellence"; we liked his message and refuted McCain's.

Conversely, ONLY racist morons CANNOT believe that a half black guy could be smart enough to garner the oval office chair......Are you one of those???

The only person talking about race here is you.

Multiple people have gave REASONS they thought that Obama was stupid. YOu have addressed NONE of them, but you keep calling people racist.

You are a race baiting asshole.
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect.

No, asshole........Most of us who voted for Obama were NOT doing so because of his "academic excellence"; we liked his message and refuted McCain's.

Conversely, ONLY racist morons CANNOT believe that a half black guy could be smart enough to garner the oval office chair......Are you one of those???
You like racial division. That's why you voted for The Blamer.
You also like anything free earned by somebody else. That's why you're a hillary panty-sniffer.
Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Why didn't your muslim idol release his college records?

Most NON racist voters didn't think it necessary.....HOWEVER, most racist voters keep on insisting on this....
Are you one of those???

The biggest accomplishment of Barack Obama's life was graduating with honors from Harvard Law School and being named the President of the Harvard Law Review, Nat! Everything else he's done since has piggy backed off of that! So if you're academic performance is that big a deal...why WOULDN'T you want to release your academic records? Why would you guard those records like they were the nuclear launch codes? Sorry, but it's obvious that the Obama camp was hiding something embarrassing.

How pointing that out is "racist" is something you'll have to explain...

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?

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