Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation

Lets just connect the two.
Putin is a white supremacist Nazi and stole the election from Hillary so North Korea could destroy America while Trump was distracted by tweeting about gays and minorities.
Makes perfect sense.
/---/ And don't forget "steel don't melt" and the tri-lateral commission
Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with?

It was NOT the break-in (the crime) that brought Nixon down......

You may be an old nitwit, but your recall of recent history matches that of my parakeet.....
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Most here already know I'm not a republican. You're just a little slower than others.

Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with?

It was NOT the break in (the crime) that brought Nixon down......

You may be an old nitwit, but your recall of recent history matches that of my parakeet.....

There were two things that brought Nixon attempt to cover up the break in...and an attempt to use the IRS against his political opponents. The latter was the final straw. Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?
Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?

You forgot those damn tapes.....I'm sure its an oversight brought on by dementia......But,in your lame attempt to divert from the current investigation on Trump, you forgot to ALSO bring up such democrats as Carter, Gore, Mondale, Kerry, ....heck, try to also weave in there Truman while you're at it...............LOL
Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?

You forgot those damn tapes.....I'm sure its an oversight brought on by dementia......But,in your lame attempt to divert from the current investigation on Trump, you forgot to ALSO bring up such democrats as Carter, Gore, Mondale, Kerry, ....heck, try to also weave in there Truman while you're at it...............LOL

The tapes simply proved the cover up took place. Anything else you want explained to you?
Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with?

It was NOT the break in (the crime) that brought Nixon down......

You may be an old nitwit, but your recall of recent history matches that of my parakeet.....

There were two things that brought Nixon attempt to cover up the break in...and an attempt to use the IRS against his political opponents. The latter was the final straw. Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?
Guess obama didn't think dump was an enemy? Couldn't get those taxes he was hiding
Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with?

It was NOT the break in (the crime) that brought Nixon down......

You may be an old nitwit, but your recall of recent history matches that of my parakeet.....

There were two things that brought Nixon attempt to cover up the break in...and an attempt to use the IRS against his political opponents. The latter was the final straw. Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?
Guess obama didn't think dump was an enemy? Couldn't get those taxes he was hiding

Trump was the GOP candidate that Hillary, Barry and all of the others from the far left wanted to run against, Eddie! It's why the main stream media pushed Trump so hard when he was running against other Republicans.

I notice that you don't have a response to my point that Obama actually DID what Nixon only attempted to do with the IRS back in the 70's! I think you'd be hard pressed to find any other President who abused the power of his office as often as Barack Obama did!
Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with?

It was NOT the break in (the crime) that brought Nixon down......

You may be an old nitwit, but your recall of recent history matches that of my parakeet.....

There were two things that brought Nixon attempt to cover up the break in...and an attempt to use the IRS against his political opponents. The latter was the final straw. Gee, that was only an "attempt" to use the IRS against a political opponent...Barack Obama actually USED the IRS against his political opponents! Gee, does that mean Barry was actually WORSE than Tricky Dick?
Guess obama didn't think dump was an enemy? Couldn't get those taxes he was hiding

Trump was the GOP candidate that Hillary, Barry and all of the others from the far left wanted to run against, Eddie! It's why the main stream media pushed Trump so hard when he was running against other Republicans.

I notice that you don't have a response to my point that Obama actually DID what Nixon only attempted to do with the IRS back in the 70's! I think you'd be hard pressed to find any other President who abused the power of his office as often as Barack Obama did!
I do remember trump accusing Obama of tapping him at trump building BUT that was more of trump bs just like his birther crap and showing his tax promises perhaps you have a link to all this ?
I'm still amused by the whole "birther" controversy! It's no great mystery what happened. Barry played the system way back when and claimed to be a foreign student. That led to confusion about where he was born. Much too much made of a simple white lie.
Guess obama didn't think dump was an enemy? Couldn't get those taxes he was hiding

.....but what are the chances that Mueller now has those
"mysterious" Trump tax returns?........LOL

Like Rachel Maddow had them? :blowup:
and obama had to show his birth certificate and the vile trump didn't have to show his taxes?

The vile Trump? Is that what you're calling Trump these days? So tell me how that worked out for Rachel Maddow when she did the big "reveal" on The Donald's tax returns, Eddie!
I'd really love to see the vile Obama's college transcripts, Eddie! I'm curious what he's been so reluctant to reveal about an academic career that should be a matter of pride?
Actually, I'm just kidding. I could care less if Barry took Basket Weaving 101 to pump up his grades.

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