Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation

Right tycho I'm the guy who didn't vote for the vile lying pussy gabbing degenerate and I'm the idiot ?
You decided to vote for the vile lying corrupt racist degenerate.

I don't expect everyone to make smart decisions. :)
And I guess with the way trump has been doing so far you think you made a good decision? Please don't make me lose all respect for you I have old lady
I'm good with everything Trump has been doing.

And please.... don't ask me to pretend I'm someone who cares what you think.

Tycho I don't expect you to care what anyone says You're a republican and don't need google because you know it all
I'm not a republican, eddiew37. lol
A Commie?
You decided to vote for the vile lying corrupt racist degenerate.

I don't expect everyone to make smart decisions. :)
And I guess with the way trump has been doing so far you think you made a good decision? Please don't make me lose all respect for you I have old lady
I'm good with everything Trump has been doing.

And please.... don't ask me to pretend I'm someone who cares what you think.

Tycho I don't expect you to care what anyone says You're a republican and don't need google because you know it all
I'm not a republican, eddiew37. lol
A Commie?
You found a friend with nat4900.
And I guess with the way trump has been doing so far you think you made a good decision? Please don't make me lose all respect for you I have old lady
I'm good with everything Trump has been doing.

And please.... don't ask me to pretend I'm someone who cares what you think.

Tycho I don't expect you to care what anyone says You're a republican and don't need google because you know it all
I'm not a republican, eddiew37. lol
A Commie?
You found a friend with nat4900.
We think alike If he lived in NY I'd buy him a drink
There are no Russians
With all the available investigative resources if there were Russians it would not take 6 months to come up with zero.
There are no Russians
With all the available investigative resources if there were Russians it would not take 6 months to come up with zero.
Weather they are accumulating info When they release it it will be one big bang A heart attack into every trumpettes chests
There are no Russians
With all the available investigative resources if there were Russians it would not take 6 months to come up with zero.

You're "correct"......The Watergate investigation began in June 1972 and ended with Nixon's resignation in August 1974.......

Now take your shoes and socks off and figure out if the above is more or less than 6 months...
Since I'm from Massachusetts and my ancestor was a white officer of a black Civil War volunteer regiment, Eddie...that's one of your more PATHETIC posts!
Old I was just kidding Not ALL republicans hate blacks and some even respect women Just not your leader

Accusing someone of being a Klansman is your idea of a joke? You've been watching too much late night TV, Eddie. Now you're going to accuse us of hating women in the next breath? Or is that a weak attempt at humor as well?

I've got news for you, Eddie...when liberals like yourself make derogatory comments like that about conservatives...all it does is make us turn out to vote. How "humorous" do you find THAT?
Yeah old the jerk you put in office loves women Got a whole bunch that'll testify to that unless they're bought off like his wives are and preventing blacks from renting his apartments and paying a fine for that shows how much he admires the black race You are known by the company you keep You got what you voted for Hope he doesn't take America down any further and we know nothing will stop you and your ilk from voting Repub Trump said that

Hate to point out the obvious here, Eddie but my choice in this past race was between Trump and Clinton. I voted for Trump because not only is Hillary Clinton a pathological inept leader who blamed her failings on others...but she was also as corrupt a politician as I've ever seen! She took in millions of dollars from foreign entities through the Clinton Foundation and then used that Foundation to pay parts of the salary of much of her campaign staff. She ran the State Department as a pay for play enterprise and hid what she was doing from Congressional oversight by using private servers hidden in her home to conduct the majority of her State Department business. She hid evidence about Benghazi from Congressional investigators and then destroyed evidence when Congress became aware of what she'd done.

My "ilk" voted for Trump because Hillary Clinton was the worst Presidential candidate EVER!!!
Trump lied about Obama he lied about his taxes He's told more lies than all other presidents combined and all those women were liars that said he groped them? And his revolving door ?? The man is an idiot way over his head Hill would have been fine been there in politics done that

Did he tell a blatant lie about legislation that affected 1/6th of our economy? Obama did! Did he lie to Congressional investigators and destroy evidence of a crime? Hillary did? Did he meet the families of slain Americans as their caskets were being off loaded from the plane bringing them back to the US and lie about what happened? Both Barry and Hillary did!

Hillary Clinton sucked as a candidate! She probably would have lost to Bernie Sanders...a doddering old Socialist from that bastion of Hippy holdouts, Vermont...if she and her minions hadn't fixed the debates and the primaries.
There are no Russians
With all the available investigative resources if there were Russians it would not take 6 months to come up with zero.

You're "correct"......The Watergate investigation began in June 1972 and ended with Nixon's resignation in August 1974.......

Now take your shoes and socks off and figure out if the above is more or less than 6 months...

Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with? Hillary's loss? Comparing the two is laughable!
There are no Russians
With all the available investigative resources if there were Russians it would not take 6 months to come up with zero.

You're "correct"......The Watergate investigation began in June 1972 and ended with Nixon's resignation in August 1974.......

Now take your shoes and socks off and figure out if the above is more or less than 6 months...

Watergate began with an actual crime. What did this farce begin with? Hillary's loss? Comparing the two is laughable!
Your correct elaboration requires intellect to absorb and lefties don't have it-false equivalences is a cornerstone of the emotive revolution
Old I was just kidding Not ALL republicans hate blacks and some even respect women Just not your leader

Accusing someone of being a Klansman is your idea of a joke? You've been watching too much late night TV, Eddie. Now you're going to accuse us of hating women in the next breath? Or is that a weak attempt at humor as well?

I've got news for you, Eddie...when liberals like yourself make derogatory comments like that about conservatives...all it does is make us turn out to vote. How "humorous" do you find THAT?
Yeah old the jerk you put in office loves women Got a whole bunch that'll testify to that unless they're bought off like his wives are and preventing blacks from renting his apartments and paying a fine for that shows how much he admires the black race You are known by the company you keep You got what you voted for Hope he doesn't take America down any further and we know nothing will stop you and your ilk from voting Repub Trump said that

Hate to point out the obvious here, Eddie but my choice in this past race was between Trump and Clinton. I voted for Trump because not only is Hillary Clinton a pathological inept leader who blamed her failings on others...but she was also as corrupt a politician as I've ever seen! She took in millions of dollars from foreign entities through the Clinton Foundation and then used that Foundation to pay parts of the salary of much of her campaign staff. She ran the State Department as a pay for play enterprise and hid what she was doing from Congressional oversight by using private servers hidden in her home to conduct the majority of her State Department business. She hid evidence about Benghazi from Congressional investigators and then destroyed evidence when Congress became aware of what she'd done.

My "ilk" voted for Trump because Hillary Clinton was the worst Presidential candidate EVER!!!
Trump lied about Obama he lied about his taxes He's told more lies than all other presidents combined and all those women were liars that said he groped them? And his revolving door ?? The man is an idiot way over his head Hill would have been fine been there in politics done that

Did he tell a blatant lie about legislation that affected 1/6th of our economy? Obama did! Did he lie to Congressional investigators and destroy evidence of a crime? Hillary did? Did he meet the families of slain Americans as their caskets were being off loaded from the plane bringing them back to the US and lie about what happened? Both Barry and Hillary did!

Hillary Clinton sucked as a candidate! She probably would have lost to Bernie Sanders...a doddering old Socialist from that bastion of Hippy holdouts, Vermont...if she and her minions hadn't fixed the debates and the primaries.
Old I'm glad you're happy with your choice, how much better he is than hill would have been He's really proven how great he'll be Can't wait for the final results Hope we're still all here

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