Amnesty Int'l to USA: No "Life" for under 18. Only Somalia does too. Pub 3rd world?

Life without parole is bs for under 18. But thanks for the black helicopter update, brainwashed xenophobe ignorant Ugly '

I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence for your claim that liberals have IQs 10 points higher then conservatives.:link::popcorn:

No hes confused again. He was trying to say liberals only have an IQ of ten.

He hopes to be there soon.

It'l be a cold day in hell when he gets up to an IQ of ten.
We liberals educate you, now we have to google for you- a well known fact, grasshoppers...

Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? | Young ...
Dec 10, 2010 ... The notion that liberals are smarter than conservatives is familiar to ... are on
average 10 IQ points higher than their conservative counterparts. ... - Cached - SimilarStudy Shows Liberals, Atheists, And Monogamous Have Higher IQ's
Study Shows Liberals, Atheists, And Monogamous Have Higher IQ's ... as being "
very conservative" had an average IQ of 95 during adolescence. ... with those
valuing male exclusivity scoring higher on the IQ tests than the males .... I think
the final point is that intelligence (IQ) alone cannot shield one from .... Mar 10,
2010 ... - Cached - Similar

google liberals are smarter fcs, beside having developed personalities LOL
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

Soooo, because they are poor it's OK for them to murder people? Dude, you're one fucked up individual.

Poverty causes crime, shyttehead dupe. Saying children should not be given life without parole doesn't mean that...Jeebus dupes are dumb.
Seriously, you know who the career criminals are going to be by the time they are 10.

Charlie Manson was in the klink since he was a tween. And some idiot like you kept letting him out...
We liberals educate you, now we have to google for you- a well known fact, grasshoppers...

Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives? | Young ...
Dec 10, 2010 ... The notion that liberals are smarter than conservatives is familiar to ... are on
average 10 IQ points higher than their conservative counterparts. ... - Cached - SimilarStudy Shows Liberals, Atheists, And Monogamous Have Higher IQ's
Study Shows Liberals, Atheists, And Monogamous Have Higher IQ's ... as being "
very conservative" had an average IQ of 95 during adolescence. ... with those
valuing male exclusivity scoring higher on the IQ tests than the males .... I think
the final point is that intelligence (IQ) alone cannot shield one from .... Mar 10,
2010 ... - Cached - Similar

google liberals are smarter fcs, beside having developed personalities LOL

This is what your link leads to. Boy you are really, really dumb if you think that this qualifies as a peer reviewed paper supporting your particualr bit of idiocy. But then you ARE an idiot so I guess it figures.

Search results

Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?
... below to let me explain: The notion that liberals are smarter than conservatives is familiar to anyone who has spent time on a ... incorrectly attributes the word "liberal" in a British study to mean the Social Liberalism most here in the US attribute to the belief ...

Post - James Touhey - 12/10/10 - 1 comment
New Paper Suggests Self-Described Progressives Are Economically Illiterate
... and assume anyone who won't partake in your infantile study stupid. This is by far an objective study, and is full of ... Statistical analysis All studies in the social sciences are commissioned to make some political point. Truth has nothing to do ...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

Soooo, because they are poor it's OK for them to murder people? Dude, you're one fucked up individual.

Poverty causes crime, shyttehead dupe. Saying children should not be given life without parole doesn't mean that...Jeebus dupes are dumb.

I believe you classify as an Epsilon Semi Moron. Look it up.
US must stop jailing minors for life, says Amnesty. Amnesty says severe sentences for young offenders often do not take account of mitigating factors Amnesty International has called for the US to stop sentencing juveniles to life in prison without parole.

More than 2,500 adults are in US jails for crimes committed as a child - under current rules they will never be freed.

In its new report, Amnesty says the practice is incompatible with the basic principles of juvenile justice.

The US and Somalia are the only two countries not to have ratified a UN convention that bans life in jail without parole for under-18 year olds.

'Potential for rehabilitation'

Amnesty says offenders as young as 11 have faced such sentences in the US.

"In the USA, people under 18 years old cannot vote, buy alcohol, lottery tickets or consent to most forms of medical treatment," said Natacha Mension, of the human rights group.

Continue reading the main story
Christi Cheramie was jailed for life without parole in 1994 in Louisiana when she was 16 years old. She was convicted of second-degree murder in the killing of her 18-year-old fiance's great aunt. Cheramie says he did it.

She says she pleaded guilty just before her trial in an adult court began to avert a potential death sentence. A psychiatrist who saw Cheramie before trial said she seemed "fearful of crossing" her fiance. Her childhood was marked by sexual abuse. At age 13, she was admitted to a psychiatric clinic after suicide attempts.

In 2001, Cheramie tried to withdraw her guilty plea, but the request was denied. Now 33, she has a high-school equivalency diploma and a degree in agricultural studies. A warden says Cheramie is "worthy of a second chance". She is applying to the state prison board for executive clemency.
"But they can be sentenced to die in prison for their actions. This needs to change."

More than half of US states have approved the use of mandatory life sentences without parole for some serious crimes, such as murder.

The US Supreme Court has already acted on some aspects of youth sentencing - and a review is underway.

In May last year it banned sentences of life without parole for minors in non-murder cases.

Earlier this month, it agreed to consider the issue in relation to homicide cases, too; a decision is not expected until next year.

Amnesty's report, This is where I'm going to be when I die, says such sentences are handed down without considering factors such as history of abuse or mental health.

"We are not excusing crimes committed by children or minimizing their consequences, but the simple reality is that these sentences ignore the special potential for rehabilitation and change that young offenders have," said Ms Mension.

Amnesty wants the US to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has been in force for two decades.

It prohibits the imposition of life imprisonment without the possibility of release for any offence committed by under-18-year-olds.

BBC News - US must stop jailing minors for life, says Amnesty

I'm tired of over enthusiastic prosecution, draconian punishments, and horrible defense lawyers, etc.

New Guinea is the other country without Parental Leave...Thanks Elitist megarich pubs, and of course the brainwashed dupes....
Tell that to the victims of the juveniles crimes. Amnesty int'l. needs to go away.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

Soooo, because they are poor it's OK for them to murder people? Dude, you're one fucked up individual.

Poverty causes crime, shyttehead dupe. Saying children should not be given life without parole doesn't mean that...Jeebus dupes are dumb.

Bullshit. Lack of respect for the law and other people's property you dumbass.
Save the bloated rich, blame the victims, lock up the children without chance of parole. Pub dupes!! The GOP is a disgrce and you morons too lol. Change the channel. God will not be amused.

The victims are those that were robbed, raped and killed not the teens committing the crime. These teens know exactly what they are doing and its just to bad the death penalty doesn't apply for them. Most of them think because they are under age they are immune from prosecution. I'm happy to see thats changing.

I guess the real victims escaped your notice?

Why yes it did. You and your faux outrage are laughable.

You may be one of the enlitened liberals but your one dumb MF.
Oh so the victims of these teen killers are all bloated rich who had it coming! I get it.

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