Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation

Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

If my church leaders was a raving anti-american racist asshole, I'd find another church.

INstead Obama just kept coming back for more.
Id say being anti republicans makes it ok No American hates America ,just the republican slime
Go for it........Write a Demand Letter to Harvard....

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post.

The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

No, but would you sit in a church for decades listening to racist B.S.?
Hating racist republicans is a good thing
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

No, but would you sit in a church for decades listening to racist B.S.?
Hating racist republicans is a good thing

Hating "Death to America" democrats is even BETTER. It satisfies the soul.
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

If my church leaders was a raving anti-american racist asshole, I'd find another church.

INstead Obama just kept coming back for more.
Id say being anti republicans makes it ok No American hates America ,just the republican slime

Your denial of what Obama's rev said is idiotic.

He called on God to DAMN AMERICA.

Not republicans, you liar, but all of AMERICA.

And Obama just kept coming back for more.
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

No, but would you sit in a church for decades listening to racist B.S.?
Hating racist republicans is a good thing

Calling what you hate "racist" doesn't make you any less of a hate filled asshole.
Sat in the church for 20 fricken years...idiot.

You're correct.....Should have been out there grabbing pussies like the Trumpster.
As opposed to you and Barry grabbing dicks?
Grab this smoke
From Garret Fitzgerald...

1. Russians launder $230 Million into NY real estate including Trump properties.

2. Russian lawyer feuding with Putin tips off US authorities.

3. Preet Bharara opens investigation into Racketeering and money laundering including members of Trump family and Manafort.

4. Sessions fires Bharara.

5. Russian lawyer who was to testify in case assassinated in street in Ukraine.

6. FBI arrests 2 Turkish bankers representing Russians who immediately hire Giuliani’s law firm.

7. Giuliani tries to circumvent local prosecutors and goes to Comey looking for a deal.

8. Comey not interested. Grand Jury hands down indictments.

9. Trump wants Comey to close Russia investigation.

10. Comey not interested.

11. Trump fires Comey.

12. Sessions announces that Department of Justice “settled” the case with the racketeering and money laundering perpetrators by paying a fine, so there will be no trial. DOJ and witnesses scheduled to testify for the government shocked!

13. Assistant Attorney General appoints Special Counsel Mueller before Sessions and Trump appoint new director of FBI for fear of “settling” Russian probe as well.

14. The lawyer who represented the Russian money launderer is the same one who met with Trump Jr.

15. There was another person who attended the meeting: a former member of Russian counter intelligence now a Russian Lobbyist. (Trump Lawyers lied about who attended meeting as well as the details.)

16. Newt Gingrich now added to the investigation for setting up the meeting.

17. Kushner updates his FS86 Security Clearance form for a third time. Seems he just remembered over 100 contacts with foreigners during the campaign and transition. He submitted the first two accounts under the penalty of Perjury and will eventually be charged.

18. Manafort retroactively registers as a foreign agent.

19. Peter Smith Republican operative who claimed to work for Flynn and was in contact with Russian Hackers seeking Clinton emails committed suicide after speaking with the press and admitting to his role.

20. Trump lawyers release five different versions of the meeting along with reversing the statement that “Trump did not know about the meeting”. Trump suddenly remembered something was said about it.

21. Trump Jr’s attempt at transparency came only after the NY Times sent copies of his emails to the White House seeking comment. They asked for a delay in release, which was granted by the Times. They then released the info before the Times could.

22. Rupert Murdoch now shows up as a person of interest due to a company called Genie Energy and his need for Putin’s ok to develop reserves in Occupied Syria!

23. Fox News runs with story that Comey’s notes, which were released contained classified Information. Blasted it out all day from all venues. Trump then tweeted the same. 15 hours later they had to retract it as a lie. No one was fired or resigned.

24. Brian McCauley, Fox News contributor and former FBI agent who made up negative stories about Clinton that was spread by FOX and Russian trolls and bots to key states was on Flynn’s payroll during the campaign and also retracted the stories as being false. No repercussions at Fox.

25. Fox News pundit Wayne Simmons claiming to be CIA agent was arrested, charged and sent to prison for impersonating an agent. He created numerous lies about Clinton over 12 years of broadcasts. FOX slinks away again!!
The difference being that George W. Bush didn't ask for our votes because of his academic excellence and purported intellect. Barack Obama was a Junior Senator with zero executive experience who we were assured was SO brilliant that his lack of experience wouldn't be an issue because his superior intellect would overcome that. So if you're running on your intellect and the proof of that intellect is your performance in college...then why wouldn't you release your college transcripts?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

If my church leaders was a raving anti-american racist asshole, I'd find another church.

INstead Obama just kept coming back for more.
Id say being anti republicans makes it ok No American hates America ,just the republican slime
Government check?
you really want to bs about intellect? This scamming pos we have in the WH now knows NOTHING about running our gov't And Obama had more experience in the time he spent in gov't than this so called business man in our WH now had in his lifetime Real business people like the CEO's who left laugh at the dunce you gave America
Are you talking about the do-nothing one-term senator who sat in a church that God damned America?
Yeah he sat in the church BFD .... you responsible for what your church leader says?

If my church leaders was a raving anti-american racist asshole, I'd find another church.

INstead Obama just kept coming back for more.
Id say being anti republicans makes it ok No American hates America ,just the republican slime
Government check?
Yes SS check every month thanks to dems
Smokey Tap Tap?
Senator Larry Craig's Men's Room
On June 11, 2007, U.S. Senator Larry Craig of Idaho was arrested for lewd conduct in a men's restroom at theMinneapolis — St. Paul International Airport (MSP).

According to the police report, there had been a pattern of complaints about sexual activity in this specific men's restroom. Surprisingly, it is not off in an obscure corner of the airport. It is just off the central concourse in the very busiest area of the entire airport.

A police officer sat in a bathroom stall while a detective waited outside in the concourse area.

After waiting about 13 minutes, the police officer observed Craig lingering outside his stall and frequently peeking through the crack of the stall door.

Craig then entered the stall to the officer's left. The police officer recorded the following observations in his report of the incident:

Mug shot of U.S. Senator Larry Craig (R-ID).

At 1216 hours, Craig tapped his right foot. I recognized this as a signal used by persons wishing to engage in lewd conduct. Craig tapped his toes several times and moved his foot closer to my foot. [...] The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right foot so that it touched the side of my left foot which was within my stall area.

At 1217 hours, I saw Craig swipe his hand under the stall divider for a few seconds. The swipe went in the direction from the front (door side) of the stall back towards the back wall. His palm was facing towards the ceiling as he guided it all [along] the stall divider. I was only able to see the tips of his fingers on my side of the stall divider. Craig swiped his hand again for a few seconds in the same motion to where I could see more of his fingers. Craig then swiped his hand in the same motion a third time for a few seconds. I could see that it was Craig's left hand due to the position of his thumb. I would also see Craig had a gold ring on his ring finger as his hand was on my side of the stall divider.

At about 1219 hours, I held my Police identification in my right hand down by the floor so that Craig could see it. With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit. Craig responded, "No!" I again pointed towards the exit. Craig exited the stall with his roller bags without flushing the toilet. Without causing a disturbance, I discretely motioned for Craig to exit the bathroom.

The police escorted Craig from the restroom to the airport police station and interviewed him. After Craig flashed a business card identifying him as a U.S. Senator, to no avail, he was asked first about the foot signaling. Sergeant Dave Karsnia's arrest report says, "Craig stated ... He has a wide stance when going to the bathroom and that his foot may have touched mine." Sgt. Karsnia asked: "Did you do anything with your feet?", and Craig replied: "Positioned them, I don't know. I don't know at the time. I'm a fairly wide guy."
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL

I don't think there's any question that Obama got into Columbia and Harvard because he was black, Nat. Anyone claiming otherwise is being ridiculous! That isn't "racist"...that's reality!
Like Rachel Maddow had them? :blowup:
and obama had to show his birth certificate and the vile trump didn't have to show his taxes?

The vile Trump? Is that what you're calling Trump these days? So tell me how that worked out for Rachel Maddow when she did the big "reveal" on The Donald's tax returns, Eddie!
yes vile and I'm being kind I just call em like I see em....and you call trump what??Misunderstood after assaulting women his whole life, 3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits 4 or 5 bankrupt companies etc etc

Who assaulted women more...Donald Trump or Slick Willie Clinton? Funny how treating women like sexual objects was never a problem with you folks on the left until you went after Trump for doing far less than Bill Clinton did on a regular basis!
and bragging about it is ok?? and BFD because Bill was a jackass that means it's ok for trump ?? You republicans are AH's

Going back twenty years ago to use a private conversation as "pro on farce, Eddie! That it was the Clinton's who had the chutzpah to play that card was what was really amazing! Their treatment of women over the years was downright disgusting.
I don't think there's any question that Obama got into Columbia and Harvard because he was black, Nat. Anyone claiming otherwise is being ridiculous! That isn't "racist"...that's reality!

Well, maybe it's racist reality.........LOL
Last edited:
Nothing in your post counter, or even addressed his point.

What you tacit racists want to know about Obama's college career, is IF he used his half-black race to enter Columbia and Harvard.....

If that is NOT racist, then request of your right wing congress to change the 1974 law and DEMAND that Obama's college entrance application and transcripts be released......................Otherwise, fuck you !!!!...........LOL

I don't think there's any question that Obama got into Columbia and Harvard because he was black, Nat. Anyone claiming otherwise is being ridiculous! That isn't "racist"...that's reality!
And Dump getting into U of Penn ?? like gwb bought and paid for,,,,,,and did he show HIS grades ??
I don't think there's any question that Obama got into Columbia and Harvard because he was black, Nat. Anyone claiming otherwise is being ridiculous! That isn't "racist"...that's reality!

Well, maybe it's racist reality.........LOL

Barack Obama's a big boy, Nat! He can stand a little criticism about his shortcomings without all of his supporters screaming "RACIST" every time he's seen as less than perfect! When you play that card too many times it loses it's effectiveness.

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